One of us

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My hand is purple. Why am I not that surprised? I mean, something was obviously wrong with me so I guess this just proves that I was right.

I stare in fascination as my skin glitters and shines beneath the lights in this room, it oddly hypnotic to my stunned form. Nothing about this whole situation is right at all. I guess I really am the freak that Taehyung had been telling me I was.

I stare at myself as my skin seems to move, my whole body no doubt the same color as my hands. It isn't a dark purple, or a bright purple. It is like my skin has a purple tinge to it, my smooth skin sparkling in the light. The light seems to bounce off of my skin, it turning into different colors like a diamond as they come back to meet my eyes.

I hesitantly reach up and pick up a strand of my hair, bringing the short strands so that they are in front of my eyes. Now that is fucking purple. The strands that I picked up are an assortment of purples and pinks, ranging from the deepest of plum purples to the lightest baby pinks and violets. I gasp in shock as I drop my hair, the strands flying back to rest against my temples.

What is happening to me?

My skin seems to prickle and tingle with some unknown energy that I had not felt before. It ripples on the top of my arms and hands, my fingertips tingling as if they were being shocked repeatedly. It is a weird feeling, my mind clearing and all of my worries and insecurities floating away as if a powerful jet of water had washed them away. I love this feeling. I feel powerful; in control. I feel absolutely fearless, as if no one would be able to hurt me even if they tried their best.

"(Y/N)? W-what's going on?"

I glance at Yoongi as he steps forward cautiously, his eyes trained on me with hesitance shining clearly in his eyes. He's......scared of me. He's scared of me.

"Everything is fine."

He freezes before nodding his head, his eyes strangely blank. It's as if my voice alone had hypnotized him; as if I have some sort of power over him. This is unnatural. I have no idea what could be wrong with me, but something definitely isn't right.

"What's going on?" I ask, my voice coming out a little bit shaky despite my efforts to stay calm. No one talks. No one can stop simply staring at me in what looks like awe and fascination. I don't like the way that they are looking at me; it's as if I am some sort of goddess or supreme being in their eyes.

All of a sudden, they all start to move towards me. My eyes flicker from side to side as I try and look for a way to escape, all of my possible exits blocked off by their bodies. My breathing comes out shallow as they all stalk towards me as if one entity, all of their eyes wide and unseeing as they progress. What is going on? Why are they doing this?

"Get away from me" I say shakily, my bottom lip trembling in fear. They don't listen, whatever the heck is making them come towards me not weakening it's hold over their minds. I seem to shrink in fear, my legs wobbling as they close in on every side of me. Their eyes are all void of any emotion, the only thing in their mind being to get to me.

The world around me seems as if it is getting smaller and smaller as I cower in fright. My hands reach up to cover my ears as something or someone starts to whisper, the voices crowding me and making my head throb with pain.

A bright light causes me to close my eyes, the horrid feeling it gives me making me want to scream in frustration. Why won't they stop? Why won't they leave me alone? What is making them do this to me? All of the energy I had felt before seems to grow until it is almost unbearable to keep in, my whole body seeming to shake and shiver. My skin seems to fizzle and pop as the energy comes out of my body in little sparkles that sting like miniature fireworks exploding in the air.

"I said get away from me!"

It is as if my voice has been amplified to as high as it can go. The level of sound coming from me shocks me, it pushing my body back until it collides with the wall behind me. I watch in fascination as The Seven are propelled backwards, as if pushed by an invisible force. They all land on the ground as groans of pain and surprise leave their open mouths, their eyes wide and unbelieving as they stare at me in awe. I look down when I feel the emptiness, feeling relieved as well as upset when I see that me skin and hair have gone back to normal.

All of this is too much for me to handle. I am not normal. There is nothing even remotely normal to what just happened to me. My eyes water with unshed tears as I sink to the ground when I can no longer hold myself up, my arms wrapping protectively around my shaking legs. All of this pain and the feeling of not knowing what I am consumes me until I am a sobbing mess on the floor.

Jimin comes up to me and squats so that he is at my level, his eyes peering at me inquisitively. I whimper as he strokes my cheek, his eyes growing soft at the sound.

"Tell me what you want" he says softly, his breath fanning my face.

"I want to go home" is my reply, my trembling lips preventing me from saying anything else at the moment. I am shocked when he looks at me with something along the lines of care and adoration, his eyes holding sympathy and sadness.

"I'm sorry princess, but it looks like you won't be going anywhere. You're one of us now."

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