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My world just got turned upside down. Literally. I hold my dress against me to the best of my ability as I hang from the ceiling, my feet suspended above me. Thick ropes encircle my ankles as I try and stay as still as possible. If I move or try and escape it will leave bruises, possibly even break the skin there. Some of the other girls are not being as sensible as I am in this situation. Their screams and yells for help are ignored, their bodies thrashing around in an attempt to free themselves. I watch as blood starts to trail down their legs and to the floor below us, their struggling making things worse.

I'm not sure why I'm not trying to escape as well. I am freaking out on the inside. I don't want to die, I don't want to be here at all. Then again, there is nothing I can do about it, so why struggle if that will only kill you faster? There is also something bothering me. When The Seven left us here, I didn't hear the door close. We didn't see them leave because they have us all facing the back wall. What if they never left? What if they are watching us?

My breath freezes in my chest, my eyes widening at my realization. I slowly turn my head to look behind me, my lip captured between my teeth in my nervousness. I continue to turn my head at a painstakingly slow rate, my back rigid in my fear. What if I'm right? What if they are all standing behind us at this very moment? My eyes widen as they fall upon The Seven. My eyes immediately lock with the tallest one, his smirk sending chills down my spine. I blink and he's gone, my mouth opening in obvious discomfort and shock. Where did he go? He was just there.

I turn around before any of the others notice that I am looking at them, letting out a breath of air as soon as I do so. The pressure that has built up in my head due to the blood rushing to it loosens slightly. I close my eyes and sag slightly against the ropes, momentarily letting them hold all of my weight. There is suddenly a sense of calm that washes over me, the feeling soothing in this time of stress. I smile slightly as I open my eyes, not sure why I am feeling this way.

My mouth opens in a silent scream, a pair of vibrant blue eyes staring into mine. His smirks grows wider at me seeing him , a single cheek dimple appearing first on his left side and then the other. My eyes glance up at my legs, watching as he trails his hands lightly over my skin. I can tell that the fuzzy feeling is coming from him by the way my body is tingling from his touch. I don't like this feeling anymore. I don't like the fact that he is using his powers to control my mind and emotions.

"Well aren't you an observant one?" He whispers softly, his breath fanning my face. He is standing so close to me that I can feel his lips brush against mine when he speaks. I shiver at his low voice, the sound eery yet surprisingly soothing to my ears. His eyes seem to stare into my soul, all my secrets out in the open for him to read. I yell in shock as I start to fall, the ropes being severed from above me. His arms are warm as he holds me against his firm chest, his amused chuckle causing vibrations to travel throughout my body. My hands clutch onto the collar of his dress shirt, no doubt wrinkling the fabric. He takes no heed, walking with steady footsteps out of the room.

The walk is silent, the only sounds being his footsteps and my fast breathing. My eyes don't leave his face as he continues to carry my down the dimly-lit hallway. His face is statuesque, his jaw line an facial structure appearing as if carved out of the finest marble. He catches me admiring his dark beauty, and amused look in his eye.

"What is your name?"

I swallow nervously as I answer him, my eyes now downcast.


"(Y/N). That's a nice name."

Something about the way my name rolls off his tongue throws me off. It wasn't nice or pleasant in any way. His tone suggested that I was just his plaything, his possession. In a way, I am.

"My name is Namjoon. Congratulations for surviving the first night without getting hurt, it's rather impressive actually."

I am left to puzzle over what Namjoon said as he walks into a dark room. I can't see anything around me, but I can feel it when I am placed down on a soft bed with a thick comforter. The door closes behind me, the lock turning noisily afterwards. That's when the screaming starts.

I cover my ears in terror at the loud wailing sounds. The girls sound as if they are being torn apart. The high pitched frequencies are enough to make my ears ring. This continues for hours and hours, their voices never ceasing. I can't fall asleep, kept up by the wails of misery and torment. I don't sleep even after the screams stop, too horrified to close my eyes. Sobs wrack my exhausted body, the salty tears streaming down my cheeks in rivers of sorrow and self pity. Why?

Oh God why?

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