Waking up

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Jungkook's pov

We are all watching her, wondering when she is going to wake up. When we put Taehyung in charge of her, we didn't know that he was going to use the dream serum. We only use it to people who deserve it because of the way that it works, so I was surprised when he told us what he had done.

The dream serum is named that because of the way it works. When put into contact with the person we are using it on, it seeps into their system and puts them into a deep sleep. They won't be aware that they are asleep though. That's when the nightmares start. They are transported to wherever they had been longing to go, the serum picking out memories from their brains. They are then tortured mentally with grotesque images of murder, their deepest and darkest fears becoming a reality to them.

We had given the rest of the girls some time to themselves as we worked on (Y/N), not wanting to deal with them while we were busy finding out exactly who and what she is. Not even Jin knows what she is, which leads me to believe that she is something that we have never personally dealt with before. I was more surprised at Taehyung though. He almost seemed upset at what he had done to her, his eyes filled with guilt and remorse as he told us the news. To be honest, I would feel that way as well. Who knows what she is going through right now?

"Guys, she's moving" Jimin says to the room as a whole as he walks closer to where she is laying down. I stand up from the chair I was in before slowly walking over myself, peering down at her from my spot at her side. Jimin was right, she is moving all right. Her body appears to be twitching as if jolts of electricity is being shot into her body. Her eyes are still closed, but I can see a sliver of them as her eyelids are slightly parted. Only the whites of her eyes can be seen as she shakes, her body limp and weak to these spasms.

She suddenly stops, her body going perfectly still. If it weren't for the steady up and down movement of her chest, I would have thought that she was dead. Her mouth parts and she starts mumbling things as she sleeps, her forehead creasing in between her eyebrows.

"What is she saying?" Namjoon asks softly, looking over at me. I am the closest to her head, so I lean forward to see if I can distinguish what she I saying, her breath stirring my hair as I put my ear closer to her mouth. At first it just sounds like a mumbled word of protest, but then I can hear as her voice starts to get louder, the word becoming more and more audible. My eyes widen as I back away from her, a strange feeling going through me as I look down at her in shock.

"What is it? What is she saying?"

"Eomma" I say softly before clearing my throat. "She was calling out for her mom."

The whole room is quiet except for her whimpers, her calls getting louder as she begins to cry. Her cries get louder and louder until they fill the room, tears running down her face as her fingers clench and unclench by her sides.

"Eomma....I'm so sorry....I didn't mean to, I swear......"

She didn't mean to do what? What is she dreaming about that would make her cry like out this? My chest starts to feel heavy as she cries harder until she is full on sobbing, something stirring in my chest. I actually feel sorry for her, something that I haven't felt in a long time. I actually want to help her in some way, my eyes seemingly unable to look away from her face. The mention of her mom made my feel a pang of sorrow for her, pity running through me in waves.

"I didn't mean to...I didn't mean to..."

Her voice gets louder as she starts to tremble in her sleep, the tears having stopped completely now. Something isn't right though. I can somehow sense it. Something isn't going as planned, her body jerking around as she shakes her head. I watch as she reaches one of her hands down so that it is grasping onto her upper thigh, her nails pressing into the fabric of her jeans. It isn't until I can see the red of her blood staining the light blue denim that I realize just how hard she is holding herself.

I waste no time in pulling her hand away from her leg, keeping it in my grasp. She yells as she tries to get out of my hold, my other hand reaching down to hold onto the wrist of her other arm. The fingers on her right hand are stained with her own blood as her back arches off of the bed, both Jimin and Yoongi having to hold onto her feet.

"(Y/N)....(Y/N)! Wake up!" Namjoon yells as he holds onto her face, obviously as freaked out as I am right now. What is happening in her dream? Why is she screaming as if she is being attacked?

"It hurts! It hurts so bad!" she yells, her eyes still closed shut. She screams as she manages to sit up, her eyes finally opening all the way. I let her go in shock when I realize that she is awake, watching as she pats down her body as if her clothes were on fire or something. Her chest rises and falls rapidly as she starts to calm down, her hands still trembling as she looks around.

I watch as he face goes from shocked to petrified, her lips turning down in the corners as everything seems to come back to her. A tear runs down her cheek before she breaks, her body wracking with sobs.

I don't know why I do it, or what came over me, but I am suddenly sitting next to her in the bed. I gently pull her closer to me and move her head so that it is resting against my chest. I can feel her tears as they soak my shirt, her hands holding onto the fabric of my shirt at the hem. I don't mind though. I let her cry on me, something that I haven't let happen in an extremely long time. She is a noona to me, and she is obviously not human, and I feel as if I should be protecting her. I stay there even after the rest of the guys leave, simply waiting for her to be ready to talk about what just happened.

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