The morning after

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I'm warm. Incredibly warm. Why do I feel so fricken warm?

My eyes are closed as I struggle to wake up, my brain foggy and sluggish. There is a wet feeling on my jaw and it makes me crinkle my eyebrows in confusion. What is that? It happens again, this time a little bit lower, it landing on my neck instead. It is a warm feeling that makes my whole body heat up. My lips part as it happens again in the same spot, the pressure lasting a little bit longer than the first time. It makes my skin tingle pleasantly, it sending waves of pleasure to my still half-asleep brain.

The pressure moves to my shoulder, something nipping at the skin there. The sudden mixture of pain and pleasure makes me gasp slightly, my chest rising and falling as my breathing picks up speed. A soft chuckle can be heard from behind me, a warm arm sliding around my waist and pulling me against a firm chest. That causes my eyes to fly open in shock and realization, the memories of the night before hitting me like a ton of bricks. Bile rises to my throat as I remember what happened last night all at once, the truth knocking the breath out of me.

I roll off the bed in my haste to get away from Jimin, my legs tangling in the sheets and pulling them off with me. I land in a painful heap, my body screaming in protest as it's sore muscles strain and start to ache. I watch him with wide eyes as he looks over the side of the bed, his hair messy and all over the top of his head.

"What was that for babe?"

Babe. He called me babe. Why does that fill me with so much joy and contentment. Why do I want him to do it again? I shake my head violently, getting rid of the feeling once I do. He was compelling me again. Something about last night must have made me more open to him seeing as it is much harder to shake off his words and voice. Just looking at him makes my chest tight. His chest is bare, his abs and arm muscles making it incredibly hard for me to concentrate on one thing for long periods of time. His smirk makes me flush, the heat in my chest matching the heat of my cheeks.

"Get dressed so that we can go to breakfast together."

I stand up without any hesitance, the blanket falling off of my body. I don't even care anymore at this point. He has already seen me naked. He has already taken away my sense of privacy. I change into the clothes that he laid out for me on the side of the bed, sighing inwardly at his style choices. The black and maroon patterned leggings cling to my legs and backside like a second skin, it uncomfortable and tight. The black shirt he gave me doesn't cover my stomach, it tight against my chest and coming down to above my belly button.

"Damn, you look so sexy" he says while coming up behind me and pulling me again his body. The bottom half of him is pressed into my backside, the contact making me shiver. My body wants him so badly, yet my brain is struggling to be reasonable. I don't like him. He tricked my mind into wanting him last night; I can't let him do it again.

I push myself off of him and walk towards his door, his husky chuckle making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. He grabs my hand and drags me down the hall before I can even think about pulling away from his touch. We enter the dining area and find all of The Seven there, but none of the other girls. They openly eye my body, making me want to crawl into a hole and stay there forever. Yoongi is the first to speak, his smirk making me uncomfortable as he looks me up and down.

"You have fun last night Jimin?"

My cheeks flush pink in embarrassment and slight anger at his comment, the tips taking over the color as well when Jimin laughs.

"Surprisingly, yes. It actually felt good for once, and not like I was just pleasuring her."

He goes to kiss my cheeks and I flinch away from him before his lips have a chance to make any contact with my skin. I know that if I allow him to kiss me I will be completely under his power and control. I can't let that happen again.

"How did you do it hyung? Can't she resist your compulsion?" Jungkook asks while leaning forward. His eyes haven't left my body once this whole entire time, the hunger clearly displayed in them making me nervous. I am so focused on him that I don't notice when Jimin sneaks up behind me. His arms wrap around my waist before I have a chance to escape, his fingers pressing against the bare skin of my stomach. A sense of calm washes over me as he squeezes my hips, his breath fanning the side of my face and neck.

"She can resist me, but only if I'm not touching her."

The guy's eyes widen as they look away from Jimin to stare at me. I try with all my might to step away from him, but I can't. I can't seem to be able to move away. It is just like last night, my body is not under my control anymore. His lips press against my neck and I shudder, my bottom lip captured between my teeth. He bites me softly and I gasp, my body jumping from the surprising arousal of emotions and feelings.

"Jimin, that's enough."

I am released almost immediately, my body falling forward. I catch myself before I hit the ground, my chest rising as falling rapidly as I shake my head to clear the haziness. Taehyung stares at me, his expression confusing me. Jimin walks over to his seat grumbling to himself as I stay where I am, frozen in place by Taehyung's stare. His eyes are hard, his mouth turned down in a frown that makes him look dangerous and upset. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought that he was jealous.

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