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The room is silent save for the clicking of spoons hitting the plates that are situated in front of us. We are all wary of the tall, ominous figure seated at the head of the table, everyone seeming to glance at him from time to time in a mixture of fear and intrigue.

Taehyung's father is a striking man. His physic is strong, muscles clearly displayed due to the way his shirt clings to them. His dark, unreadable eyes are framed by a mess of obsidian hair, the slight curl in the locks matching Taehyung's. His face is angular with a sharp jawline, it obvious where Taehyung gets his hypnotic good looks from. 

The only difference is that Taehyung sometimes struggles in concealing his emotions whereas his father doesn't. With Taehyung, if someone says something that he doesn't like, you can immediately tell. His frown deepens as his ears get red, it clear that he isn't at all pleased. His dad is different. His expression stays the same no matter what the situation, it making him seem more frightening than anyone I have ever encountered before. 

His eyes suddenly fly to mine, it as if he could feel my stare. My whole body seems to freeze as his piercing eyes gaze into mine, a tremor shooting down my spine and making my toes curl. I immediately look away, proceeding to eat the food that was placed in front of me. I can still feel his eyes on me though, a cold sweat beginning to form on my forehead as I grown more and more freaked out.

"Jungkook's girl."

I stop, my spoonful of food halfway up to my mouth. It hangs suspended in the air until I feel myself unfreeze, my tense muscles aching as I place it back down again. The whole room is dead silent, everyone's eyes either on me or on the frighteningly calm man sitting at the head of the table, my hands shaking as I look up and into his eyes.

"Your name is (Y/N), correct?" he asks with a slight frown on his face, tilting his head to the side as he studies me. I gulp in slight fear and apprehension, remembering how I told him my name in the hallway earlier. Even so, I hadn't expected him to remember it. Neither did Jungkook or Jimin as it seems, them glancing at each other in concern.

"Y-yes My Lord" I say shakily, almost wanting to smirk because of the unintentional Harry Potter reference. I don't though, not wanting him to get the wrong idea. One wrong move from me and he would probably kill me without a second thought.

"You are absolutely beautiful" he says as he leans back in his chair, causing my eyes to widen. No one was expecting that, The Seven all looking at each other in confusion and the girls whispering amongst themselves. I find it odd that he brought it up though, an underlying message of some sort hanging in the air around us.

"Isn't she, Taehyung?"

I gulp, feeling his gaze intensify. Its like he is reading every single emotion that flashes across my face, it getting increasingly harder to keep my expression neutral.

His eyes are on me, but his question was aimed towards Taehyung, the latter stiffening as soon as his name was mentioned. His eyes had immediately met mine before he looked away again, an emotion that I was unable to catch flashing across his face before disappearing altogether. 

He knows something, he has to. Taehyung's father must know that something happened between his son and I, the sinister gleam in his eyes unmistakable. My question is: How? How did he find out? 

"Stand" he says in a steady voice, making me jump in my spot despite him being calm right now. I follow his instructions though, pushing my chair out and standing. My heels click against the tile floor as I fix my stance, my hands brushing my dress down in my nervous state. His eyes don't leave me all through this, it practically impossible for me to tell what he is thinking at the moment. The way he is watching me has me squirming, a drop of sweat trailing down the back of my neck from my hairline.

"I'm going to ask you a question, and I expect an honest answer from you" his deep voice resonates throughout the room, goosebumps forming on my exposed arms and shoulders. I'm scared now, not liking the way he seems to eye me. I nod nonetheless, not wanting to see the stoic man when he is angry. 

"Have you seen Taehyung, at any point during your stay, kiss or touch any of the other girls sitting here today?"

Taehyung's chair screeches loudly as he stands up, his eyebrows creased as he turns to face his father. I can tell that he is mad from the way his hands are shaking at his sides, it obvious that this is a subject that has come up many times between them.

"I told you that I didn't. You know that I wouldn't do such a thing, so why are you asking her about it? I have never done something like that the before, so why would I do it now?"

The tension in the room is incredibly thick, my eyes going between Taehyung and his father as they stare each other down. Taehyung is livid with anger while his dad looks the same as always, impenetrable and unreadable. I move to sit down when both of their eyes move over to my form, immediately straightening back up in shock.

"Things just got interesting" a smooth voice calls from the front of the room, all of our attention swiveling towards the sound of the newcomer. I hadn't even heard him come in, his back pressed against the closed door. His arms are crossed over his chest while his legs are crossed at his ankles, a smirk on his full lips.

I have never seen him before, my eyes raking over his facial features in slight curiosity. His eyes are the same blue color as The Seven, meaning that he is demon. His hair is dyed a dark red color, the straight strands framing his thin face. I can't deny that he is attractive, his almond-shaped eyes holding amusement as he observes the scene that he created.

His eyes meet mine and I'm not sure how to feel about the way my stomach starts turning. It doesn't feel good, it as if I can tell that this guy is trouble. He winks at me and I frown, his look of amusement growing when Taehyung lets out a low growl from his standing position across the room.

"You, stay out of this" he says darkly, glaring at the guy who I have yet to hear the name of. All he does is smile, Taehyung's glare hardening even more at his aloof behavior. 

Who is this guy? And why does Taehyung seem to know him? 

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