To the death

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I stand with my arms by my side as Jimin circles around me, his fingers trailing along my exposed stomach and chest. He must be using a little bit of his hypnotizing powers on me right now because I can't seem to move away from his touch. I don't even flinch when he touches my collar bone, his fingers light and leaving a tingling sensation in their wake.

"Your skin is so soft love" he whispers as he goes to stand behind me. His warm hands move my ponytail so that it is off of my shoulder, his breath fanning the side of my neck. My breath hitches when he kisses the skin there, the feeling unfamiliar to me. The feeling of his lips dragging up my neck makes me shiver, his teeth grazing the skin of my jaw when he speaks next.

"You gunna win for me, babe?"

I lurch forward in shock, successfully getting out of his grasp. My mind clears the moment he is no longer touching me, the room coming back into focus. His low chuckle from behind me causes goosebumps to form on my arms. I watch with wide eyes as he makes his way back to his seat, an amused glint in his eyes. They all stare at me as I feel in my back pocket, something sharp and cold pricking my finger. When did he have the opportunity to place something there?

"Chang, (Y/N), please step towards the center of the room and take out the gifts I left for you."

I do as I am told, placing the dagger into the center of my hand. It is small, the blade barely big enough to fit in my palm. It looks dangerously sharp though. My blood runs cold at the look in Jimin's eye now, the maniacal glint coming back.

"You will both take the dagger and fight to the death. The winner will get her night with me."

I can feel my head as it shakes from side to side in denial. I can't kill anyone. I won't. I refuse to kill Chang, but I'm not so sure that the feeling is mutual. She glares at me with so much determination that it causes me to stumble back in shock. She is ready to kill me.

"You may begin."

She slowly moves to the right and I mirror her, walking in a circle as we stare at each other. My feet cross over each other, one after the other, the dagger feeling incredibly heavy in my hand. I can't kill her, but I will do whatever it takes to stay alive for as long as I can.

She dashes forward, lashing out with her weapon. I am barely able to dodged the attack, the blade slicing into my cheek. Blood trickles down from the cut, the stinging sensation causing me to wince as I touch it to asses the damage. It isn't a deep cut, but it still hurts a little. I am more surprised than hurt though, the breath getting nocked out of me by how real the situation is.

She strikes at me again, the blade whizzing by my face as I successfully move out of the way fast enough this time. It was startlingly close to my neck, the blade slicing through the air fluidly. I suddenly feel cold on my back, my hand flying up to feel the back of my neck. I feel nothing. Looking down, I can see my hair on the floor with the ponytail holder still keeping it bound together. My hair is now short in the back with slightly longer stands framing my face in the front, the cut oddly smooth and even for such a harsh swing. She swings at me again and I waste no time in ducking her attack and socking her in the face.

"That was for cutting my hair you bitch" I spit out harshly in my anger, my eyes hard and uncaring. I know that it seems rather useless to get upset over my hair when I am in such a tense situation, but I can't help it. I had been really fond of my hair, having been growing it out since I was little. I had thought it to be my best feature, always able to keep my confidence up because of that fact. Now that it is gone I feel exposed and defenseless.

Chang wipes at her mouth, blood smearing on her face and on her hand. Her glare is fiery as she glares at me, spitting on the ground before charging at me once more. Everything seems to happen in slow motion for me. I move out of the way at the last minute, causing her to over exert herself. I push on her back, using her own inertia to my advantage. She stumbles to the hard floor, staying there when she hits the ground.

My breath comes out in short and labored bursts as I cautiously walk over to the slumped-over girl. I nudge her gently with my foot, jumping back right after just in case she was faking it. When she doesn't move I get worried. I kneel down beside her, gently turning her around by her shoulder.

"Chang.....are you ok?"

I turn her fully around and almost throw up. When she had fallen, she had landed on her dagger. The handle sticks out of her stomach with the blade pushed all the way in. Her blank eyes stare up at me as I scoot back as quickly as I can, them already starting to glaze over. I can feel the tears as they stream down my cheeks in rivers, my hands shaking as I throw my dagger away from me in disgust and repulsion.

"Oh my god....oh my god."

"Well done (Y/N)."

I stare at Jimin as he examines Chang's dead body, him smiling at me when he catches my eyes. I shake my head as he advances towards me, my bottom lip quivering.

"N-no. I didn't m-mean to."

He shakes his head and gives me a fake sympathetic look, placing his foot on top of her legs.

"But you did babe. You killed her, and now you'll get your prize; like I promised."

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