letting go (smut warning)

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The room seems to grow hotter as he tilts his head to the side, deepening the kiss even more. I can't concentrate on anything other than him, my body reacting to his in an almost foreign way.

I can't stop, the feeling of his fingertips dancing along the skin that was exposed due to my shirt rising almost addicting in a sense. No, thats not it. I could stop if I wanted to, but I don't. I could stop all of this by pushing him away and going somewhere else, but I don't want to.

He groans into my mouth as I run a hand down from his neck and over his chest, feeling all of his toned muscles as the ripple underneath my fingers. His skin is warm as I slide the tips of my fingers underneath the hem of his shirt so that they are just barely touching where his abdomen is, his breath hitching as he pulls away for air.

He rests his head in the crook of my neck for a second and I stare up at the ceiling above me, my chest rising and falling as I pause for air. What are we doing? He has tortured me numerous times because of how different I am, and here we are making out in my bed. Why are we doing this? We should hate each other.

He seems to be thinking the same thing, his body still as we just let everything sink in. The thing is, I don't want to stop. I love the way his touch makes me feel, it as if I am actually alive for the first time in my life. Putting everything aside, I couldn't get enough of how he was making me feel and how his lips had felt so good against mine.

Time passes on and I start to get worried. It would be so awkward if he left now. I don't think I would be able to look at him the same ever again, too mortified at what we did and how I am thinking. I am expecting him to pull away and leave me locked up in here, my eyes closing as I brace myself for the inevitable sting of rejection.

My body jolts in surprise when I feel his lips press against the skin of my neck. The touch is light and barely there, it as if he is testing out the waters. My hands have a mind of their own, moving up to his shoulders as his lips press against my skin again. He seems to take that as an invitation for him to add more pressure, the tip of his tongue sending pinpricks of pleasure through my body as it makes an appearance.

"T-Taehyung" I moan throatily as he settles farther in between my legs, his lower body pressing me against the bed. I bite my lip as he rolls his hips into mine, his hands lifting my shirt over my head before throwing it somewhere behind us. My exposed body feels the cold from the air conditioning before it is replaced by the heat from his body, his shirt now off his head and his bare chest pressed against mine. 

My fingers fumble with his belt, my eyes still closed as he trails his addictive kisses down my neck and onto my chest, his own hands working on unhooking my bra. We finish our tasks at the same time, his lips leaving my body as he slides his jeans off of his legs. 

I sit up with my chest heaving as I slide my arms out of the bra straps, flinging it off to the side as well. I take this opportunity to take the mesh running shorts I decided to wear today off of my legs, Taehyung helping me get them off the rest of the way.

I am momentarily distracted by the sight in front of me, my eyes wide as I can't help but stare. I know that I have noticed this before, but in this moment, with the light shining down on him from the ceiling and his eyes hooded as he looks at me, Taehyung is breathtakingly beautiful. His tongue flicks out to wet his lips and my eyes follow the movement, staying there even as he leans forward once more.

His lips touch mine briefly before he pulls away again, my eyes opening at the action. I can't read his expression at all as he leans forward again only to peck my lips, pulling away again right after so that his nose is touching mine.

 The next time he leans in the feeling is different, one of his hands coming up to push on my now-bare chest. I go back until my head is resting on the pillow behind me once more, once again getting lost in Taehyung's scent. His lips taste sweet against mine as he kisses me hungrily, my whole body practically humming in anticipation. 

Everywhere that he touches tingles, his hands moving down my stomach before stopping once they get to my underwear. I hiss when he pulls upward on them, my toes clenching as my hold on his shirt tightens. I can practically feel his smirk against my jaw as he slides them down my legs, his hands then reaching for his own. 

There is a moment of time where everything seems to freeze. Its as if everything slows down around us and I have time to think; time to wonder if this is really what I want. My eyes are still closed as I feel everything around me, just waiting for something to happen. There's no going back now. I could have stopped him if wanted to a long time ago, but I didn't. At this point, it is obvious what I want to happen.

He enters me slowly, my mouth parting at the intense sensation. He is big, the sense of fullness that consumes me making me hiss between my clenched teeth. It take me a while to adjust to his size as he moves within me, my hands reaching out to hold onto my now-wrinkled bed sheets. 

"Fuck, you feel so good" he whispers huskily in my ear, this being the first thing he said since we started all of this. The combination of his vulgar words and the deepness of his voice is so incredibly sexy, it causing a moan to escape my parted lips. My stomach tenses every time he enters me as moans leave my mouth from the incredible pleasure that he is sending throughout my whole entire body. 

He continues to thrust in and out of me, starting off slow before his pace picks up. His lower stomach occasionally rubs up against my clit as he moves in a continuous backwards and forwards motion, causing pleasure to shoot up from that spot and into my stomach. I can't help but pull at the base of his hair as he goes even faster, getting a low groan from him in return.

This is unlike anything I have ever felt before. I don't want to continue comparing Taehyung's touch to Jimin's because it is hard to focus on anything other than him at the moment. It is incomparable anyway. The way Taehyung is making me feel is unlike anything I have ever experienced before. The lust and pleasure I had felt with Jimin was almost unreal in a sense, it as if it was a movie that I was watching. With Taehyung, I can feel everything. I can feel the pleasure as it fills me up, it reaching the very tips of my toes as well as my fingers. 

I can tell that he is close by the pants and groans that are leaving his mouth, his forehead now resting on top of mine. I can feel the strain of his muscles as I place my hands on his arms, them shaking from the energy and effort it is taking for him to stay upright. His grunts turn into moans as he reaches his high, his body stilling as he trembles with orgasm. 

He doesn't stop for long though, his pace continuing as he tries to get me off as well. My moans pick up once more as the tightness in my chest makes it harder and harder for me to  breathe, my thighs trembling as I wrap them around his sweaty body. I can feel it as my limbs begin to feel weaker as I grow closer to my release, my stomach stirring. 

The tightness continues to build until the waves start, me finally feeling the ultimate feeling of my climax. It is like the relaxing of muscles happening all at the same time over my entire body, slowly starting at my upper thighs before moving up towards my chest. The feelings of pleasure from my orgasm hits the base of my stomach, making me almost yell out at the sensation. 

My body seems to clench as the waves of pleasure surge up my body before going back down again, causing me to relax. This happens maybe ten times as my chest rises and falls rapidly as I try and catch my breath, the tingling feeling beginning to fade. Spots dance in front of my eyes as I stare up at the ceiling, a pounding in my head beginning as well. Its as if in the heat of the moment I had temporarily forgotten how to breathe, my heart slowing down now that its all over.

I stare up and into Taehyung's eyes as he stays suspended above me, watching as sweat drips down his neck and chest. I see many different emotions shining in his usually-unreadable eyes, but regret is not one of them, and as I look up at him, I realize that I don't regret it either. Nothing about that felt wrong in any way, and from the look in his eyes, I think he would agree. 

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