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The air on my skin is startlingly cold as I get out from underneath the covers of my bed. I stumble around the room, still half asleep, as the alarm blares. It isn't anything important though. They ring the alarm every time there is to be an "activity" of sorts. I have never been through an activity, but we have been told about them. We will be put through tests to determine wether or not we will be tortured. Wether or not we will survive. There is no real hurry to get to the living room, but I trip over my feet as I run around to pick out my clothes.

I pause for a moment to decide what I should wear. I have no idea who is going to be leading the activity, or what we are going to be forced to do. I let my eyes scan the closet as Chan stands next to me, rifling through the many pieces of colorful fabric. She pulls out a pair of white skinny jeans and a light blue shirt, slipping them onto her skinny body. She laces up her black vans before walking in to the bathroom to brush her teeth and comb her hair.

I choose a pair of basketball shorts and a tank top. The shorts are mostly black with white stripes on the sides and on the pockets. I tighten it around my waist so that it sits comfortably. It is baggy on my hips, somehow making my waist look smaller than it already is. The tank top is white as well, showing the red color of my sports bra a little bit through the thin fabric. It isn't too much though. It just hints at the red color, everything else pretty well hidden.

I make sure to wear black spandex shorts underneath the shorts, like I had grown accustomed to from when I actually played the sport of basketball. They give me a sense of familiarity and comfort, making me less nervous about what is going to happen today.

All I do in the bathroom is run a brush through my hair and put it up in a high ponytail. The braid that I had but in it last night after I washed it has made my hair wavy. It cascades down my back in soft waves. I brush my teeth, put some chapstick on my dry lips, and grab Chan's hand. We have gotten closer over the past month, going pretty much everywhere together. We walk down the hallway in silence, taking a deep breath before entering the living room.

I am surprised by what I see in front of me. The living room has been completely transformed. The chairs and couches have been moved out of the room, the coffee table no where in sight. The room is completely empty except for a single couch. All of The Seven are sitting on it with expectant smiles on their faces. There eyes move from the other girls to the two of us as soon as we step inside of the room, eyeing us up and down as we walk closer to them.

"Nice of you to join us ladies. Take a seat."

I sit as instructed, maintaining eye contact with the one who spoke. Jimin has a smirk on his face as he trails his eyes over my body, his eyes alight with an emotion that I am not familiar with. He looks at me in a knowing way, as if he knows something that I do not. He probably does. His eyes seem to undress me, and I get the sneaking suspicion that he can see underneath my clothes. He chuckles when I cross my arms in an attempt to get more coverage, turning his head to talk quietly with the other Seven.

"This is your first activity! Are you guys excited?"

We all nod our heads yes, not wanting to get Jimin upset. Him and Jungkook are the worst when it comes to controlling their anger. He smiles at all of us before continuing to speak, his voice echoing throughout the empty room in a sort of hypnotizing way that makes my head spin in dizzying circles.

"You will be paired into groups of either two or three. You and your partner will fight each other until the other can't move anymore. You will be fighting for your exemption from punishment tonight. You will also be fighting for me. The winners of each group will fight against each other and see who will get the privilege to spend the night with me."

I find myself nodding along to what he is saying. Something about the way his voice spreads through the room makes me tingle. I want to fight for him. I need to win this.

Wait. What am I thinking? This isn't me.

He pairs me with Yuna and Sarah, seeing as we have an odd number of girls right now. Chan is paired against Chang. We all look at Jimin lovingly as he walks around us with a smirk on his startlingly attractive face. Something isn't right. Why do I feel this way towards him? It's like I will do anything for him, a glowing light of admiration aimed towards him.

This shouldn't be happening. I shouldn't feel this attracted to him. This is wrong. This is all wrong.

It feels as if I just got hit in the head with a building block. I suddenly come to my senses, the world coming in to focus all at once. I stare at Jimin in shock as he circles us, finally aware of my real thoughts. He is still stunning to look at, but he no longer has control over me. I can think for myself again, not being pulled in by his charm and tempting suggestion. I no longer lust after him like the others girls do.

He looks at me, turning his neck at a startlingly fast pace. It is as if he can tell that he no longer has control over my emotions. Instead of being angry, like I had thought he would, he smiles at me. It chills me to the bone as he steps closer to me, looking at me with newfound curiosity and fascination.

"Look what we have here."

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