The end

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The wind blows through my hair and makes me smile to myself, my eyes closing as I enjoy the sounds and smell of nature around me.

I haven't been outside of The Seven's house in what seems like forever, it nice to see the real sky instead of the simulation in their backyard of sorts.

I smile as I hear Chan's exclamation, looking inside of the window of her little house from my hiding spot. It's been a few weeks since I practically threatened the guys into letting her go home, her smile genuine as her mother and father shower her with love and affection. The other girls got released too, but I haven't checked up on any of them, just wanting to make sure that the little girl that I see as a sister is happy and out of harms way.

I take one last glance before turning around, walking down the dirt road to my house. I can imaging my mother as she sits in a chair by the front door, probably counting down the seconds until I walk through. She has been super protective over what I do and where I go since I got back, her not wanting me out and about too late at night.

My footsteps are light as I walk with my hands clasped behind my back, my eyes looking around at all of the stars that are shining above me. I stop when I get to the end of my driveway though, a frown invading my features as I continue looking up.

I can't help but think about The Seven, wondering how they are doing. They had listened to me when I insisted on taking Chan home, going so far as to let all of the other girl's go home as well. I could tell that they had changed, no longer worried about the competition or about appeasing their parents. Taehyung is now the leader of the Sin's anyway, and I could tell that he was tired of living the way that they used to.

He had even let me go home

I miss them. I miss Jin and his vanity, his compact mirror either in his pocket or in his hand.

I miss Namjoon with his enormous appetite and clumsiness, his dimpled smile filling my mind every time I accidentally break something or something falls.

I miss Yoongi and his sarcasm, his eyes hooded wherever he goes due to being so tired all of the time.

I miss Hoseok and his gentle nature, a wide smile on his face wherever he goes, his personality lighting up the room.

I miss Jimin and his sly remarks, his adorable eye smile when he would cling to me like the little kid he is.

I miss Jungkook and his protectiveness over me, me always able to go to him whenever I need help or someone to rely on.

And I miss Taehyung. I miss him so much.

I didn't think that I would. After everything we have been through, the ups and the downs, I can't help but miss him. I hadn't wanted to fall for him at all, since he was horrid to me in the beginning, but I admit that he had grown on me.

The way his eyes light up when he smiles, his bubbling laugh when something funny happens. His scent drove me absolutely crazy, it always able to calm me down and make me feel secure. The way he used to look at me with so much adoration, his hand soft as it would play with my hair and stroke my cheek. The way he couldn't help but get jealous every time Jimin and Jungkook would mess around with me, his agitation obvious. I miss everything about him, and it's driving me insane.

I shake me head and smile at how pathetic I am, rubbing at my arms as I head towards my front door to get out of the cold. A sudden rustling sound makes me stop, my keen eyes searching through the thick foliage before stopping on a lone figure.

"Taehyung?" I call out in surprise, watching as he steps towards me with his hands in his pockets. "What are you doing here?"

"I-I" he stops, looking down as he scratches behind his ear, probably embarrassed that he was caught. "I just wanted to make sure that you were ok."

"Thanks" I whisper softly, feeling a lump form in my throat now that he is standing in front of me. I can't deal with all of the feelings and emotions clogging my throat, wanting nothing more than to hear what he has to say before going inside and wallowing in self-pity.

He continues staring at me and I can feel it as my cheeks burn with heat, them no doubt turning red under his gaze. My heart pounds in my chest when he doesn't say anything and I can't take it anymore, turning so that I can get out of this awkward situation.

"(Y/N), wait!"

I slowly turn back around, facing Taehyung as he walks closer to me. His hands rest on my shoulders as he lowers his forehead so that it is touching mine, my eyes closing at the warmth his touch fills me with.

"I want you to come back."

My eyes flash open to stare into his in shock, searching them to find some sort of lie in them. I bite my lip when I don't find any, conflicted thoughts swirling around in my mind as he opens his mouth to continue.

"I tried letting you leave, but it's hard. You make me happier than I have ever been before, and I can't stop thinking about you. I want to hold you in my arms and wake up to your smiling face every morning, but I can't if you're here. I know it's selfish, but I can't let you go. I...."

He pauses to swallow, closing his eyes as his hold on my shoulders gets tighter.

"I love you, (Y/N)."


I don't know what to say. Now that I know how he feels, what am I supposed to do? I want to be with him, but I don't want to leave my mom behind.

"I don't know, Tae-"

"Just go with him already" my mom's voice says from the doorway, making us jump apart. She is standing there with a small smile on her face as she leans against the doorway, her arms crossed in front of her chest.

"How long have you been there mom?" I ask with wide eyes, the question causing a smirk to form on her lips.

"Long enough. I know you want to go with him darling, so just do it. Don't worry about me, I can take care of myself."

"But mom" she holds her hand up and I stop talking, my heart picking up speed again when Taehyung's hand grabs onto mine. I look at our entertained fingers with a smile before looking back over at my mom, my eyebrows crinkled in concern. "Are you sure?"

"Just go!" She all but yells with a frustrated sigh, shaking her head at my reluctance. "You can always visit me."

I can't help but grin as she retreats back into the house, turning to face Taehyung as he smiles down at me. His free hand comes up and cups my cheek before he leans in, my eyes closing as his lips meet mine. I don't think I could ever get tired of kissing his lips, the warmth he gives me something that I have never felt with anyone else before.

"Taehyung?" I ask after we break apart, getting his attention. He hums as he tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear, the soft smile on his face making it easier to say what I believe has to be said.

"I love you too."

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