Torture pt2

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I can't keep my eyes off of him, them wide and full of fear as he paces in front of me. His eyes don't leave mine as my chest rises and falls rapidly, my heart beating erratically in my chest. My eyes travel down to his pink lips as they turn up into the closest I have ever seen him smile, my breath hitching in my chest at the sight. I can feel my cheeks as they start to turn pink, my brain whirling in my head. It has to be the fact that I have never really seen him smile before that I'm feeling this way. Yeah, that's it.

"I really don't wanna have to do this (Y/N), but I will."

He chuckles at my petrified look, walking closer to me with slow steps. I flinch back at every loud footfall, my eyes closing on their own. I hold my breath as the footsteps stop, bracing myself for what is to come. The time goes by, and I feel nothing. I don't even feel his presence anymore. All I can hear is the sound of my own loud breathing when I finally let it back out.

I slowly open my eyes, blinking them to clear my vision. I scream as I look into Taehyung's eyes, him right in front of my face. I am so frightened that I almost fall backwards, the chair I am attached to rocking back. My eyes are wide, my mouth open, a strangled squeal escaping my lips as I begin to become parallel to the ceiling.

My neck flings forward as I am caught, the chair making a horrid sound as the legs scrape against the floor. My eyes are wide as I stare into his, the blue almost mesmerizing. All of a sudden it is as if my mind goes blank. I can't think. I can't move. I can't do anything except stare into his strangely hypnotic eyes. There are so many emotions swirling in their depths that it takes my breath away. This is the first time that I have seen him look regretful. As I stare at him, and he stares right back at me, he looks as if he is actual regretting his decision.

"(Y/N)......please don't make me do this......"

His voice is so soft that I'm not even sure if he spoke at first. His eyes hold so much sadness that it is almost overwhelming as I look into them. I shake my head slightly, not sure what he is trying to say. Don't make him do what?

"Please (Y/N). Just tell me what you are and why you are here and I won't have to do this."

I shake my head again, my voice frail as I answer him in the only way I know how.

"I-I'm sorry, but I can't. How am I supposed to tell you what I am if I don't even know myself?"

I watch as he closes his eyes tightly, his hands balled tightly at his sides. He grinds his teeth together before sighing, his eyes opening once more to stare into mine. A frown appears on his handsome face, his eyebrows creased in what looks like displeasure.

"Then you leave me no choice."

My eyes are wide as he leans even closer to me, his nose brushing against mine. This small amount of contact leaves my body humming with electricity, my eyes fluttering closed at the intense feeling. I can feel it when his lips brush against mine, them barely touching mine. Even just with that, my body goes into shock. I don't even move away. It is as if my body is completely frozen, my tongue flicking out as if on it's own accord to wet my lips. The taste of something sweet hits my taste buds, a sigh leaving my parted lips.

"Please (Y/N)..................please."

I still have no idea how to answer him. Even if I did, I don't think I would be able to answer him. I am way too aware of his presence, his breath mixing with mine every time we breathe. He lets out a sigh before his lips finally touch mine, fireworks exploding behind my closed eyelids.

This is no doubt the best kiss I have ever experienced in my life. I can't help but move my lips against his as butterflies swirl around in my stomach, the euphoric feeling I am getting from this simple kiss making my head spin in dizzying circles. His hand is on the side of my face, his fingers tangled in the short strands of my hair.

I can't seem to stop. I subconsciously know that this is wrong, that I shouldn't be kissing him, but my mind doesn't seem to want to register that knowledge. It is unlike anything I have ever felt before, the smoothness of his lips against mine quickly becoming addicting. I strain my neck towards him when his tongue lightly traces my bottom lip, my mouth opening to him almost immediately.

That's when it starts. My body seizes up, my eyes opening as soon as his tongue touches mine. Something is not right. Something is happening to me. I can't breathe at all, choking sounds coming out of my mouth as I try and get more oxygen into my lungs. I pull and pull at the chains around my wrists in vain, ignoring the sharp pain that comes with it. I only stop when Taehyung puts his hands on my wrists in order to stop me from doing anymore damage, his hands red with my blood when he pulls them away once more.

My eyes slowly close as he mouths "I'm sorry" to me, a frown on his face. The darkness behind my eyelids is almost frightening to me. I have never been so afraid of my eyes being closed in my life, my heart thundering in my chest at the sickening sensation. Then it starts to fade away. The darkness starts to get brighter, until I can see the blue of the sky. I know that my eyes are still closed, but I can still see it, my house appearing as well.

I'm walking along the path to my house, my white shoes padding against the compact dirt. I smile as I open the door, finally home after all of this time. I am not expecting all of the lights to be off at this time of day though. The smile on my face slowly turns into a frown as I cautiously walk around my house, my eyes taking in all of the furniture and pictures wrapped in tarps and packed away in boxes.

"Eomma......I'm home.....where are you?"

It is eerily quiet, every creak of the floorboards making me jump. I gasp and cover my mouth in shock at the ghastly smell coming from the kitchen. It is so horrid that I can feel myself starting to get sick, my stomach churning at the nauseating stench. I creep towards the door, my hand reaching out to open the door. I jump back when it opens at my touch, the wood strangely warm against my fingertips.

My eyes are drawn to the floor, them widening at all of the red that is splattered on it. The smell gets stronger the farther into the room I get. The table is overturned, blood splattered across the walls like the most gory horror film I have ever seen. The vase is on the floor, the glass shattered all over it. The petals of the once-white roses are now stained red, the stems broken and twisted. Even the portrait of my mom and I is ruined, five claw marks running across where my face used to be.

There is only one chair still standing. A strangled sob exits my mouth as I look at the body sitting in it. My mom's eyes are still open, them unseeing and glazed over. All of the color has been drained from her face, her cheeks hallow with a blue tint to them. Her mouth is open in a silent scream, a single tear still dripping down her cheek.


She's dead. I know it. I don't want it to be true, but there is no denying it. Her chest is wide open, blood staining the front of her favorite shirt. Tears stream down my cheeks in endless rivers as I stare at my mother's dead corps, unable to look away. My whole body is shaking as I try and calm down, the beginnings of a panic attack already threatening to overtake me.


My eyes are wide as I stare at my hands, bringing them up to my eyes. They are covered in dark blood, it reaching all the way up to my elbows. My clothes are covered in it, even my hair dripping with it. I can feel the blood as it drops from my hair to my cheeks, it mixing with my tears. My nails are long and sharp, them fashioned into points. Blood is also underneath them, a piece of shirt still caught on one of them.

I shake my head from side to side as I back up, walking away from my mom and where she sits. I still can't look away though. Her blank eyes stare at me, mine locked onto hers. The breath gets stuck in my throats as I shake, my knees threatening to buckle.

"What have I done?"

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