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The room is silent except for my panting, sweat forming on my forehead as I keep as still as I can. 

Every move that I make send a jolt of energy through my body, the feeling almost unbearable. Its like my body doesn't like the fact that I didn't really let Jimin do anything to me. All of this left over lust that he pumped into me is making it harder for me to keep my eyes open, my bedsheets suffering from how hard I have been holding them. 

Even me breathing is starting to become uncomfortable. My chest feels heavy, my mind spinning in dizzying circles as I try and stay conscious. I don't know whats happening right now, and I don't know why I feel this way. Everything is incredibly sensitive, a slightly pained look on my face as I struggle to stay still.

The sound of the door opening and then closing again alerts me, the sound breaking through my discomfort. I can almost feel the vibrations from whoever is walking towards me, my heart beating erratically in my chest. I swear, if its Jimin I might castrate him. 

"(Y/N)? What are you doing?"

Oh, you know, just laying around, casually dying on the inside

I struggle to open my eyes, it feeling as if every move I make is draining me of any energy I have left and replacing it with a sickeningly sweet taste in my mouth. It invades my senses, everything around me twisting and turning. My stomach feels queasy as I look at whoever it was that entered my room through my squinted eyelids, my hand reaching out for them blindly.


I wince as a hushed curse leaves his mouth as he rushes over to my side, his hands resting on the bed beside my head. I'm not sure wether it is from my head spinning so much or the unsettling feelings I am experiencing, but I swear I can see concern shining in his beautiful, yet usually-expressionless, eyes. He bites his bottom lip as he gazes down at me, it as if he doesn't know what to do.

"I-I don't know what h-happened" I stutter through my trembling lips, my eyes closing once more. "I f-feel so weird. Its like all my s-senses are heightened o-or something."

"Fucking hell Jimin, why did you do that?" he whispers to himself as he sits next to me, the bed dipping as he does so. The movement caused me to shift slightly, a hiss escaping my mouth as pinpricks of electricity seem to shoot through my body. Its like my whole body is numb, the dulling feeling almost to the point of being painful.

"I'm going to do something........and don't look at it the wrong way.....but it should help."

What the hell is he talking about? All I can focus on right now is the fact that I can't feel my legs at all, the numbing feeling making it hard to move. Thats why I don't react at first when he touches me. 

His hands are soft as they massage my lower thigh, my mouth parting in relief as the feeling surges back through that area. He moves higher and the numbness in that part seems to disappear, it slowly retreating. It feels really good, although I am embarrassed to be thinking like that, sparks of pleasure dancing along my leg and wherever he touches. 

"F-fuck" I whisper as he moves higher, tilting my head back as I bite my lip against the moans that threaten to spill from my mouth. His fingers dance along my inner thigh and I can feel the bed shift as he moves closer to me, my chest rising and falling as he gets closer to my heat. I can feel the excess feelings of lust being removed from my body, Jimin's hold over me finally weakening.

I can also feel it as his hand pauses, it freezing on the uppermost part of my leg. Its as if he is thinking about something, his breath coming out almost as hard as mine. I'm not expecting it when his breath fans across my face. I'm also not expecting it when I feel the tip of his nose brush against mine.

I can hear every one of his shuddering breaths as he hovers there, his body suspended above me. I can feel the thudding of his heart as his chest presses against mine, the pace at which it is beating matching mine almost exactly. His hands are soft as they brush the hair out of my face, his fingertips leaving trails of bliss in their wake.

His lips are even softer

I don't know why he is kissing me. I know that I'm kissing him back because of the powers that Jimin left behind, but I don't know why he is kissing me.

His lips press against mine, moving at a startlingly fast pace. He practically crushes me against the bed, his body now resting in between my spread legs as he kisses me hungrily. The low groan that comes from the back of his throat stirs something in me, my hands reaching up to tangle in his hair.

My body arches towards him almost instinctually as he pulls me in closer, the lower half of his body meeting up with mine. The spine-tingling pleasure that is coursing though me makes it hard to think, but in a different way than it was before. 

As I open my mouth to allow his tongue access, I realize something. I can think for myself right now. Jimin's powers are no longer effecting me, me able to think and feel for myself at this time. I could stop this whenever I feel like it. The thing is, I don't think I want to.

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