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My heart seems to swell at his words, although they are rather gruesome and straightforward, a small smile on my face as Taehyung continues to hold his brother against the wall. I can practically feel how much he cares about me from across the room, the apprehension I had been feeling fading away until I am left with a sense of security.

That doesn't last for very long though. The hair on the back of my neck prickles as I get the sneaking suspicion that someone is watching me, my whole body going still. I don't turn around though. It's like I can't move, my feet plastered to the floor and my neck stiff.

"You would kill your own brother over some girl?" a deep voice asks from behind me, confirming my fear. A large hand pushes on my back and I stumble into the partially-opened door, my hands hitting the wood door and causing it to open the rest of the way as I am catapulted inside.

"D-Dad, I-"

"Answer my question" Taehyung's father says in a stern voice, the dark tone making me shiver involuntarily. He pushes me again and don't catch myself this time, landing on my hands and knees as a hiss of discomfort leaves my lips. Taehyung moves as if to help me up but stops when his father puts his shoe on my neck a presses down, my mouth dropping open in pain as well as outrage.

"She's not just some girl" he spits out, surprising me with his harsh tone. He has never said anything to oppose his father before now, my eyes wide as I stare up at his defiant face. "And yes, I would kill a lowlife like him if it meant that she was safe."

It's quiet after he says that. My knees start to ache from the position I am in, but I am too focused on what's going on to really notice. The seconds tick by and then turn into minutes, the atmosphere so thick with tension that you could cut it with a knife. Taehyung and his father seem to be having a stare-down of sorts, his hands clenched at his sides as the anger inside of him brews idly.

"I can't believe it. You've actually fallen for her."

"You're not jealous of James for what he did. You're not even the least bit envious; your protective" Taehyung's father continues, him finally taking his shoe off of me and walking closer to Taehyung. James moves towards me as Tae and his father continue glaring heatedly at each other, him pulling me up by my arm and holding me in place.

"I'll have to do something about that."

Quick as a flash, Taehyung's father strikes out with his knee, hitting his son in the stomach. I yell out as Taehyung groans in pain, my eyes widening as a blow strikes him across the face and causes him to fall to the ground.

"Don't touch him!" I yell, running forward only to be pulled back against James' chest. I struggle in his hold, wanting nothing more than to get to Taehyung and help him. I can't stand seeing him getting hit the way that he is, his father relentless as he sends punches and kicks to his already-bruised body. My heart beats faster and faster as tears of desperation create a film over my eyes, my ears ringing with the sounds of his grunts of discomfort.

"You bitch!" James yells as I successfully get one of my hands free and punch him in the face, his hold leaving me as he reaches up to stop the blood that is now pouring from his nose.

My moment of satisfaction is cut short as he gets a grip on himself and retains me again, one of his arms wrapping around my neck as I struggle to regain my freedom. That's easier said than done though, his hold so tight that I can feel it as I start to suffocate. My actions change, me going from trying to fight against him to trying to get free, my hands slapping pathetically at his arm as I struggle to breathe.

I can already see dark spots appear in the corners of my vision as I am forced to watch Taehyung get beaten up because he wanted to protect me, my tears overflowing as my lungs send my brain warning signals due to the lack of oxygen. I can feel the same terror and helplessness I had felt when James had taken advantage of me, my tears trickling down my neck and chest as it fills me up with dread.

A/N: just realized that (Y/N) didn't get a chance to change out of her bathrobe 🤦🏽‍♀️ I'm too lazy to go back and change it now though lol

This is different from the first time though. As I watch Taehyung, all I feel is the need to help him. I can feel my powers stir inside of me as I grasp on to consciousness, it starting off as a slight tickle on my chest as my necklace heats up against my skin. It starts to burn, it distracting me from the choking feeling and making my mind more clear.

My arms go slack, but I can feel it as my powers start spreading throughout my body, my heartbeat loud in my ears. The tingles start in my fingers before moving to my hands, spreading all throughout my arms and up to my shoulders. It is almost painful, it as if all of my muscles are waking up all at once and at the same time. It's as if the magic inside of me is a living thing, it stretching its limbs as it arouses and becomes one with my soul.

It starts slowing down once it gets to my neck, my world still spinning as James slowly squeezes the life out of me. All I focus on is Taehyung, my need to save him growing when he stops yelling out in pain. His body is slack as his father unleashes countless blows, his eyes closed as he stops fighting.

I have never felt this sort of feeling before, my heart shattering as I watch him give up. I didn't even know that I felt this strongly about him, but now that I'm watching his life slowly slip away right before my eyes, I know that I do. I have been trying to keep my emotions down and locked away because of how he was and what he did, deciding to love and respect myself instead of going for a guy who had beaten me down countless times. I can't anymore. I can't sit back and watch him suffer for me any longer, the tingling feeling rising until it has taken over my entire body.

My mind goes blank, and a surging current of electricity runs though me.

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