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I can't help the massive smile that appears on my face as I watch Chan run towards me, my arms opening as she all but catapults herself into me.

Ever since Jimin's step-sister, who I should probably start calling Sandra now, has come into the picture, Taehyung has stopped being so overprotective over me. I don't like what she is doing to him with her powers, but at least that means that I can see Chan again.

"I missed you!" I say as I squeeze her tighter, her giggling softly before letting go of my waist. I reach up and pat the top of her head before smoothing down the hairs that I disturbed, the smile on my face growing as she hooks her arm through mine.

Chan isn't that much younger than I am, but I have seen her as a little sister since the beginning of this whole thing when we met. I used to have a friend that I saw as a little sister before she sadly passed away, and Chan reminds me so much of her. Not from the way she looks obviously, but in the way she acts and looks up to me. It had honestly been so hard for me during the time that Taehyung had restricted me from seeing the other girls.

"What do you want to do today unnie?" she asks as we start walking towards the door that leads to the backyard, her wide eyes peering up at me as we go.

I shrug before opening the door, the cool air refreshing against my skin. "I'm not sure Chan. I just haven't been outside in a while."

The thing about their backyard is that it's not really outside. It is made to look like the outside world, but we are really just inside a massive room that was created with magic to mimic the outdoors. It changes too, one day a forest with tall trees the size of buildings and then next a field full of flowers.

Today it is a beach. I used to go to the beach a lot when I was younger, before all of this demon stuff made it impossible to do so. I take off my shoes and socks and let my toes wiggle around in the warm sand, the artificial sun warming me up and giving me a sense of calming.

The wind blows the still-growing strands of my hair, my eyes closing as I breathe in the unmistakable smell of the ocean. I can't help but let a small, content smile grace my features as I let the calming atmosphere take over me, letting my mind become at rest.

For now, I can pretend that I am on the beach with Chan and far away from all of the problems that have become my reality. I don't have to think about the demons that surround me and are keeping me here. I don't have to think about how different I am, how I am not human like I had thought for the majority of my life. I don't have to think about how much Taehyung has changed since that Sandra girl has been using her powers on him.


I hum out an answer as I walk towards the ocean, letting the cold water wash over my toes and ankles. I know that it doesn't go out that far, maybe about ten feet before a wall will prevent me from moving any further, but I like the way it feels too much to let that fact deter me. I turn towards Chan as she stands a little ways behind me, an uncertain look on her face as she fiddles with her fingers.

"Do you think we will ever get to go home?"

The light atmosphere darkens drastically as her words sink in, my smile fading until there is nothing but a ghost of it left on my face. I had been so caught up in my own worries and fears that I hadn't even stopped to think about hers, my heart breaking in my chest at the look on her face.

How could I be so selfish and only think about myself? At least I know that The Seven are keeping me safe while we figure out how I can use my powers correctly. Chan is undoubtably human. I am safe knowing that they won't hurt me, but what about her? There is nothing to prevent them from hurting her.

"Chan....." I'm at a loss for words, the only thing I am able to do being to take her into my arms and hug her against me. I can feel her shoulders as they shake, her soft sobs wracking her thin body and making me feel progressively worse.

I can't let anything happen to her. Not when I have come to know her more, and realized what an amazingly kind-hearted person she is. Not when I have grown so fond of her.

"You will get to go home again" I say quietly, rubbing her back as she cries. Her small arms seem to wrap tighter around my waist as she tries to hold on to the one source of security that she has left, my determination rising the longer this goes on.

"Don't worry" I say softly, pulling away from her embrace and holding her at an arms length in front of me. "I won't let them hurt you Chan. I will make sure that you get to go home if it's the last thing I do."

"R-really?" she hiccups, her face puffy and red from her tears. I nod and she smiles softly, her lips quivering ever so slightly as she tries to get ahold of herself and her emotions. I move a strand of hair away from her face as the wind blows it, tucking it behind her ear.

"I promise."

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