The discovery

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I stare up at Taehyung as he stares down at me, different emotions and feelings swarming around in my stomach just from the look in his eyes.

They have changed. I don't know when they did, or why, but his blue eyes that I have been fascinated with since the first day I saw him have changed. When I first looked into them they were blank. It was as if he had been blocking out any emotion that tried to wedge itself inside of his heart, his guard always up. Now, as I stare at the beautiful man sitting next to me, his eyes swim with a plethora of emotions that I find myself wanting to gaze at forever.

"Why do I feel this way when I'm around you?" he asks, voicing my thoughts aloud. "How did you change me this much?"

I can't answer. It's not that I don't want to, I just don't know what to say. I don't know how we came to be this drawn to each other. I keep telling myself to keep my distance, to not fall for this man because of all that he has done to me.

He has shown me pain that I have never experienced before, his words almost as hurtful as his actions. But he has also shown me an attraction that I have never felt before. I can't help but feel drawn to him like a moth to a flame, but I'm not sure whether that same flame will simply make me feel warm and secure or burn me beyond recognition.

"I want to trust you, Tae" I whisper as his face grows closer to mine, my breathing shallow as I look into his hooded eyes. His eyes do the same before flickering down to look at my lips, my own parting at the attention that is suddenly on them.

"You can't" he says back, his eyebrows creased as he grows even closer. "How can you trust me when I don't even trust myself?"

His words don't match his actions. His hands feel soft as they encompass both sides of my face, filling me with such a strong sense of security and care that it takes my breath away. Everything about his body language and actions is making me want to trust him, which is why I close the small distance that was between us by softly placing my lips against his.

This is different than any of the other kisses that we have ever shared before. The ones prior to this had been rushed and full of lust and a desperation to feel something; anything. This one is soft and gentle, our lips pressed lightly together as my head tilts slightly to the right, my hands resting on his shoulders.

I can feel my heart as it pounds against my rib cage. It's beating so loudly that I wouldn't be surprised if Taehyung is able to hear it as well. He pulls away before the kiss can go beyond the gentle peck that it was, his forehead against mine as our breath mixes. I open my eyes to find his still closed, a frown on his face as he keeps our noses brushing against each other's, his thumb caressing the side of my cheek.

"I can't get it out of my head" he says breathily, the distress in his voice making my heart ache for him. His jaw clenches and he seems to be having an internal conversation with himself as well as an external one, his hands moving down to rest on my shoulders. "James put his hands all over you, touched you, and it's driving me insane."

He suddenly stands up, his hands in his hair as he does so. I'm quick to follow, confused and a little nervous about what he is going to do. When he walks out of my room and into the hallway I can't help but follow with quick steps, grabbing onto the back of his shirt as he makes twists and turns down the empty hallway. It echoes with each of our footfalls as he leads me down a hall that I have never been in before, him stopping before a dark door.

"Stay out here and don't come inside" he says as he stares at the door in front of him, making me shake my head in slight confusion.

"But what if-?" his lips cut off whatever it was I was going to say, the sudden contact making me momentarily dazed. He smiles softly at me before opening the door without knocking, leaving me outside to peer in through the small crack that was left when he hastily tried to close it behind him.

"Ah, Taehyung. I thought you would come to see me eventually" James says with his sickening voice, him sitting on the bed inside. This must be his room, a disgusting simper on his face as he stands and faces Taehyung with his hands behind his back.

"What did you do to (Y/N)?" Tae asks in a gruff voice, it lowering even more than it usually does. A shiver runs down my spine at how frightening he sounds, even James taking a step back at how threatening he had sounded.

"She didn't tell you?" he chuckles when Taehyung doesn't say anything, his confidence returning. "I mean, I wouldn't have either if I were her. She was probably scared about how you would react to hearing that she fucked your brother."

I bristle with anger and almost have half a mind to go in there and say something, but Taehyung told me not to. My hands ball into fists at my sides as my anger surges, it almost impossible to stand still.

"I know she wouldn't do something like that" is Tae's reply, him taking another step towards his brother.

"She has this cute little birthmark on her lower back" James says as he looks up at the ceiling as if lost in thought. His head stays tilted up as his eyes turn to look mockingly at a livid Taehyung, his smirk returning. "I know you've seen it before."

"You-" he stops, his hands relaxing as he thinks. I can almost see it when he pieces everything together in his head, him stalking towards James with his fists raised.

"You fucking bastard!" he yells as his fists connects with his face, sending James hurtling backwards. Taehyung's hands grab his shirt before he has a chance to fall down, pushing his back into the far wall. I gasp as a groan escapes James' lips as his head hits it, cracks appearing behind him in the drywall.

"What is it?" he groans out through the pain, still bent on taunting his brother. When he smiles his teeth are red from his own blood, the sight making me cringe yet feel satisfied at the same time.

"You're fucking disgusting" Taehyung grinds out between his teeth, his hold tightening around James' shirt so much that his knuckles turn white.

"You so much as look in her direction again and I'll kill you."

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