Even more uncertainty

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I told them everything

I hadn't spoken to Jungkook much on the way back to his place, too busy thinking about everything to do so. I could feel his gaze on my face though, a concerned look in his eyes. I still find it weird how we have grown so close considering how we met and why I'm with them in the first place, but the comfort I get from him is nice.

What I am confused about is my relationship to him. Since my dad was a Sin of Wrath does that mean that Jungkook and I are related? Is the Sin passed down through a family, or is it passed down to whoever is worthy of it? Were my dad and his dad brothers, or did they not have anything to do with each other? 

"Jungkook" I pause as I fidget in my seat, not looking over at the younger guy as I do so. I can feel his gaze on the side of my face as I bite my lip, wondering if I should even ask him at this point. I just don't want to sound stupid, aware of Taehyung looking at me as well as the others. 

"Does this mean we are related in some way?" I ask cautiously, finally turning my head so that I can look at him. The soft smile on his face is enough to make me relax a little bit despite the tense atmosphere, his hand reaching down to grab onto mine.

"Usually the Deadly Sin traits get passed down in a family. Since your dad was an only child, his father was forced to give the title to another family. My dad had no relation to yours at all, from what he had told me at the time. I thought that your dad left the Sins because he was a coward, but now I know it was because he was trying to protect you."

"That doesn't mean anything though" he continues on, putting his head on my shoulder and wrapping his arms around my waist. I find myself hugging him back fondly, a smile coming onto my face as well. 

"I still see you as an older sister of sorts."

"Awe, thanks Jungkook" I whisper to him before he pulls away from me, smiling down at me as he ruffles my hair affectionately. I turn towards Jimin when he chuckles to himself, that not being that difficult because he is sitting on the other side of me.

"I see you as a best friend" he adds, scratching his chin as he thinks. I can except that as well. Ever since he had told me about his past and how he turned out the way he did I have been hanging out with him more. 

He had started making an effort to not let his Sin control him, which is something that I didn't think he would ever try to do. I was scared at first, but Jimin has proved that he can control his urges when he puts his mind to it. He still slips from time to time, but it isn't long before he snaps out of it. I find myself wanting to protect him now, his adorable personality shining through and making me realize that he is a caring person that never gives up on his friends.

"A best friend?" Hoseok asks from across the table, peering at Jimin curiously. All of the other guys are looking at him strangely too, as if they don't believe that at all. Even Jungkook is narrowing his eyes at the guy sitting next to me, my eyes widening when I see Jimin blush under the scrutiny.

"Well, I mean, yeah. A best friend that is super hot, and I wouldn't mind fucking, but that still counts, right?" he giggles cutely as I smack the back of his head, apologizing while the others groan.

"Jimin" Taehyung warns from the head of the table, causing my eyes to widen. I stop messing with Jimin to stare over at Taehyung in shock, not sure why he is acting this way. His eyes are hard as he glares at Jimin's arm that is resting on the back of my chair, He glares at it so hard that Jimin grows uncomfortable and shifts in his spot, yet he doesn't move away from me.

"What Tae?" he asks in teasing voice, meeting Taehyung's glare head on when it is turned onto him. "She's not yours, so I can do whatever I want."

I watch as Taehyung suddenly stands up from his chair before storming out of the room, all of our eyes following him as he goes. What is his problem? First he tortures me for information because he doesn't trust me, then we sleep together, and then he pretty much calls me a slut to my face. Why would he get upset over Jimin being this close to me?

"I'll go talk to him" Yoongi says with a sigh, dragging himself out of the chair and stretching his arms over his head. He walks slowly out of the room in the direction that Taehyung went, the door staying open behind him. I clear my throat and look around awkwardly, suddenly not wanting to be around anyone right now.

"I think I'm going to go to sleep" I say softly before standing up and leaving the room as well, waving at everyone before I leave. My feet are bare as I walk down the long hallway and towards my room, passing by the beautiful paintings on the wall that I have grown accustomed to.

There is a slight draft in the hallway, the chill causing goosebumps to form on my arms. I shiver to myself as I pull my thin cardigan closer to my body, speeding up my pace so that I can get to my room and bury myself in my warm bed covers. 

I stop though, voices echoing off the high ceiling and reaching my ears from around the corner. I don't want to eavesdrop like this, but I have to turn this corner in order to get to my room. I also don't want to see Taehyung right now, my ears tuning into the conversation he and Yoongi are having without my consent.

"-but is this really the way?"

My eyebrows crinkle in confusion, realizing that I missed a part of the conversation. I hear Taehyung sigh and a dull thump, it probably him leaning up against the wall.

"I know Yoongi, but it can't happen. It can never happen."

"What do you mean?" Yoongi asks, him voicing the question that I am thinking. Taheyung sighs again and I can picture him dragging his hand down his face as he tries to compose himself.

"My dad would never allow it" he says quietly, the sound of their feet shuffling reaching my ears. "And besides, its not like I've done much to let her know how I feel."

Her? He can't be talking about me, can he?

"What about what happened earlier?" Yoongi asks next, the sound of him walking around reaching my ears from my hiding spot. 

"I don't trust Jimin; I never really have. I know he's my best friend and all, but his Sin is difficult to overcome. What if something happens again?"

"He's changing, Tae" Yoongi says softly, him probably reaching out to place a hand on Taehyung's shoulder. I stand completely still as they have a whispered conversation, only able to hear what they are saying again when they raise their voices.

"I can't help but push her away though" Taehyung says with a groan, Yoongi clicking his tongue at the sentence.

"I get it, its hard to make yourself happy because of what happened last time. It also doesn't help that your Sin gets in the way as well. Just be patient, Tae. Things will work themselves out."

I hear him hum before their footsteps can be heard traveling farther down the hallway. I peak out from behind the corner, watching as Taehyung and Yoongi disappear around the corner on the other side, no doubt to go to their own rooms as well. I can't help but think about what they were talking about before, turning off my light and getting into bed after I take off my pants and cardigan, leaving me in just my white t-shirt. 

At first I thought he was talking about me, but that can't be right. Taehyung hates me, so who is he pushing away?

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