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I continue to try and pull my arm from Taehyung's grasp as he pulls me down the empty hallway, planting my feet only to have him practically drag me.

I have no idea what came over him. After he had threatened me, he had gotten this almost insane look in his eyes before he had scanned my body over from top to bottom. I had grown nervous when he had smirked at me, showing me the closest thing to a smile that I have seen him portray on his face since I've known him. He had then latched onto my arm, pulling me in this random direction.

"T-Taehyung! Where are we going?" I yell as we continue on our way, watching as numerous paintings move by us in a blur. He doesn't answer me, continuing to force my feet to move although it is obvious that I don't want to follow him.

I'm still very wary of him. Ever since he claimed me as "his" and gave me the dream serum, I have been having very mixed emotions about the demon who is currently dragging me to some unknown location.

I'm absolutely terrified of him, that's for sure. The things that he tortured me with have left me with emotional and physical scars that I am not sure will ever heal. He doesn't believe me at all when I say that I have no idea what I am, and I am incredibly scared that he will take it too far one day.

On the other hand, I can't help but feel a small pull towards him. I could tell that he didn't want to hurt me at the time, his eyes showing his regret. He seems to be hiding all of emotions away from everyone, always keeping his blank face on. I have no idea as to why he might be doing that, but it is creepy as well as a little bit intriguing.

We finally stop in front of an off white door, my eyes wide as I watch Taehyung dig around in his front pocket for a key to the lock. It looks rather old, the handle rusted while the top part curves into an intricate design. He twists his hand and I hear the mechanic click of the lock being opened, the door swinging open soon after that.

I don't know what it is with these guys and taking me to their rooms, but here I am, being pulled into yet another one. This one is almost the same as Jungkook's room with black being the predominant color. The bed sheets are a dark, midnight blue that is almost the same color as the black comforter on top of it, grey pillows at the head of the bed.

I grow small and cautious when I watch Taehyung close the door behind him, his back pressed against it as he stares me down. His look totally changed from blank to critical, his eyes making me feel as if he is judging me from head to toe. I can feel the hairs on my arms stand up as the very corner of his mouth turns up slightly, it showing his amusement.

"You know, I don't really see why Jimin seems to like you so much. Maybe it's the fact that the other girls he has fucked with in the past haven't actually been able to get him off."

I can feel my cheeks turning red at his vulgar words, crossing my arms over my chest as I remember what Jimin had said when we had slept together. He had seemed surprised at the pleasure he was feeling, and even made a comment about it to the guys the next day. Is it because of what I may be? Is it because I'm not human?

"Then why are you doing this?" I ask in a whisper as he steps towards me, my heart thudding quickly in my chest. The smirk on his face grows as he gets closer and closer to my frozen form, his eyes filling with a new emotion of want.

"Because" he says slowly, the raspiness of his low voice causing me to shiver. He finally gets to where I am standing and pulls me closer to him by my shoulders, his breath fanning against the sensitive skin of my ear. "He seems to want you, which makes me want you for myself."

My mouth parts as his fingers trail over the exposed skin on my arms, his touch sending sparks shooting through my body. I don't know what I am feeling, but I can't help but think back to when he kissed me before.

When he had given me the serum, he had kissed me, making me feel things that I have never experienced before. He had made me feel warm, electricity seeming to flow through my body. I had hated him, yet I felt as if I needed him.

"He seems to think that he has you."

A sigh leaves my mouth as his lips press against the spot right below my ear, my body reacting to him even though I want to pull away.

"I don't like the way he plays with you."

His lips move down the slope of my neck at a tantalizingly slow pace, my eyes clenching shut at the feeling.

"I don't like the way you seem to enjoy it."

He stops his slow decent to widen his lips a little more, the warm tip of his tongue making contact with the skin there.

"I'm envious of that" he whispers, his hands pulling me closer to his firm chest.

"I want you to be mine, and no one else's."

He sucks on the sensitive part of my collar bone, causing a mewl of a moan to escape from my parted lips. Something about the way he is touching me is making it impossible for me to pull away. I don't feel the way I felt when it was Jimin touching me, not feeling as if I can't control my actions. Taehyung makes me feel as if I'm meant to be there with him. His touch is making me melt into him, it as if my body recognizes that it wants and trusts him even though my brain doesn't.

He suddenly pulls away from me, making me feel sort of empty. I hate the way I can't look away from him as my hand reaches up to feel where he had left his mark, something not letting me. He seems to be feeling the same way, a slight frown of confusion on his face as he stares at me. I watch as he shakes his head as if to clear his mind before he turns around, walking back towards his door.

"That's why I'm doing this" he says with his back still towards me, his hand resting on the door handle. "To make you realize that I want you to be my property, and I always get what I want."

Then he walks away, leaving me standing frozen in front of his bed. I stare out the open door even after he has disappeared from my sight, my mind spinning dizzyingly at what he just said.

Something shiny catches my eye, causing me to blink and focus on the wall that is now exposed to me. There is a mirror hanging up at my face level, displaying my short, dark hair, and the star struck look on my face. I step towards it as I spot the mark that Taehyung made, my hand flying up to touch it once more.

It is directly over the hickey that Jimin left, the two bruises blending together to form a bigger one. It's like he was trying to cover it up, making it look as if there is only one mark there; his. I bite my lip as I think about what he said again, getting goosebumps at how serious he had looked when he had said it.

"To make you realize that I want you to be my property, and I always get what I want."

Is he just trying to mess with my head again, or does he actually mean it?

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