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I wake up alone, my hand cold as it rests on the unmade side of the bed right next to me. I can't help but feel kind of cold and empty that Taehyung wasn't there when I woke up, but part of me knew that something like that was going to happen.

The thing is, we had fallen asleep together. I can still taste his sweet kisses as he had held me close to his still-sweaty body. I can hear his deep voice as he had whispered sweet nothings into my ear. If I close my eyes, I can still feel his warmth as he had wrapped one of his arms around my body, his nose brushing against my shoulder as he had slept.

All of that warmth and security I had felt while in his arms is gone now, leaving me behind with a headache and a sore body. Its hard to move after what happened last night but I do, my feet padding across my carpeted floor as I make my way to the bathroom. My muscles shake as I turn the water on, the inside of my thighs quivering as the tingling heat of pain makes me groan.

I don't close the curtains because I locked the door, instead staring at my reflection as I step under the jet of water for my shower. I watch as the droplets of water cascade down from the top of my head and shoulders, creating rivers on my skin. I lightly trace all of the marks that he left on my neck and on my chest from last night, them now a deep brownish purple in color.

I'm not surprised at the light brown bruises that are all over my body as I wash myself with soap, my eyes somehow drawn to them. They are all over my body in different spots, some small while others are large. I can clearly see the online of his fingers on my outer thighs, those the most tender to the touch. Its like he was a painter and I was his canvas, the contrasting blues, purples, and yellowish browns his masterpiece.

I step out of the shower after a while and dry off, being careful of my aching body. I walk over to my closet before choosing a simple white t-shirt and some grey sweat pants to wear, too tired and upset to put any effort into anything else. I decide to just go down to breakfast barefoot as well, not wanting to bend down to put on my shoes. 

My hair is still wet as I walk over to the bathroom mirror, the short strands not quite reaching my shoulders. They hang down like curtains on either side of my face, framing it in a way. It is still wet, my shoulders getting showered in the droplets of water that fall down onto them. I don't bother to do anything to it though. Whats the point? The one guy that I was even slightly interested in doesn't care anyway.

My eyes land on my reflection, stopping at the one hickey that will be the hardest to hide. There are hickeys all over my neck and chest that I can't cover, but they are light in comparison to the one on my jaw. It is the biggest one, it a deep purple instead of the faded brown the others are. I take out my foundation and cover the others to the best of my ability, but I don't even attempt to cover that one. I don't have the proper makeup for it, so why bother?

The walk down the hallway is uneventful, it seeming like everyone is already down there. I just hope that not a lot of people want to talk to me because I feel like shit. I know that I shouldn't feel this way, but it hurts. It hurts that he used me the way he did. I had felt something when we were together, despite everything that he had done to me in the past, and I had thought that he had too. I guess it was just me.

I open the doors and everyone's eyes are on me, like they always seem to be. I don't bother answering anyone as they say good morning, the ringing in my head not stopping. My headache seems to have gotten worse since I woke up, the pounding in my temples almost unbearable. I keep my head down as I walk over to where Jungkook is sitting, not looking up as I sit down next to him.

"Noona......are you ok?"


"Yes Jungkook, I'm fine" I say quietly, silently picking up my fork and looking down at the food on my plate. I can feel Taehyung's eyes as they burn into the side of my face, my hand balling into a fist to ward away the different emotions threatening to consume me. I don't want to look at him, but it seems like my eyes have a mind of their own.

I turn my head and look up, watching Taehyung as he takes a drink from the water cup he has in his hand. I can't help but trail my eyes over his features, unable to stop myself. I can clearly see the lone hickey that I left him poking out from the collar of his shirt, a faint blush appearing on my cheeks at the memory. I can also see the scratch marks I left on his neck that no doubt trail down his back as well, them unable to be hidden beneath the low collar of his shirt.

He notices me looking and his body freezes, his mouth hanging slack as well. I watch as his eyes move down from my eyes to the hickey on my jaw before trailing down my neck, slight satisfaction shining in his eyes. He meets my eyes again before the slight smirk on his face disappears completely, it being replaced by the stoic and cold look that I have grown accustomed to. Then he just looks away as if he hadn't looked at me in the first place, as if last night didn't matter to him at all.

I scoff as a strained smile appears on my face. I take a deep, shuddering breath as tears prick at the corner of my eyes and threaten to fall, it causing me to look up to try and stop their descent. My chair is loud as I stand up and walk out of the room for the second time in two days, not even bothering to bow in apology this time. Then they would see my red eyes. They would see the tears as they stream down my cheeks.

I muffle the sound of my sobs with my hand as I walk back to my room, the tight feeling in my chest making it kind of hard to breathe. I don't know why I feel like this. I shouldn't. I should feel hurt that Taehyung is acting as if nothing happened between us. I shouldn't feel so sad and angry, my tears falling faster every time I think about him. He is in charge of finding out what I am. He didn't hesitate to hurt me before, so what's so different about now? 

"(Y/N), wait!" Jungkook yells as he runs behind me, catching my bedroom door before it closes. I turn around and look at him as he closes it behind him, the frown on his face showing just how much concern he seems to have for me. His mouth parts in surprise at my tears before he steps forward and wraps his arms around me, silently swaying the two of our bodies from side to side.

Thats when I break down. I can't control my body as it shakes pathetically, wrapping my arms tighter around the younger man standing in front of me. Why did I do it? Why did I sleep with him? Everything had felt so right when I was around him, but now all I feel is hurt. If I had known that I would feel this way afterwards, I wouldn't have done it. 

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