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I can't move. My muscles seem to be temporarily frozen as I think about what I'm supposed to say, my eyes wide as I stare at the livid male standing in front of me.

"W-what do you m-mean?" I ask quietly, although I know fully well what he is talking about. The hickey that Jimin left on my neck still stings from when Taehyung pressed on it, my heart beating quickly in my chest.

He rolls his eyes as a smirk of disbelief makes the corner of his lips curl up in contempt, his hands now placed in his pockets. He starts to walk away before he suddenly turns back, his hands now raising to mess up his hair.

"Just fucking tell me!" he yells in distress, bringing his hands back down to hit the sides of his legs.

Why does he want to know though? Why is he so interested in my life after all of this time of being under Sandra's spell? What has changed? What made him begin to act this way?

He hasn't even really looked in my direction that much since Sandra cast her spell over him, so why is he doing it now? Why is he so observant over something this small when he has barely even talked to me lately?

"Why?" I ask, placing all of my unsaid questions into a single word. I want to know the reasoning that is circling around in his brain right now. I want to figure out what is going on so that I can look into finally putting an end to this madness once and for all.

He stops, his mouth half open as his eyes grow unfocused as he thinks about what I just asked. I am curious too.

What is he thinking right now? Why did he get all possessive when he saw Jimin and I talking back there? Why is he angry about the mark on my neck that was obviously not done by him? Is he jealous? Did Sandra's spell wear off due to the strength of his own Deadly Sin?

He clears his throat before shaking his head, mumbling underneath his breath about something too quiet for me to catch.

He looks confused again, the look that I have grown accustomed to appearing on his handsome face. I can literally see the struggle in his eyes as he seems to have an internal battle with himself, his eyebrows furrowing in the middle. I get the urge to smooth the line that appeared between his eyebrows, and almost do, but he quickly looks up and takes a few steps away from me.

I watch as his eyes change. The rage and possessiveness he had been portraying just now faded until his eyes are left blank, all of the light leaving them. That's when I realize with a sinking heart that he couldn't keep it up. Once I had questioned him the spell came back, him no longer fueled by envy, but by confusion and self-doubt.

And then he just leaves, his hands back in his pockets as he walks down the hall and towards his bedroom. I simply watch with wide eyes as my chest rises and falls rapidly from the shock I just had, it slowly steadying as everything sinks in.

We had been so close. He had almost been back to how he was before, his anger and jealousy reminding me of when he had discovered me and Jimin together that one time that now seems like it was so long ago. If only I had known what to do and what to say. If only I knew how to break him out of the spell Sandra has him under once and for all, then he would have come back. Taehyung would have been back and we could have figured out how to cast her out together. But I blew it.

The sudden sound of a door opening and then slamming shut pulls me out of my thoughts, several pairs of footsteps colliding against the floor. The sounds of their feet echo throughout the empty hallway that I am standing in, two voices talking to one another as they go. I already know who they are by the time they have turned the corner and start running up to me, my arms wrapping around my body as I try and shake myself out of whatever daze I am in.

"(Y/N)! Are you alright noona?" Jungkook asks as he and Jimin run up to where I am still standing frozen in shock.

"What did you two talk about?" Jimin asks cautiously, eyeing the way I am now holding onto my neck over the hickey he made. "He seemed pretty upset when we walked past him just now."

"I think he was jealous" I whisper quietly before clearing my throat, looking between the two confused guys who are standing in front of me.

"His Sin broke through the surface when he saw us talking together, it getting even stronger when he saw the mark Jimin left. I-I think I might know how to undo Sandra's spell over him."

"What!?! That's amazing!" Jimin yells, him and Jungkook exchanging looks before smiling down at me.

"How are you gunna do it?"

I don't know yet. Something in me feels as if I do though. It's as if the answer has been right in front of me this whole time, yet I'm too stupid to see it. It can't be that hard, can it? If he got jealous that easily and that quickly, who's to say that breaking him completely out of the spell won't be just as simple?

"I don't know yet" I answer truthfully, watching as their smiles start to fall. "But I feel as if it won't be too hard."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

I shrug to answer Jimin's question, not sure how to explain how I feel right now. My necklace seems to brow hotter against the skin of my neck and I reach up to grab it, turning towards my two friends with confidence.

"Don't worry. I'll think of something."

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