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God, I hope this works I think to myself as I pull him closer to me, his arms still hanging suspended in the air in his apparent shock.

I start to grow nervous and disheartened when he doesn't respond to the kiss, my hands leaving his as his lips remain motionless against my own. What if it didn't work? What if I was wrong?

He suddenly pulls me against his chest and my eyes widen, it now my turn to be still as butterflies erupt in my stomach and make my cheeks heat up. His hands rest on my hips and pull me almost impossibly closer to his flushed body, my eyes slowly closing when I realize that I have done it.

We break away from the kiss and he keeps our faces close together, resting his forehead against mine as I try my hardest to catch my breath. I look up into his eyes as he smiles softly at me, his hand coming up to move some of my hair out of my face.

"Thank you" he whispers before his eyes close and he collapses, me barely managing to slow down his decent as he lands on the floor.

He must have been fighting against the spell the whole time, him now physically and mentally exhausted now that he's finally free. I look down at his tired face before turning around to face Sandra, trying to ignore the stinging pain on my chest as my necklace grows hotter against my skin.

"You fucking bitch" she spits out with a scowl on her otherwise perfect face, taking a step towards me as I do the same. I can see her hands clenched angrily at her side as I move towards her, one of them reaching behind her as she fumbles with something sitting on his bedside table.

"I had him right where I wanted him! Why do you always seem to ruin everything?"

"He wasn't yours to have" I say levelheadedly despite the rage that is threatening to consume me.

I have never felt like this before, my body practically shaking as I walk towards her. I can literally feel it as my skin heats up to match the temperature of the necklace around my neck, feeling as if I am burning up. The anger I am feeling makes it hard to think straight, my breath shaky as I try and make sense of why I am acting this way.

"No matter" she says with a smirk, displaying what she is holding in her hand. "I'll just have to get Taehyung back under my spell and kill you so that you can't interfere anymore."

That's when she strikes, moving with a speed that I did not expect. I swerve out of the way just in time, feeling something cut into the skin of my shoulder as it tears through my shirt. I yell in pain as the spot begins to burn, tears forming in my eyes as I glare at the dagger clenched in her fist. I recognize it immediately as the same dagger Taehyung had used when he tortured me, it feeling as if my skin is being pricked by a thousand knives instead of just the one.

She is too fast, her racing towards me and grabbing onto my hair before I even have a chance to make a run for it, her sadistic laughter reaching my ears as she pulls my head up and smiles down at me.

She suddenly grunts in surprise, letting go of my hair and pushing me down to the floor below me. I hiss at the pain that jars me for a second before standing back up again, wondering why she had let me go. What is see makes me freeze, it as if the world had stopped and started crumbling around me.

I watch as Sandra thrusts the dagger into Chan's stomach, her eyes wide as she makes eye contact with me. The small smile on her face almost breaks me as she drops to the floor, her hands holding onto the wound as her blood starts to stain the carpets.

I finally snap. All of the emotions that I had been holding in suddenly coming out as a strangled yell leaves my lips. Everything flashes before my eyes, Taehyung sleeping with me and then calling me names, Jimin using me for his own pleasure before spilling that he hadn't known any better, my mom telling me just how different I am than I had originally thought, Taehyung getting cast under Sandra's spell, and now Chan choking on her own blood after trying to save me. The emotions I had been trying to suppress seem to be coming back, threatening to bring me to my knees unless I unleash them.

All of this builds up before I can't take it anymore, the heat in my necklace turning almost unbearable before it shatters into a million pieces and I'm left with only one emotion; wrath.

All I can see is red as I turn towards Sandra, grabbing her by the neck and bringing her closer to me. The strength from my powers seem to have come back when the necklace broke, but I don't really focus on that. My hands glow with an ominous red light as I close my hand around her neck and watch with pleasure as she gasps for breath until she can't anymore, her body now hanging limp in my hold. The sound of her neck breaking as my hold tightens even more fills the room and I throw her to the side, falling to the ground beside Chan as my tears fall to the ground.

"I'm sorry" I choke out, placing my hands over hers as they rest on her bleeding wound. "I'm so sorry!"

After everything I had said, I couldn't keep her safe. Why did she have to try and save me? How could she be so selfless, throwing herself in harms way even though she knew that she was no match against a demon? I had promised her that I would get her out of here. I promised I would take her home, and now that promise is broken.

The door bursts open and six panting guys make their way into the room, them taking in the sight around them as Yoongi steps forward with a sigh.

"Why does everything happen in Taehyung's room?"

I glare at him and he takes a step back, his eyes wandering over my crying from as I protectively hunch over Chan's body. My sobs don't let up, my heart aching as the room is filled with them.



"Chan?!?" I yell, immediately removing my hands from hers as she sits up and rubs at her eyes with her bloodstained hands. I look down at the gash she had only to find it gone, the only evidence that it had been there before being the dark blood that is now staining her clothes.

I look down at my hands in awe, watching them as they continue to glow, but not with the red light they had when I had been angry. They are now glowing a soft pink, almost purple color, the light ebbing until it is fully extinguished.

I stand up and help the poor girl off the floor, using one of my hands to wipe at the tears that are still falling from my eyes. I don't care that the blood on my hands is now on my face as I walk up to Namjoon, grabbing hold of his shirt as he looks down at me with wide, almost fearful, eyes.

"I don't care about what you think anymore" I whisper harshly, daring him to object with my eyes as I glare at him.

"I'm taking her home."

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