Jimin(smut warning)

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I am scared. No scratch that, I am terrified. What is going to happen to me now? We walk through the halls at a fast pace, our footsteps the only sound being made and able to be heard. The many pictures and paintings fly by us as we pass by, my eyes straying to glance behind me at a few of the more complex ones. They are absolutely beautiful, something you wouldn't expect in a place like this. The walls are painted a dark grey color, cracks and holes all through the plaster and cement. The paintings contrast the dark atmosphere greatly. They are the only source of beauty in the area, aside from the demon walking beside me at the moment.

Jimin seems to glow as I glance over at him. He truly is a thing of beauty. His hair flows off of his face as if pushed back by the wind, even though there isn't even a draft in the hallway. His seemingly ever present smirk is on his face as he looks forward and towards our destination, his eyes glinting dangerously in the light. He holds himself with such grace and confidence. I don't know what it is with demons, but they always seem to be overflowing with power. He frightens me, but also intrigues me to no end.

"We are here. Please remove your shoes before entering my room."

My eyebrows crinkle as I wonder why he could be asking me to do this. They hadn't had a problem with shoes in the house in general. Why would he care if I wore them in his room? I do as I am told anyway, not wanting to irk him or cause him to hurt me in any way. He holds the door open for me and I step inside, my eyes widening when I take a look. So this is why he doesn't allow shoes.

Almost everything is pure white. The walls, the ceiling, the chandelier, the door, the bed, the pillows. I take a closer look at the chandelier and almost gasp in awe at how magnificent it is. The thing is made out of a light metal that has a white color. The lights are pure white light that sparkles and shines throughout the whole room. His king size bed has crisp white sheets on it, the fluffy pillows probably stuffed with white feathers as well. The only thing that is not white are the rose pedals. They are sprinkled around in the middle of the bed, the vibrant red color drawing all of my attention almost immediately.

"Take a seat" Jimin whispers, his lips brushing against my ear. I jump slightly at his close distance, feeling the same thing I felt before the competition flowing over me. He is compelling me again, I can feel it. None the less, I do as he says. The bed dips under our combined weight, the mattress molding to the shape of our backsides. I look straight ahead as Jimin stares at the side of my face, a faint blush appearing on my cheeks because of his intense scrutiny. His fingers gently brush against my cheek as he moves my now short hair to the side and behind my ear.

"I like your hair this way" he whispers, leaning towards me. His other arm goes around my body to the other side of the bed, trapping me between his muscular arms. His breath fans my ear and neck as he speaks, his alluring voice raising the hairs on the back of my neck.

"It makes it so much easier to do this."

His lips touch my neck and I freeze. I can't move. It's like what he did earlier to compel me except much stronger. Maybe it works better if he is making contact with the person. Whatever it is, it's clouding my judgment. I find myself leaning into his touch. My body wants him; it craves his touch. My eyes clench shut as he bites down on my sensitive skin, the feeling sending a shock wave throughout my entire body. I know that I shouldn't like this, but I do. I love the feeling of his lips on my neck, the feeling of his hand massaging my thigh. He suddenly backs away from me to look into my eyes, a small whimper of protest leaving my lips without my permission.

"So you can be compelled. I just have to be touching you, is that right?"

It's like I am a slave to my own body. I can see and hear and feel everything, but I can't control my actions. I find myself reaching towards him and bringing his mouth closer to mine, watching as his eyes widen and his smirk slips off his face. His expression changes for the first time since he sat me down here. It changes from playful and coy to full of lust and desire. He wants me just as much as I seem to want him.

He leans forward, pushing me so that my back is pressed against the sheets behind me. The sent of roses fills my nose now that I am laying down, the red color seen from the corner of my eye. His lips are soft yet hard as they press hungrily against mine. They feel soft to the touch, yet the pressure that they are pressed against with mine is rough. He slips his tongue in and I surprise myself by allowing him access. I'm totally lost in the euphoric feeling he has running through me. I'm a slave to the lust he is compelling me with.

His hands trail all over my body as I tangle my fingers in his hair, taking off the little amount of clothes I still had on. His shirt and pants seem to vanish from his body, and before I know it, we are both without any clothes. He stares down at me with unmistakable lust in his eyes, his bottom lip caught between his teeth as his eyes rack my body. He slowly leans down and captures my lips in between his in a slow and sensual kiss as he enters me.

The feeling is almost too much for me to handle. I have had sex before, but I have never experienced something as amazing as this. Now I understand why people used to say that the girls should always stay far away from Jimin. They had gossiped about them never wanting to leave his side, and I don't blame that at all. This pleasure is mind boggling. I have never felt this good in my whole life. It's as if having sex before was a waste of time because it never escalated as much as it potentially could. With Jimin, I feel as if all of the pleasure I could possibly feel is coursing through me. As he moves in and out of me, I feel full and almost complete. The girls must have gotten addicted to this feeling of complete and utter pleasure.

He grunts above me as endless moans leave my mouth, my eyes clenched shut as tightly as they can be. He brings his mouth down to kiss my chest and my neck, his husky voice whispering naughty things in my ears. He sounds surprised when a particularly deep thrust causes both of our breaths to hitch, his moan of pleasure loud and sensual.

"W-why does it feel s-so fucking good?"

His question goes unanswered as I see stars, my back arching off of the bed almost involuntarily. My body spasms beneath his as I come undone, my intense orgasm jarring me. I am a breathless mess as he cums as well, collapsing on top of me. The feeling lasts way longer than it should, my body still twitching slightly as I try and get a hold of myself. It is still there when he turns me to the side so that his arms around around my waist, his lips peppering my shoulders and back with soft kisses. Each kiss leaves a spark of pleasure behind in its wake, making it much harder for me to come down from my high.

His breath hits the back to my neck, it's slow and even pattern making me know that he has fallen asleep. My eyes shut as if on their own and I feel my mind slipping into darkness. His head is pressed against my shoulder, his nose nuzzled into the crook of my neck. His body heat is the last thing I am aware of before sleep overtakes me, my head still spinning in dizzying circles.

What have I done?

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