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I peel my heavy eyelids apart as the sunlight streams in through the open curtains. The room had been completely dark when I had been left in it, but now I have the opportunity to look around at my surroundings. The walls and ceiling are a light blue color, the high arc in the ceiling making the room appear rather large. There is a door that is open to my left that I am able to see in to. The walls of the bathroom are a pail pink color, the pink tint almost not noticeable. I carefully step out of the bed I am in, walking over to a door on the other side of the bathroom. The cold tile floor makes my bare feet tingle, and I am suddenly wondering when they took my shoes off.

The door is a bright white, the wood spotless. It opens without a sound, my eyes opening when I see what is inside. It is a walk in closet with a seemingly endless selection of clothes inside of it. There is everything that a girl could ever want from fancy evening gowns and high heels to jeans and t-shirts. I look at all the clothes with wonder, trying to figure out how they knew what my size was. They got it down perfectly, even to my bra and underwear size. How did they know? I shudder at the thought of them knowing all this personal stuff about me, the air growing colder.

"Freaky huh?"

I gasp in surprise as I turn around in shock, my hair whipping my face in the process. I had been so caught up in my thoughts that I hadn't noticed a couple of things. The other side of the closet with the same clothes in a slightly smaller size. The second bed situated on the other side of the room. The young girl standing right in front of me.

She looks to be younger than me with chocolate brown eyes and a kind smile. Her lips are a light pink color, standing out against the pale tone of her skin. She is really skinny, her body willowy in a majestic sort of way. I wouldn't say that she was beautiful, but she was definitely more than average looking. She had an aura of natural beauty that made her seem mature despite her age. She is shorter than my 5'5 height, her eyes level with my nose. I admire the way her dark brown hair looks in the light from the sun, the soft looking locks of hair in loose spirals.

The only thing that is deterring her beauty are the black and blue bruises peppering her skin. I look closer at her youthful face and see the beginnings of a black eye on her left side. There are numerous bruises and cuts on her arms and legs as well, the distinct outline of a handprint surrounding her right wrist. The smile never leaves her face though. She continues to look at me with kindness as I struggle with what to say.

"H-hello. My name is (Y/N), who are you?"

Her head tilts to the side adorably as she walks closer to where I am standing. My eyes widen in surprise as she wraps her arms around my middle, hugging me.

"Hello (Y/N) unnie. I'm Choi Chanmi, but you can call me Chan."

I awkwardly pat her back until she releases me, not sure what to think of the younger girl.

"You should get changed soon, we are expected in the dining hall for breakfast."

I do as she says, walking into the bathroom with a change of clothes. Choi Chanmi huh? She seems nice enough I guess. I'm going to need at least one friend in this place in order to stay sane. I run a brush through my hair, watching as the curls become straight once more. It hangs down in a shiny sheet, ending in the middle of my back. I love the way the black stands frame my face, the fringe slightly concealing my unique eyes. I open the package laying on the counter, brushing my teeth with the blue toothbrush. I then wash my face, getting rid of the smudged makeup and dry tear marks left over from the hectic night before.

I slip the dress I decided to wear over my head, the soft fabric nice and cool against my burning skin. The dress is tight around the bust and waist, flaring out slightly at the bottom. It falls to just above my knees, the pleated skirt of it fun to play with. It is an off-white color with red and light pink roses on it. The green leaves give it just the right amount of contrast, the colors melding together like a pastel painting. I slip on some red flats before heading out, my eyes searching for Chanmi.

"Chanmi? Are you ready?"

"Ne unnie."

I look over at the door where Chanmi is waiting for me. She decided to put on a sweater dress that looks nice on her skinny form. It is a deep red color that makes her eyes pop, a white long sleeved shirt underneath. I wait for her as she buckles her black character shoes with a slight heel, reaching for the doorknob. We walk down the vast hallway with wide eyes, taking in all of the artwork and mirrors. It rotates, going from a picture to a large mirror and then back again. We have no idea where we are going, but it doesn't really matter. We will get there eventually. We turn left and are met with a large door with a lock on it. It isn't your everyday lock either. It looks heavy duty, as if they want nothing to get in or out of the said room. Curiosity gets the best of me as I place my hand on he door, feeling the cool metal against my palm.

"What are you doing here?"

We both turn around in shock, guilty looks on our faces. We aren't supposed to be here. I stare up at the handsome face of one of The Seven and take in his appearance. He is taller than me, but not by very much. His hair is plastered against his forehead, it messy and looking as if he just woke up himself. His eyes are hard and cold, as if I was staring into a glass mirror. I immediately look away with pink cheeks as he meets my inquisitive gaze, his eyes holding slight amusement at my obvious apprehensive staring.

"I-I'm sorry. We were just o-on our way to b-breakfast" I stutter out nervously, painfully aware of his eyes still on me. His low chuckle is enough to make me look up in confusion, seeing his back turned towards me as he walks away.

"Follow me then. We wouldn't want you getting in to any trouble, now would we?"

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