The truth comes out

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Jungkook's pov

I stare down at (Y/N) as she sleeps peacefully, gently stroking her hair as I do so.

I reach down to try and wipe away the tears that are still on her cheeks, frowning when I realize that they have already dried. I can't help but feel a pang of sadness hit me as I stand up and leave her, closing her bedroom door silently behind me.

My legs move me back towards the dining area, my eyes burning with anger. I can feel it as my hands clench into fists by my sides when I can hear the voices of everyone talking behind the closed door. Whatever Taehyung did, he's got to answer for it. What right does he have to make (Y/N) cry and then pretend like he didn't do anything wrong?

"Kim Taehyung!" I yell as I burst through the door, my eyes seeking the said member. Everyone goes quiet as they stare at me in shock, but I don't pay any attention to them. My eyes are focused solely on Taehyung, my teeth grinding together when he doesn't even flinch at my outbursts, his eyes calm as he finishes the spoonful of food he had.

"Girls; out" he says calmly, not moving his gaze away from me. I can see the girls leaving from the corner of my eye, the sound of scuffing shoes and whispered exchanges able to be distinguished. The guys look between Taehyung and I in confusion as I glare heatedly at him, steadily growing angrier.

"What did you do to (Y/N) noona?" I ask in a deadly quiet voice, watching his eyes carefully. Taehyung has never really been one to show what he is thinking, but we at close enough that I can tell sometimes. This time I can clearly see a flicker of guilt cross his features before he goes blank again, his jaw clenching ever so slightly when I mention her name.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

I scoff, "that's bullshit and you know it." He simply shrugs, leaning back in his chair as he looks at me with his aggravatingly uncaring look. I hate how he looks so unbothered by this whole situation. I hate how he doesn't seem to care about how (Y/N) is feeling.

"Why do you care Jungkook? Got a crush?"

My eyebrows raise at how surprisingly possessive he got over her, a slight smirk on my face as I cross my arms in front of my chest. I don't have a crush on (Y/N), but it seems like he might.

"Do you have a crush on her?" I rebuttal, shocked by how much I like the look of discomfort that shows up clear as day on his face. He looks almost scared as he avoids my gaze, the guys looking around at each other in confusion.

"Guys. Maybe you should continue this at a later time" Jin suggests mildly, looking a little concerned as he looks between the two of us.

"Yeah" Yoongi continues, a bored look on his face. "We should be discussing the dance, and how we are going to greet Taehyung's dad when he gets here."

That's right. I frown as I look away from Taehyung and over to the side, thinking about the dance coming up. Since Taehyung's dad is the leader of the remaining demons on our side of the Country, we all have to be very careful when he is around. We hold a dance every Choosing so that he can come and see who the remaining girls are at that point in time. It is a lavish event, complete with fancy outfits and a live orchestra.

Taehyung stiffens as soon as his dad is mentioned, (Y/N) all but forgotten at this point. In his mind, his dad is what matters the most. In his mind, impressing him is the only thing that he should be focusing on. I cross my arms and huff in annoyance, temporarily putting our conversation on hold.

"What is the theme this time?" Namjoon asks from his spot on on the table, his long legs dangling off the side and onto the ground. I crack a smile as Jin hits his head with the back of his hand to get him to use better manners, a scowl on his face as he stands up straight once more.

"We decided on a masked ball, remember?" says Hoseok from his spot next to me. "It's a little redundant, but we did it so that it would be easier to hide (Y/N) from Taehyung's father."

We all nod in understanding, finding nothing wrong with what was just said. We can't let him find out about (Y/N). If he finds out that she isn't entirely human, he might take her away to be studied or something. We can't let that happen. I have grown awfully attached to her, and I know that almost everyone else feels the same as well.

"I can pick out her dress, right?"

I can feel my gaze hardening as I turn to look at Jimin, raising my hand as if I am going to hit him. He flinches a little before standing back up, a small chuckle of relief leaving his mouth when he realizes that I was only kidding. He better watch out though. Another remark about (Y/N) and I might actually swing.

"You are such a pervert" I say with a tired roll of my eyes, crossing my arms in front of me as I lean most of my weight onto one leg. I sigh when he simply shrugs indifferently with a smirk on his face, not even attempting to get him to see how gross he is being right now.

"Dude, have you seen her? She's fucking hot. Not to mention she's great in bed--ow! What the fuck dude?"

"Shut up before I hit you again" Taehyung says threateningly, his eyes hard as he glares at Jimin who made the bad choice of standing right in front of him. 

I watch with wide eyes as Jimin rubs his arm, a look of clear pain on his face. I'm not sure what I am more shocked at. The fact that Taehyung is acting extremely possessive over (Y/N), or the fact that he hit Jimin. They have been best friends for as long as I can remember, but ever since this Choosing ceremony they haven't been getting along as well as they used to.

"What was that for Tae?" Jimin whines as he massages the spot that got hurt, a slight glare on his face as he glances in Taehyung's direction. I'm honestly kind of scared at how mad Taehyung is right now, wondering why he is acting in such a strange way. It isn't like him to show his emotions, so why is he doing it now?

"I don't like the way you talk about her" he says with a shrug, surprising me even more. Ok, now I'm confused. Does he care about (Y/N), or does he not? One moment he acts as if he doesn't like her at all, and then the next he gets super possessive over her. 

"Whats it to you? I can talk about her however I want" Jimin says haughtily, crossing his arms in front of his chest. He suddenly gets a cheeky look in his eye, a smirk appearing on his face. He leans forward so that his hands are flat on the table, looking at Taehyung mockingly.

"You're just jealous that we fucked, huh?" he says lowly, his smirk widening when Taehyung doesn't say anything in return. I watch as a nerve in his temple twitches slightly as he tries to keep calm, his jaw clenching in his anger. He glares at Jimin as he laugh in his face, it obvious that he is striking a nerve.

"You don't like that I have something that you don't" Jimin continues. "I mean, you are a descendent of the Deadly Sin, Envy after all. What? Did you not like how I could make her scream my name and make her beg for more? It felt so good when I was between her legs, fucking her senseless." 

"I said shut the fuck up!" Taehyung yells, standing up from his seat and getting dangerously close to Jimin's face. I start to grow a little nervous when he grabs onto the collar of Jimin's shirt, concerned that he actually might hit him. Jimin doesn't seem worried at all, a frown on his face as he glares right back at Taehyung in aggravation.

"Why the fuck should I? Why are you so damn possessive over her, huh?"

"Because I fucking slept with her too!"

"You what?" I whisper, the whole room suddenly growing silent. Jimin's eyes are wide and his mouth is dropped open in shock, his look probably mirrored on everyone else's face as well. Taehyung has never slept with a girl here before. Heck, I don't think he ever slept with anyone before we started The Choosing either. The fact that he slept with (Y/N) of all people is lost on me, my mind turning in confusion.

Taehyung seems to realize what he just said, his hold on Jimin's shirt loosening before he releases him all together. The conflicted expression on his face confuses me even more, him looking the most vulnerable that I have ever seen him before. He puts his hands in his hair in frustration before walking away, leaving the rest of us in silence. 

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