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A/N: I am literally having such bad anxiety right now and I have no clue why. Its my one day off from work this week and literally NONE of the stories that I am reading in my library have been updated. I feel as if I will suffocate from boredom if I don't do something, so here y'all go 

Author's pov 

The room is silent, the three friends not even breathing as they watch the girl walk into their supposedly secret room. Its pretty obvious that she is a decedent of lust, her gate seductive as well as confident. Like Jimin, she has a face that appears to be sculptured by the God's, her long hair resting on her shoulders as her dress exposes her voluptuous body.

"W-what are you doing here?" Jungkook asks, his whole body shaking from the anger that is coursing though him. He doesn't know what else to do in this situation, the only way he can defend himself from her charms being for him to turn on his powers of wrath and destruction. He's scared for both Jimin and (Y/N) though, it obviously harder for the two of them.

"I came here for my toy" she says in her sickeningly sweet voice, the high pitch of it causing them all to shudder in slight repulsion. Jimin seems to shrink in on himself in fear, his confident attitude disappearing the moment she sets her eyes on him.

"Look, whatever you name is" (Y/N) says with a sigh, her hand on her hip. "I don't know who you think you are, but Jimin isn't a toy. Go play somewhere else."

"Rude much?" the girl asks with a frown on her painted lips, looking (Y/N) up and down. She can tell that something is off about (Y/N) right away, picking up on the way that she looks. 

Unlike herself, (Y/N) has a natural sort of beauty to her. Jimin's sister only got more beautiful when her mom married Jimin's dad, but (Y/N)'s appearance doesn't seem to be altered at all. It's like she was given her almost supernatural beauty the day the she was born, her showing no signs of tampering or artificialness. No mere human looks that way, (Y/N) seeming to radiate power and poise as she stands up for herself and her friends.

"And since you don't seem to already know, my name is-"

A/N: Hi. My name is (what?) My name is (who?) My name is Slim shady.....sorry, continue

"I didn't ask."

She clamps her mouth shut as (Y/N) cuts her off, silently fuming in anger. She has never been so pissed off in her life, her not believe that this girl thinks that she can come and try and boss her around. She is so used to Jimin doing everything that she says without question, the rebellion of this new girl driving her insane.

She scoffs, "you know, I came here for Jimin, but I might as well play with you too." She walks slowly in (Y/N)'s direction, eyeing the girl as she stands perfectly still. "I don't usually use my powers on girls, but I can't stand listening to an ignorant brat like you talk anymore."

(Y/N) is terrified. She doesn't want to be controlled anymore. Having Jmiin boss her around was bad enough, her just now able to get past what he had done to her. If this girl can control Jimin, what's going to happen to her? She could hardly keep conscious when it was Jimin using his powers on her. If this girl really is stronger than Jimin is when it comes to manipulation, how is her mind supposed to handle that?

"D-don't touch her."

Jimin's voice shakes as he moves to stand in front of (Y/N), a defiant look on his face despite how shaken up he really is. He hates the girl standing in front of him. He hates that she changed him into who he is now, his fists clenched in anger at his sides. He can't let her touch (Y/N) though. He can't let his sister do to her what she has done to him.

(Y/N)'s eyes are wide in shock as she stares at Jimin, a strange feeling stirring in her chest. She is oddly touched that he would sacrifice himself like that, especially considering his relationship with the wicked female standing in front of him. She can't let him do this though. She has to think of something.

"What happened to you ChimChim? I've never seen you defend a girl before" she says with a fake pout on her lips, walking towards the pair as they stand by the counter. Jimin visibly shakes the closer that she gets to him, his eyes clearly showing how much she frightens him senseless. She smirks when she sees the look of helplessness glowing in his eyes, raising her hand to as if to stroke his face lovingly.

She suddenly stops, her hand frozen in place as another one wraps around her wrist. She looks up in shock at how tightly she is being held despite her waves of power compelling the person to let go of her, suddenly not feeling as confident as she was before.

"Don't. Touch. Him" (Y/N) says lowly, her eyes glaring daggers into the older girl's. Jimin's sister is at a loss for words at what she sees in (Y/N)'s eyes, her powers astonishing her. She has never met someone who could withstand the temptation of her gift, her body trembling as (Y/N) bares down on her. She seems to cower under the girl's fiery eyes, her hold on her wrist beginning to get unbearably tight.

That's when it starts to burn. The heat coming from her hand seems to match the heat coming form her eyes, a strangled scream escaping her mouth as she tries to get away from the livid girl standing in front of her. It doesn't work, (Y/N)'s hold on her tightening to the point that she can feel the girl's bones splintering beneath her fingers, the room filling with her pathetic yells for help. 

"I suggest you leave all of us alone" (Y/N) says in a quiet whisper, the threatening words sounding almost cheerful coming from her mouth. The threat behind them is more than obvious though, Jimin's sister's eyes filling with tears from the pain and the fear that is coursing through her for the first time in years. She quickly nods her head and gasps in relief as (Y/N) drops her, her knees hitting the ground as she cradles her injured arm in her hand.

The room is silent once more as she gets up and runs away, her departure unnoticed by the three stunned individuals. Jimin and Jungkook stare at (Y/N) in fear as well as in wonder, not sure what came over her in that moment. (Y/N) stares at her left hand in complete shock as the sound of the kitchen door closing reaches her ears, not sure what came over her and why.

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