What is going on?

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One of them now?

That has been circling around in my head since Jimin and the others left me a few hours ago. They had thought that it would be better for me if I was left alone for a little while, closing the door behind them as to give me some privacy. I don't know what is going on with me right now. I am obviously not normal, but I am not sure why.

Did my mom know about this? All throughout my childhood she had never let me play with the other kids. I would sit inside by the window and watch them as they would run around and have fun. I could never join them though, my mom always making sure that I stayed inside and away from them. She had always told me that it was for my own safety, but now I'm not so sure anymore.

What if she knew this whole time? What if she wasnt really protecting me from all of the other children? What if she was really protecting them from me?

I am startled when the sensation of power comes over me again, the air around me fizzling as if I was drawing all of the energy out of the air and moving it towards me. I look down at my hands again, scared that they will turn that strange shade of purple once more. I don't want it to. I don't want to be different than who I thought I was.

I let out a breathe of relief when I see that my skin is the color it is supposed to be, although my hair did take on the purple and pink combination once more. I don't think I mind that though, It is rather pretty, the mixture of pinks and purples pleasing to the eye. The pinks range from the lightest of bubblegum pinks to the darkest of magentas, the purples ranging from the lightest of violets to the darkest of plum purples.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts. I'm locked in a room because I am some freak of nature and all I can seem to think about is my hair? I wish my situation was simpler. I wish that I wasn't a freak who can throw people away from her without even touching them. But I am. I am not human, and thinking that I am will only make me go insane.

"You still in there (Y/N)?"

I scoff and roll my eyes before grunting as an answer. Where else did this idiot expect for me to go? I can't exactly unlock a door from the inside without a key of some sort. I watch as the door opens slowly, revealing both Jimin and Taehyung. Jimin still looks as if he is in awe of my presence, his eyes wide as he takes in my hair once more. Taehyung looks indifferent, a frown on his handsome face. He regards me with little to no interest whatsoever, his arms crossed in front of his chest as I stand up to meet them.

"We still don't know exactly what you are" Jimin says, his eyes trailing up and down my body with interest. I look at him with a confused expression on my face, my eyebrows creased inquisitively.

"But I thought you said that I was one of you guys" I say quietly, still not sure what is going on right now. Jimin's look of pity is enough to have me questioning myself and all of the people around me. Why is he looking at me like that?

"I know that's what I said, but I am not one hundred percent sure yet. You have demonstrated powers that are even more advanced than some of ours are. We are not sure what you may be, only that you have some demon qualities."

My hopes sink along with my mood. So I really am a freak. I don't even fit in with the demons, which is ironic all in itself. Jimin smiles as if he is trying to cheer me up, his eyes seeming to vanish as he does so.

"We are still asking around though, don't worry. In the mean time, we will be leaving Taehyung here to keep a close eye on you."

My mouth is wide open as he leaves the room, Taehyung and I now the only one's in here. I tap my foot nervously as he continues to stare at me, my eyes flickering around the room. He makes me incredibly nervous seeing as the only other times I have been with him I have ended up getting hurt in some way.

"Sit down."

I raise an eyebrow despite myself, looking at him as he glares at me. I may be nervous, but that doesn't mean that I will let him push me around just because he doesn't like me. Even though I am already annoyed by his presence I decide to be polite, not wanting to piss him off or anything.

"Taehyung, I have been sitting for the past five hours. I would appreciate it if you would allow me to--"

I gasp as my body hits the floor, my hand reaching up to hold onto my right cheek. It throbs in pain as the stinging sensation intensifies, my eyes wide as I stare up at Taehyung incredulously. My eyes have a thin film of tears over them from the harshness and power behind the slap, my bottom lip trembling at the pain emanating from the impulse. I flinch as he crouches down so that he is right in front of my face, his eyes unforgiving and unsympathetic.

"You're my property now. Do as I say and you'll be fine. Disobey my orders and you'll be punished accordingly."

I can only sit there in pain and watch him as he leaves the room, closing and locking the door behind him once again.

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