Feelings of envy

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"I don't know what to say" I whisper pathetically as I watch him try and compose himself. He shakes his head as he wipes at his eyes with the back of his hand, sniffling slightly as well.

"I don't expect you to forgive me because I haven't forgiven her yet" he says lowly, glancing at me before glancing away right after. "I just waned you to know how sorry I am, especially since she will be staying here for a while."

"She's what?" I ask incredulously, leaning towards him in shock. After everything he said about her, how could he allow her to stay here?

"Its not my choice" he says sadly, a frown on his face. "My dad sent her here for the dance, which was why I was roaming the halls last night instead of dancing. He wants her to stay here while him and my step mom complete some important work."

"B-but Jimin, what if she does something to you again?"

I can't help but feel bad for him. I now know that he was only doing those things because that was all he had known to do, no having any serious real models besides his awful step sister. I shudder as I imagine her taking advantage of such a young boy. I may not forgive him completely for what he did, but I can understand him. If I was that young and being taken advantage of like that, I wouldn't know right from wrong either.

"I don't care if she does take advantage of me. I deserve it."

"You're wrong" I say firmly, watching as he looks up at me in confusion. 

"You may have done horrible things to girls in the past, but that was only because you didn't know any better. I don't forgive you for what you did to me, but wishing the same thing on someone else is unthinkable. No one deserves to be treated like that."

"Th-thanks" he mouths as his eyes begin to water again, the raw emotion on his face causing me to look away before I start crying as well. I never thought that I would feel this way towards Jimin, a surge of protectiveness making me want to make sure that his sister never touches him again. When he isn't being controlled by his powers he is a really insecure, soft-spoken guy.

"W-what are we going to do about her then?" I ask nervously, not liking the way that things are looking. I don't want her to touch Jimin. I don't want her to touch Jungkook either, the thought of her taking advantage of either one of them making me nervous.

"Don't worry, she usually goes after Taehyung, but Tae doesn't get manipulated by lust" Jimin says as he wipes at his eyes again. He sees my look of confusion before chuckling slightly, sitting up straighter as he explains.

"Tae is different from us. His own dad is the Deadly Sin on Envy, so his powers are heightened. He isn't affected by artificial lust because his powers are too similar, although he never uses his powers on other people."

"Envy?" I ask in shock, not really understanding what he is talking about. "How come I've never seen him act like that then?"

"What are you talking about?" Jimin asks with a small laugh. "He's like that all of the time."

"When you first came on stage for the choosing Jungkook said that he wanted to choose you. Tae immediately told Jin that he wanted you instead.

When I......you know......he didn't like the fact that I could control you so he told me to stop messing with you.

When Jungkook started getting close to you he had half a mind to tell him to stay away from you. Jungkook didn't like that of course. He got so mad that he had to be moved outside because Jin was afraid that he would actually try and kill Taehyung if his powers took over his emotions.

When he saw the two of us in the hall he told me off and said that you were his property, and that I was not to touch you anymore."

"There is a drawback though" Jimin continues, his eyes growing sad. "Being envious takes away people's ability to be happy. They are so focused on wanting to have what other people have that they forget about themselves. Its harder for them to appreciate what they already have because they always want more, which is why Taehyuung never really shows his emotions around anyone a more."

"He has a strange obsession with you all because he envies everyone else. He envied the relationship that you and that girl Chan had, so he told us to keep you separate from the other girls. I don't know why, but you seem to be the first girl he has acted this way around. Heck, he let you take away his virginity."

He what? My eyes widen as I stare at Jimin in absolute shock, not wanting to believe what was just said. Taehyung was a virgin before he had sex with me? But it seemed like he knew exactly what he was doing.

All of this time I thought that he was just being rude because he hated me. Now I know that he is just emotionally distant from everyone else. He can't show how he really feels because his mind is filled with self-doubt and want.

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