They know

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It's been two weeks.

Two weeks since Jimin's step sister, Sandra, came and took control of Tae's mind.

I still don't know how she did it, seeing as Taehyung was supposed to be the only one unaffected by her powers of lust and compulsion. Yoongi had said something about Taehyung becoming more open with his emotions since his dad died, so that may be a big factor. I just don't know what to do in order to get him to snap out of her hold and help us to cast her out of here.

I can tell that he is getting more and more miserable too. Every time I see him, he doesn't display any other emotions aside from confusion and hesitance. It must have taken a lot for Sandra to have tricked his mind into thinking that he likes her, but I can tell that he isn't fully under her spell. Sometimes I catch him staring at me with the most perplexed expression I have ever seen on his face, and it makes me want to help him out.

If only I could figure out how to get Taehyung back in the right state of mind.

I sigh and Jungkook looks up from the book he was reading, a concerned look on his face.

"This is the third time you have sighed in the past five minutes noona" he says softly as he closes his book and turns towards me. "What's wrong?"

"I like him Jungkook" another resigned sigh leaves my mouth as the weight of my words crush me, my eyes closing as I lean my head against the wall of his bedroom.

"I like Taehyung, and every time I see him and Sandra together it makes me want to scream."

He is about to open his mouth when a loud gasp is heard, his bedroom door crashing open and five people storming inside.

"I knew it! I fucking told you so!"

My look of shock drops at the sound of Jimin's loud voice, my face now void of any emotion. I simply stare up at him as he grins down at me with a stupid grin on his face, his finger pointing at my face.

"If you keep pointing that small ass finger of yours at my face I will not hesitate to cut it off and shove it up your-"

"God damn, woman!" he yells, successfully cutting me off mid-threat, retracting his finger and protectively clutching his hand against his chest. "Calm your tits, I'll stop I swear."

"Wait, so you do like Taehyung?" Namjoon asks in shock as he moves into the room and closes the door behind him.

"Of course she does, idiot" Yoongi says with a roll of his eyes, Hoseok nodding from beside him. Even Jin nods, my hand dragging down my face when I realize just how obvious my infatuation must have been.

"What are we gunna do about Sandra though?" Jimin asks softly, coming over to sit down on my left side. I simply shrug, not knowing what to do in the slightest about this trivial situation.

Jungkook puts a sympathetic hand on my shoulder, it clear that he knows how I am feeling.

"I honestly don't know what to do" I say resignedly, running a hand through my hair.

"Sometimes I feel like he kind of gets out of her hold just for her to drag him back in."

"We'll think of something" Namjoon says with a dimpled smile, bringing a smile of my own onto my face.

"Yeah. We can't let the leach stay here forever" Hoseok aye before glancing over at Jimin. "No offense, Jimin."

"None taken at all."

Jin scoffs, bringing our attention onto him.

"She's not even that pretty. Even you are prettier than her, (Y/N)."

"Gee" I deadpan as the others laugh at the unimpressed look on my face. "Thanks."

"You don't understand (Y/N)" he proceeds to say with a straight face, his arms crossed as his hip pops out to the side.

"I never compliment people, so you should be grateful I said that."

"Pffft, whatever."


"Jin, I fucking swear to the Almighty above, you pull my hair one more time and I will shove that hairbrush up your ass."

Jin makes a noise of outrage and his motions stop, the hairbrush that he has been using to detangle my hair falling out of his hands and onto the floor below him.

I don't think I can call what he was doing 'detangling' though. Every stroke of the brush felt as if he was ripping chunks of hair out of my skull, a dull throbbing still making me wince every now and then even now that the torture has finally stopped.

"I honestly don't understand how you got it to hurt so much" I say while I reach up and touch the back of my head to make sure that I still have my hair. "I didn't even have any tangles when you started."

When Jin said that he wanted to try to make me prettier, I almost swung at his perfect face. I restrained myself though, unable to bring myself to hit something so breathtaking to look at. Now I kind of wish I had seeing as all that he has succeeded in doing has been to criticize practically everything about my appearance and create a major headache for me.

"What was even the point in all of this, hyung?" Jungkook asks, him the only person left in my room from the group of guys before. He looks up at us with a bored expression on his face, it looking as if he is five more minutes away from passing out on top of his bed.

Jin is about to answer when there is a timid knock on the door, the three of our heads turning to that direction. I wonder who it is, going through all of the guys on my head and wondering why they would risk their sanity and come back to this lackluster escapade.


I freeze when it's Taehyung that peaks his head into the room, everything going silent. He looks around at the two guys already in here before his eyes land on me, the hesitant and slightly confused look on his face the same one he has been showing ever since Sandra first got here.

"Can I....can I talk to you?"

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