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"I won't fucking say it again! What. Are. You?"

My eyes water as the hold he has on my neck increases, my airways getting blocked as I desperately try and escape. I can't breath at all. My body still hurts from what ever the hell happened when Jungkook showed me his toy. All that my frail body is able to do at the moment is pathetically slap at his hands as they hold me by my neck against the wall. The world around me spins in dizzying circles as I stare into his eyes, the deep color holding anger and hatred that is currently focused on me and me alone.

"Taehyung! Let her go!"

His eyes flicker to the side at the exclamation before refocusing on me, some of the anger drained from his face. He seems to grow more stable every time one of the guys yells at him to stop, but his hold never weakens. I choke, no oxygen getting to my brain, my lungs begging for me to take a breath. I can't though; he won't let me.

The world around me grows fuzzy, my vision blurring before I close my eyes completely. I can hear my heartbeat as it slows down, my ears starting to fill with static. The persistent ringing in my ears gets louder and louder until it is the only thing I can hear, the world behind my eyelids turning an almost painful concentration of white. The numbing sensation that overtakes me is unsettling, leaving me with a feeling of emptiness. If I wasn't getting the breath squeezed out of me, I would have most likely been breathless from the sensation. It starts at my fingertips before trailing up my arms, soon covering my whole body.

This is the end. This is how I'm going to die.

What about my mom? Sure, she hadn't been the best parent in the world, but she was still my mother. She had always been there for me, even when I refused to recognize her acts of kindness for what the really were. Her punishments were for my benefit, her thoughts always on my future and well being. How is she going to react when they tell her that I have died? She had seemed so confident that I would win. I don't want her to cry because she lost me.

When I hit the ground, I can't even tell that I have been released. My whole world is bright white until splotches of color invade my vision. The numbing feeling fades away, leaving me instead with all of the pain I had been feeling before this. It is as if it has been amplified, my head pounding and throbbing with every heartbeat. The ringing is stopped, all of the sounds I am used to hearing coming back at full blast.

"God dammit Taehyung! You went and killed my favorite girl!"

"I didn't even get to play with her!"

"What is wrong with you? Why'd you have to go and do that?"

"Did anyone else see the flash of white light that came from her eyes before she closed them?"

"I thought I imagined that.....maybe she's not really dead...."

"What are you talking about stupid? She hasn't been breathing for ten minutes."

That's when I notice that I haven't taken a breath throughout that whole exchange. The ache in my lungs hits me full force, the painfulness causing me to gasp. The pain that hits me when my lungs finally fill with oxygen is overwhelming, my eyes overflowing with tears as I gulp in greedy mouthfuls. My chest and head feel as if someone is stabbing them with a thousand tiny boiling hot needles, but the pain subsides after a while.

I'm alive, and that's all that matters.

"Oh my god.....how the fuck is she still alive?"

I blink my sore eyes and clear away my tears, my eyes falling on the incredulous faces of The Seven. They gawk and stare at me as I struggle to stand up, each movement sending a stab of pain down my spine. Jin finally notices what I am trying to do and comes to my aid.

"Are you alright?"

His hands are gentle on my arms as he helps me stand, him pretty much supporting my whole weight as I lean on him. I scoff in disbelief, my watery eyes still producing angry tears. When I speak, my voice is incredibly hoarse, my throat burning as it produces the scratchy sound.

"Am I ok? Did you just ask me if I am ok? I just got tortured mentally and physically by some monster that Jungkook keeps as a toy, strangled to death, and then supposedly come back to life. My body aches all over, my head is spinning, and I feel like I  going to throw up air because I haven't eaten in what seems like days. My roommate looks up to me like a sister, but I know that I won't be able to protect her forever, and the other prisoners all seem to want to kill me for some reason. To top it all off, I am being held captive by seven demons who want to watch me suffer and perish, one of which who has already used his magic to make me sleep with him. So to answer your question: no, I am not fucking ok!"

My chest rises and falls as I glare at all of the demons around me, daring them with my eyes to talk back to me. I don't really care at this point. I have been through hell and back, and I don't want to deal with anymore shit at the moment. I know that they have the ability to kill me, but at least it will be less painful if they get it over with quickly.

"What are you staring at?" I snap when none of them answer me, them too busy just looking at me to reply. They are staring at me as if my hair is on fire, making me afraid that it actually is. You never know this stuff in a place like this. I reach up to check when my hand passes by my field of vision, causing me to stop in place.

My hand is fucking purple.

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