The Seven

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I keep my eyes trained on his back as he leads us down the hall to where I would assume is the dining hall. I stare transfixed at the way his back muscles tighten and flex when he moves, the white t-shirt he has on stretched slightly because of his broad shoulders. He turns his head towards me, a smirk evident on his pale face as his blue eyes meet mine in amusement.

"Like what you see?" he asks, his voice taunting. I trip over my words as he chuckles, turning back to the front. My cheeks haven't lost their red coloring by the time we make it to the dining hall, still hot with embarrassment. Everyone's eyes flicker towards the three of us as we enter, it becoming eerily silent. Chanmi grabs on to my arm, her fingernails digging uncomfortably into my skin. I flinch, but don't do anything about it. She is scared, and I'm the only sense of security she has as if right now.

"What took you so long?" Namjoon asks the man who walked us here, his eyes glancing between me and Chanmi in confusion. The man takes a seat next to the youngest looking out of all of them, lounging back in his chair idly.

"I caught them wandering around lost. Thought I'd give them a hand before they did anything stupid."

He locks eyes with me as I stare at him with wide eyes, his tiny smirk returning to his face. Namjoon looks between us, observing our behavior. It is then that I look over at the other people situated around the table. The Seven are all there, along with three other girls. Something that I notice is that they all have some sort of injury visible on their bodies. Are they from last night? They are all sitting spread out around the table, only two seats left. That's odd. The competition is held between seven girls, yet only five of us are here.

The only two seats that are left make me inwardly cringe and shudder in discomfort. One seat is on the very end, the furthest away from The Seven. It would be a very good seat for someone who was scared out of their mind of the seven demons sitting at the table. The girl sitting next to that empty chair is the problem. I catch her eye and she sends me the iciest glare I have ever seen. It is like I am the one that killed her twin brother and she wants to get revenge. She glares at me with so much hatred and ferocity that I take an involuntary step back, bumping in to Chanmi in the process.

The other seat is even worse. It is in between two members of The Seven. One is tall with broad shoulders and kind eyes. He seems harmless enough, but you can never be too sure with the ones that seem nice. Besides, he is part of The Seven; they are all cold hearted killers that won't hesitate to slit our throats. The one on the other side looks to be the youngest. He has an amused glint in his eye. It's as if he is happy at this. He knows what the situation is and can't wait to see what my decision is.

"Hurry up and sit already."

I turn and look at who spoke, my breath catching in my throat. It's the guy. The guy that got me in this whole mess. The guy that had to pick me out of all the others girls who were there. He is even more breathtaking up close. His eyes seem to be different from the others. Not by much, but a noticeable difference. His sharp jawline is eye catching, his hair falling messily into his face. His eyes are cold as he stares into my eyes, his gaze unwavering.

"Don't be rude Taehyung" Namjoon says, chastising the younger guy. Taehyung. That's his name. I had heard it the night of the Choosing, but I hadn't been sure. I watch as Taehyung scoffs, rolling his eyes as he looks away from me. Namjoon turns to look at me with calculative eyes, his gaze piercing through me as he seemingly studies me. He motions towards the two seats with his hand, the grand gesture causing everyone to look at him.

"You pick first (Y/N)."

The teasing glint I saw last night is back in his eyes as he continues to watch me. He's testing me. He wants to know where I will sit. If I'm afraid of them. Of course I am afraid of them, who wouldn't be? The choice is obvious. I take a step in the direction of the glaring girl, figuring that the glaring is better than a demon. I am stopped by the soft sniffle coming from behind me. It is so faint that I think that it was just part of my imagination at first. 

I turn around slowly, my eyes falling on the terrified girl in front of me. Tears stream silently down her pale cheeks as she stares at The Seven in barely suppressed horror, her thin body trembling. Her hand subconsciously reaches down to grasp her bruised wrist, her fingers rubbing soothing circles onto and around it. They must have done that to her last night. That's why none of them are sitting near them. When I got taken to my room that must have been all the screams I had heard. I can't do that to her.

I grab her hand, squeezing it gently. She looks up at me with teary eyes, them wide and doe-like. I smile as reassuringly as possible, wiping at a tear that fell from her eyes with my thumb. I walk in the opposite direction, watching as The Seven's eyes all widen in shock. They were probably expecting me to fend for myself and stay as far away from them as possible. I would never do that to Chanmi though. I just couldn't. She reminds me too much of my little sister. I sit down, ignoring the inquisitive stare coming from Taehyung and the hungry eyes of the men on either side of me.

This is going to be a long breakfast.

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