Step sister

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One thing is for sure: I do not like Jimin's step sister at all.

Its not just the fact that she treated Jimin so horribly when he was so young. She managed to simultaneously change and ruin his life, her the reason that he has to act upon the urges he gets from his powers so often. I hate that he also seems to be so scared of her, his whole body tensing up every time that she so much as looks in his general direction. I really shouldn't like Jimin because what he has done to me, but I can't bring myself to hate him after he told me about how he came to be his way.

The other reason why I hate her is because of Jungkook and Taehyung. She clings onto both of them as if they are her own personal play things, her hands either in their hair or on their chests. Taehyung isn't effected by her at all, his gaze never wavering when she is around him. I can tell that Jungkook is struggling though.

Jimin explained that Jungkook is a decedent of Wrath, meaning that he isn't as affected by lust as much as the others are. His powers make it so that he is barely affected in any way other than being angry, which means that he has been in a foul mood since she got here. I can literally see his expression switch form cheerful to full of hate the minute that she walks in the room, it obvious that he is only doing that so that he isn't as susceptible to her advances.

I can't help but glare at her form my spot next to Jungkook, watching as she trails her hands all over Taehyung's chest as she talks to him. I have no idea why I am feeling so jealous that she is so interested in him, my mood darkening the longer that this goes on. My jaw clenches in anger as I watch her flip her hair over her shoulder, my hatred for her growing.

My eyes widen when I see Taehyung turn in my direction, his eyes moving around my face before he meets my gaze. He raises one slender eyebrow when he catches me staring, it as if he is asking me what the problem is. I can't help but scoff as I look away form him, crossing my arms as I turn towards that two guys that I have been getting even closer to since the she-devil came to stay with us.

"I'm suddenly craving ice cream" I say quietly as I grab onto both Jimin's and Jungkook's shirt sleeves, watching as their eyes light up. They have both been incredibly tense since Jimin's sister came, so I try and find excuses to get them away from her influences. I avoid Taehyung's intense gaze as we walk out of the room, being ignored by everyone else.

"Thanks for that noona" Jungkook says with a sigh, placing his arm over my shoulders. "I thought I was gunna suffocate if I didn't get out of that room."

"Me too" Jimin says lightly, a small smile now on his face. I notice that he seems much happier now, it painfully obvious how terrified he is of this girl. Understandably so. When she looks at him, I can practically feel the unease radiating off of him, her eyes showing just how much she likes playing with his emotions. I hate people like her, them getting pleasure from causing other people sorrow.

We reach the hidden kitchen that only Jimin, Hoseok, Jungkook, and I know about, closing the door behind us and heading towards the freezer. They didn't tell anyone else about it because they didn't want Namjoon to find out about it. The desserts that they keep hidden here would be gone in less than a second, so we are all currently keeping it on the down low.

"I want the double fudge brownie!" I yell, watching as Jimin's eyes widen as he shakes his head. I stare at him with narrowed eyes before we both rush towards the freezer. I immediately spot the ice cream of my choice, reaching towards it as both Jimin and my hands battle for the tasty prize.

"Fuck you, you cock sucker" I mumble under my breath as I watch him dance happily with my ice cream in his hands, pouting as I see we are only left with vanilla, mint chip, and Oreo. I pick up the mint chip while Jungkook has Oreo, him closing the freezer as Jimin hands me a spoon.

"Its not my fault you were too slow" he says as he takes a bite out of, I'll repeat myself, my ice cream, laughing when I attempt to smack his spoon out of his mouth.

Jungkook places a sympathetic hand on my shoulder as I moodily bring a spoonful of mint ice cream up to my mouth, unable to enjoy the smooth creaminess of the dessert while Jimin scarfs down my fucking ice cream.

Deep breaths (Y/N), deep breaths

I dip my spoon back into the carton and bring it back up to my mouth, cussing softly when a little bit of the liquidated sugar drips down my hand. I lick it off with my tongue before it has the chance to stain the long sleeve of my white shirt, my eyes flickering back up once again.

I gulp as I eye Jimin apprehensively, watching as his throat moves as he noticeably swallows. His eyes are trained on my mouth, his own bottom lip captured between his teeth. I begin to grow wary of the look in his eyes, recognizing that he is slowly loosing control of himself once again.

"Jimin" I say in warning, watching him as Jungkook walks over to my side. It takes an effort, but I can tell that he is trying, Jimin's eyes clenching shut as he balls his hands into fists to try and ward off the random powers that had been trying to take control of his brain.

"I-I'm sorry (Y/N). Its hard to control sometimes."

A high-pitched giggle reaches our ears, all three of us looking over towards the now-open door. Jimin's step-sister's slim form can be seen leaning against the doorway, a mocking pout on her face as she looks at Jimin chidingly.

"Now now ChimChim, I taught you better than that."

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