The first fight

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"Are you not effected by me?" he whispers, coming closer to me. I can't seem to move my feet as he bears down on me. His nose brushes against mine, his warm breath fanning my face with each breath he takes. I gulp as he stares into my eyes, shaking my head from side to side. He lets out a surprised breath, one side of his face turning up into a sinister looking smile. He backs up from me, turning to look at the rest of The Seven. They are all staring at me with looks of confusion and curiosity on their faces, their eyebrows crinkled in thought and concentration.

"No matter. Lets get this over with."

We sit down as Chan and Chang go to the middle of the room, facing off against each other. They both look at Jimin for instructions of some sort, loving looks on their faces. They are still under his spell. They will do anything it takes to make him proud of them. I watch Jimin carefully as he looks from Chan to Chang, his gaze lingering on Chang as he thinks.

"Chang....break Chan's arm."

My mouth gapes open as the girl rushes towards Chan. Her eyes widen as she sees the girl coming straight for her, her arms coming up to protect her face from her nails. Chan's screams are loud as she is kicked to the floor. I cover my eyes as Chang gets on top of her, stepping repeatedly on the younger girl's arm. I flinch at the snap, the room going silent. That's when she screams. Chan screams so loud that I have to cover my ears with both of my hands. I stare at her as she stares at her broken arm in shock, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Very good. Jungkook, please remove her from the floor."

Jimin is smiling as all this goes on, a maniacal glint in his eyes. He enjoys seeing this. He enjoys seeing us in pain. That's why he is doing this. This is what he lusts after.

"The group of three now."

I stand with shaky legs, walking towards the center of the room hesitantly. I suddenly jump in fright, a loud thump sounding from beside me. Sara has keeled over in a dead faint, landing on the floor on her back. The poor thing was probably scared to death. Jimin clicks his tongue and shakes his head in disappointment, motioning for Jungkook to remove her from the floor as well with a flick of his wrist.

"Before you guys start, I want you to remove your shirts."

That sick fuck. What the hell is his problem? He's crazy, I swear. There is no way in hell that I am removing my shirt for him to stare at me while I fight this girl with whom I have no quarrel with.

"I'm not doing that you sick pervert!"

His eyebrows raise at my defiant tone, the side of his lip quirking upward slightly. I haven't angered him; I have made his job all the more enjoyable.

"Ok then, lets make this a little more interesting. Yuna, my love, please help me by removing (Y/N)'s shirt from her body."

My eyes widen in shock as the love struck girl lunges for me. I yell out as her fingers claw at my thin shirt, stretching the fabric as I hold it to my chest. She is relentless, stretching my shirt beyond recognition. The only thing making it stay on is my hand, the other one trying to push the possessed girl off of me.

"Ok ok, that's enough."

Jimin chuckles as Yuna backs off immediately, his eyes lingering on my chest as I struggle to keep it covered. His smirk is prominent through his voice. I am able to tell that he is amused without even looking at him.

"Come on babe, just drop your arms already. I love the color red."

I turn my head to glare at him, my lip curling in disgust and outrage. He simply laughs at my anger, his eyes full of joy and happiness. He loves this. He loves making me uncomfortable.

"Enough playing around Jimin" Taehyung growls from his seat on the other side of Hoseok. His eyes are locked onto my face, his icy gaze unwavering. Jimin waves a hand at him lazily, his eyes not leaving us.

"Alright geez. Yuna, I want you to.....I don't know......break her leg and bust her lip."

"Wait no! Not her lips, I quite like them" Jungkook says while smirking at my scared form. Jimin nudges him playfully in the arm before turning back to us once more.

"Fine then. Just break her leg."

She's an animal. A beast. She comes at me with only bloodlust and anger in her eyes. I run around trying to dodge and escape from her punches and kicks, my torn shirt completely gone from my mind. I don't even notice as it falls to the ground when I use my arms to block her hard punch to my face. I yell out in shock and pain as she grabs onto my ponytail, pulling my head back. The pinpricks of pain travel from my scalp to my forehead and neck, my eyes watering slightly as well. Her foot makes contact with my stomach, causing me to bend over in agony.

"You had enough yet princess?" she asks me, her voice laced with venom. I cough out blood as she punches me in the face, her fist coming into contact with my jaw. The coppery taste of blood makes me want to gag, my stomach swirling uncomfortably. I can't go on like this. The pain is too much. She is just playing with me at this point. She thinks that she is sure to win and is just doing this for her own pleasure. She loves seeing my face contort in pain. She loves my screams as she digs her long nails into the skin of my arm.

I whip my head up as quickly as I can, smiling slightly when she screams as the back of it hits her on the nose. She lets go of my hair as she cradles her injury, the profanities coming from her mouth muffled due to her hands. I quickly turn around and kick her in the shin, grabbing onto her hair as she falls to her knees. I bring her head down as quickly as I can, my knee making contact with her forehead. I do it again and again, hitting her cheeks and nose every time. She finally stops struggling, me successfully knocking her unconscious. I stare at her as she lies on the floor with blood flowing from her nose, my chest rising and falling quickly.

I jump at the sound of clapping, turning to the guys with wide eyes. They are all smirking at me, obviously impressed by my performance.

"Well done. That was interesting to watch."

"I didn't know you had it in you."

"You aren't as weak as I thought you would be."

"Nice. Do that again and you might just win this."

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