Next day

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I wake up and my head immediately starts pounding, a groan leaving my mouth as my hands moves up to cradle my aching head as if that will cause the pain to go away.

That proves to be a little bit harder to do than I thought it would be though. I can barely move my arms up due to Jimin's being wrapped around me, his body practically crushing mine. His head is wresting on my shoulder, his hair tickling the side of my neck. I try and move my legs but can't, one of his own placed on top of them.

Great. Now I have to pee.

"Stop moving" he whines, his breath hitting my neck as he cuddles closer to me. I roll my eyes as he squeezes me tighter, instantly regretting falling asleep next to him last night.

"Jimin, I love you babe, but if you don't let me go I'm not going to make it to the bathroom in time."

I can't help but smile triumphantly as he groans dramatically, reluctantly letting go of me before rolling over and wrapping his arms around his pillow instead. I chuckle at how cute he is being before walking into his bathroom and peeing, turning the shower on after I'm finished.

The water is warm as I let it fall on top of my head and down my back, my eyes closed as I enjoy the way it feels as it trickles down my upturned face. I just let it flow over me as I think back to last night, the scene playing over and over again in my mind.

The thing is, I wouldn't have regretted sleeping with Jimin. I know that it's not what I really needed at that time, but I wouldn't have regretted it when I woke up this morning. Sure, I may have felt bad for using him to mask my pain, but I wouldn't have been mad at him. He has grown so much from when we first met, and I hope he knows that. Before, I would have been disgusted in myself. Now, I wouldn't have really minded at all.

I'm glad that he stopped last night though. I really care for Jimin, and I wouldn't have wanted things to become difficult or awkward between us. He was also right. I miss Taehyung so much. I miss the way that he changed, the way his arms felt as they had wrapped around me to keep me warm and safe. I miss his affection a lot, and I had tried to find it within someone else since he couldn't give it to me.

"Are you almost done?" Jimin yells from outside the door. "I'm hungry as hell!"

"Calm down short-stack!" I yell back as I turn off the water and step out, smirking when he starts cussing me out for calling him short. He may be taller than me, but it's not really by much.

I dry off and change into one of Jimin's shirts, slipping on the jeans that I had left in here the last time Jimin, Jungkook, and I had hung out at night. I don't really bother with anything else, braiding my hair back so that it can dry that way.

"Fucking bitch" Jimin grumbles under his breath as I walk out, the smirk not leaving my face as he glares at me. I simply pat the top of his head and walk right past him, opening the door to his room before walking out.

"Wha-" my eyes are wide when I am suddenly staring at the floor instead of at the wall in front of me, my feet no longer on the ground. I can feel Jimin's hands as they grip around my thighs so that I don't fall off, my arms wrapping around his waist as I panic.

"Park mother fucking Jimin! Put me down, you Asshole!"

"Hmmm, let me think......" he pretends to think to himself as he pauses, a startled yell escaping my lips as his hand comes down, hard, on my ass.



He laughs as he starts running again, his hold tightening around me. I shriek in frustration, letting go of his waist so that I can slam both of my hands down on his ass as hard as I can as payback for what he did to me. I smirk in satisfaction as he yelps, his free hand coming down to caress his backside.

"What the fuck is going on?" Yoongi asks as he walks into the dining area, Jimin finally placing me down on my chair. We both stick our tongues out at each other, ignoring Yoongi's question as we have a glaring contest.

I stop first though, realizing that I haven't said anything to Jimin about last night yet. I clear my throat awkwardly and he loses his glare as well, staring at me questioningly.

"Thanks for last night Jimin. What you said was entirely true.......although I'm surprised you were coherent seeing as you were piss drunk."

"I was right?" he asks with a shocked look on his face as I nod. "That's good, 'cause I didn't understand a thing I was saying."

My face goes blank before I can't hide it anymore, a huge grin spreading across my face as laughter tumbles out of my parted lips. I lightly slap Jimin's shoulder as we both start laughing at our silliness, his hands covering the front of his face.

I stop laughing as I am forcefully pulled up and out of my chair, my face screwing up in slight pain as I am dragged out of the room. All eyes are on me as I almost trip over my feet from how fast I being carted off, my eyes wide as I try and keep up with the person pulling me while my body stays facing backwards.

"What the fuck man?" I yell as I am roughly thrown against the far wall outside of the dining room, my back stinging with pain as I glare up at Taehyung. His glare scares me more though, his hands balled by his sides as he shakes with silent anger.

"W-what's wrong Taehyung?"

"What's wrong?" he scoffs, rolling his eyes as I shrink in on myself.

He looks pissed. His eyebrows are creased as he starts pacing in front of me, his shoulders tense. His jaw clenches and unclenches as he tries to calm himself down, his chest rising and falling rapidly. What I don't understand is why he is so upset right now. He doesn't usually pay attention to what I am doing now that Sandra is in the equation.

"I......" he stops as he turns towards me again, his eyes lingering on the side of my neck. He doesn't say anything as he takes a step forward before lightly placing his finder over the spot, my eyes widening as soon as I realize what it is that he is looking at.

"Who gave you this?"

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