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Third person's pov

(Y/N) sways slightly as she giggles uncontrollably, her hand wrapped around Jimin's wrist for stability. That probably isn't the best thing to do right now seeing as Jimin is about as drunk as she is at the moment.

The night took a drastic turn as soon as the alcohol had started kicking in, her brain numbing and making her happier than she has been in a while. Jimin was tipsy when she had come in before but is now as drunk as she is, them taking turns sipping on the rather strong alcoholic beverage they have between them.

"I don't like Sandra" (Y/N) slurs drunkenly, stumbling slightly as she sits down next to Jimin on his bed. He nods automatically, it not a secret that they both hate the girl in question.

"Ye-yeah!" he hiccups, his eyes partially closed as he tries to make his brain work enough to get a coherent sentence out. "She's a...she's a-a bitch."

(Y/N) nods before laying down, Jimin following suite as they both look up at the ceiling. Another giggle escapes her lips as it begins to spin in circles above her due to her intoxicated state, her head feeling light and airy. She loves this feeling though. It stops her from thinking so hard about what she witnessed between Taehyung and Sandra.

She isn't mad at Taehyung; why would she be? It's not his fault that Sandra has sunk her claws into him so deep that he can't get rid of her. She is mad at the girl in question for doing this in the first place, it obvious that she gets off on seeing other people under her control. She just doesn't know what to do now, her heart sinking due to the fact that she has no clue how to get Tae out of Sandra's grasp.

"Jiminie?" She asks as she sits up to look at said guy. He hums in acknowledgment before turning his head to look at her, his eyes slightly unfocused.

"Kiss me."

"Wha-?" his eyes are wide as her lips meet his, them effectively cutting him off. He doesn't know how to feel, one of her hands resting by his head and holding her up while the other is cupping his cheek.

Her lips move feverishly against his as the alcohol in her system drives her forward, her tongue brushing against the soft flesh of Jimin's lower lip. He finds himself kissing her back just as hard, his hands reaching down to grasp her ass as she straddles his waist. He groans into her mouth as she grinds her hips against his, his tongue exploring her mouth as she fists his shirt in her hands.

He flips them over so that he is the one on top, not one for letting someone else take control. He is already in the perfect position, his body between her legs as they wrap around his waist. They part for air and soft moans leave her mouth as his hips roll against hers, his nose brushing against the sensitive skin of her neck.

Jimin leaves a chaste kiss on her jaw and smirks, loving the way his name sounds as it escapes from her parted lips. He hasn't done anything sexual in so long, his need for her growing the longer they stay this way. His lips feel tantalizingly soft as they brush against her skin, (Y/N)'s eyes clenched shut as she simply allows her body to enjoy the pleasure Jimin is giving her.

"J-Jimin" she moans throatily as he leaves sloppy kisses down the expanse of her neck, her fingers gliding down his chest before slipping underneath the hem of his baggy t-shirt. He kisses as her cold fingers make contact with his hot skin, him sitting up to remove the article of clothing from his body before throwing it somewhere behind him and continuing where he left off.

She gasps as he tugs on her neck with his teeth, the stinging pain turning into pleasure when he lets go and soothes the mark with his tongue. His eyes feast hungrily on the mark that is already beginning to darken in color, there no doubt in his mind that a hickey is going to form there. He takes pleasure in hearing her moan his name as he leaves multiple marks over her smooth skin, her fingers tracing along his abs and chest before her nails leave marks of their own of his muscular shoulders.

This is new to Jimin. Yes, he's drunk, but it's something entirely different. He has never been with a girl without them being underneath his powers of lust and compulsion. He hasn't felt the need to use them once, seeing as (Y/N) was the one that started this whole thing. It feels nice to be with her like this, her actions and thoughts all her own as she pulls his body closer to hers.

That's also why he stops. He can't help but feel wrong about doing this, him realizing this even in his intoxicated state of mind. They can't be doing this right now, especially not when it is obvious that (Y/N) has feelings for his friend. Jimin lusts after her, sure, but he doesn't care for her in the way that Taehyung does.

"(Y/N), we should stop" he says shakily, reluctantly pulling away from her heated body and getting off the bed.

"What? Why?" (Y/N) asks in shock, sitting up from her position as she looks at the guy who is now pulling his shirt back over his head. "Don't you want this?"

"Of course I do" he almost laughs at the ridiculousness of her question, turning back around to sit next to her.

"You're drunk (Y/N). You got drunk because you were hurt over what is happening to Taehyung right now, and I get it. You feel as if you aren't good enough for him due to the fact that you can't help him. You don't want to me (Y/N), not really anyway. Sleeping with me, whether under you own control or not, is not going to make you feel better. I care for you (Y/N), just not in the same way as Taehyung does."

She blinks up at him as his words sink in, finally realizing what he is saying. Jimin's right. She was craving for affection since Taehyung can't give her any and Jimin was there and willing. She can't help but feel bad as she lays back down and stares up at the ceiling above her once more, feeling the bed dip as Jimin lays down again as well.

Despite everything, they are still close friends. She lets him take her into his arms as sleep washes over them both, his calm breathing lulling her into a deep slumber.

She's kind of glad that he stopped her. She would have just felt bad for using him to make her feel better, because Jimin deserves better than that.

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