Taehyung's Father

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The days prior to Taehyung's father coming to stay at the guys' house were hectic. It was the first time that I was actually allowed to stay with my old roommate Chanmi, the guys still not wanting anyone to find out about my abnormalities. Jimin's step sister hasn't told anyone yet, so we would like to keep it that way.

To say that we were both ecstatic to be able to hang again was an understatement. I didn't realize how much I had missed Chan until Jungkook said that I would be staying with her until Taehyung's father left, my excitement matching hers. She had become like a little sister of sorts to me during my crazy time here, and she was devastated when it was announced that I would no longer be rooming with her. At least now we can catch up.

She had told me about what had happened while I was subjected to stay in my own room. Surprisingly enough, The Seven haven't called for any more challenges for the girls, them probably too busy worrying about me to do so. I still find it kind of odd as to why they have suddenly changed the way they act around the humans though. They used to show no mercy, but now they hardly even talk to them. 

Its not like I'm complaining though. Every time I walk into the room Yuna glares heatedly at me, so that hasn't changed at all. Even so, I would feel bad if she had to die. I don't think I would be able to stop crying if Chan died either. This is good. If The Seven continue putting these competitions on hold, maybe the remaining girls will get to go home.


I look over at Chan as she fiddles with the pretty dress she has on, her eyes downcast as she waits for me to change as well. The dress she is wearing is a dark blue color, the hem of it hanging down by her knees. It fits her willowy form perfectly, the color also making her dark eyes pop.

"What is it love? You nervous?" I ask, aware of the fact that today is the day that we will be meeting Taehyung's dad. We were instructed to aways address him as My Lord, which I think is complete and utter bullshit, but I'll do it anyway. We will be dressing up the few days that we will be in his presence as well, the guys not wanting to chance anything.

She nods to answer my question and I walk over to her, stooping down so that I am on her level. I smile as convincingly as I can in this given situation, not entirely sure how to comfort her at a time like this.

"Just do what the guys told us to do and we should be fine" I finally choke out, moving a stray lock of hair out of her youthful face. "Just stay quiet until addressed, and the three days will be over before you know it."

She smiles and I pinch her cheek, going back over to the bathroom to do my makeup. The dress that I am wearing is a very light lavender color. It is tight around my bodice and waist before tapering out in a slight flare. It stops a little bit above my knee, the same color of heels on my feet.

I was shocked, to say the least, when it was Hoseok that had given me the dress for today. He is probably the only member of The Seven that I have never really talked to before, so I was a little bit nervous when he had come up to me. Jungkook and Jimin had been busy helping Taehyuung prepare, so Hoseok was the one that had kept me company. He actually isn't that bad, his cheerful personality legitimate and untamable. 

I finish my simple makeup and turn around to see that Chan had already gone down to the dinging room. I put my hair up into a quick bun before walking out of the room myself, closing the door behind me. 

"Holy shit!" I yell in surprise when I see both Jungkook and Jimin standing in front of me when I turn around. They laugh as I clutch my chest, my breathing coming out ragged and uneven. 

"Why did you do that?" I whine, pouting as they continue laughing at my expression. I cross my arms and huff as they ignore me, them not quitting as I roll my eyes. Was scaring me really that hilarious? Because I don't think it was, but I'm probably only saying that because I'm the one who was being frightened. 

"Ok. Bye bye."

They quit laughing as soon as I say this, my arms still crossed as I begin to walk away from them. I can't help the small smile that appears on my face as they start apologizing as they run to catch up to me, unable to stay mad at them for too long. 

"We're sorry for scaring you (Y/N)" Jimin says with the adorable pout that he knows I can't resist. I turn away from him only to have Jungkook wrap his arms around my waist, his head resting on my shoulder as we continue to walk forward.

"Please forgive us, Oh Great and Powerful One!" he yells in a weird voice, causing me to turn my head and look at him funny. He simple grins at me, his eyes crinkling cutely in the corners.

"You look beautiful in your dress by the way" Jimin says as he skips beside us, a kind smile on his face as well. I finally give up on being mad at them, unable to take their cringeworthy cuteness. We turn the corner and I laugh, facing the front once more.

"Thank you Ji-"

The words that I was about to say get stuck in my throat, my eyes wide as I stop walking. Jungkook's arms fall from around me as Taehyung's dad comes into view, his calculative eyes piercing throughout the three of us as he stands with his hands in his pockets.

I can't help but feel petrified under his intense gaze, it as if all of the muscles in my body have tensed up in fright. If I had thought that Taehyung was intimidating before, his father is even more so. He hasn't even said anything and I can't move, the fear that is running through me too much for me to handle.

"What is your name, and who's girl are you?" he asks after what seems like an eternity, his deep voice causing goosebumps to form on my arms and legs. I have never been this scared of another person in my life, my voice shaking as I answer him.

"My n-name is (Y/N)....I'm Jungkook's g-girl."

They had instructed me to say that I am Jungkook's girl to go along with what we had said at the ball, not wanting him to know the truth. He stares at me for a little longer before nodding and walking away, a chill left in the air even after he is out of our sight.

"He's so fucking scary" Jimin whispers quietly, Jungkook nodding in agreement. I still don't feel as if I can breathe properly, still shaken up by our short conversation.

Is this really who Taehyung grew up with? If so, I can understand why he acts the way that he does. 

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