Number 14

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I stared at the white crumpled notebook paper that was written in a messy manner and was ripped out without a single care.

"Who knew I'd actually need this?" I mumbled. At the very top of the paper it read 'DEKU'S BUCKET LIST!'

I smiled, I was about 10 when I had made this list. I reread the list over and over again.


1.Make a nun swear
2.Eat a whole tub of ice cream
3. Make the bestest friend ever!
4. Fall in love
5. Have my first kiss
6. Get someone to name a star after me
7. Start a food fight
8. Pull an all nighter
9. Shut up for a whole day
10. Make a significant change in someone's life
11. Receive a bouquet of flowers
12. Help complete another person's bucket list
13. Laugh till I can't breathe and I'm crying
14. Travel the World
15. Witness something beautiful
16. Learn to swim
17. Witness a Miracle

I frowned.
None of them had been scratched out. "Aren't I pathetic."

"You are." I jumped. I looked up to see Kacchan at the door.
"KACCHAN!" I yelled in surprise as I hid the already crumpled paper under my pillow.
'I can't let Kacchan see this!'

I quickly looked away, knowing he already saw right through me. I just hope he had mercy and would let it slide.

Unfortunately, there was something about Kacchan I forgot to mention.

Kacchan is merciless.

"What are you hiding, Deku?" I quickly shook my head, keeping my gaze away from Kacchan.
"Nothing, Kacchan." When I looked up, he began to slowly walk to me. A smirk crept up his face.

"You sure, Deku?" His voice became dark. I slowly nodded. My face became hot.
"Y-yes." I meekly answered.
He sighed and shook his head.
"Why must you make things so hard, Deku?"
In one swift movement, he pinned me and took my bucket list that was under my pillow.
My face grew red as he loomed above me as he read.
Once he was done he got off me and walked out of my room.

A minute later the door swung open, revealing Kacchan holding two tubs of ice cream and a pair of spoons.

"Shall we?" He looked anywhere but where I was. He only gave me a side glance. I smiled and nodded.

For the next 2 hours Kacchan and I each ate a whole tub of ice cream while watching a movie.

"DAMMIT BRAIN FREEZE!!!!!" Kacchan yelled scaring me half to death.
I nearly choked on my ice cream and gave a little snort. I then burst into a fit of laughter and giggles.
After a while I stopped to take a breath before I laughed some more.
"You're... so... stupid... Ka... chan..." I felt as tears formed in the corners of my eyes.

I noticed that Kacchan was now a deep shade of red. He tried to hide a smile, but failed miserably.
"I'm not stupid..." he mumbled.
It was the first time I had called him stupid, and he didn't do anything to me at all. It was, odd.
Once I was done laughing I looked back to the black screen. The movie had ended some time earlier and we were finishing up the last scoops of ice cream.

I quickly grabbed my bucket list and scratched off number 2 and 13.
Kacchan stared at me intently. "What are you doing there, Deku?"
I smiled as a response.
"Just checking some things off."

Who knew Kacchan might actually be the key to me being able to finish this bucket list? I just hope I could finish it before I kicked the bucket.

Kacchan stood up for no apparent reason. He headed to the door, his hand hovering above the knob.

"Where are you going, Kacchan?" He paused for a moment and grit his teeth.
"None of your business, you damn nerd." He then proceeded by opening the door and slamming it shut.


The blonde slammed the door shut. A certain number stuck in his head at the moment. Fourteen to be exact.

14.Travel the world

He quickly pulled out his phone, dialing his mother; a number he knew by heart.

"Hey mom? What would you do if I asked you for money to travel the world?"

The Best Year of my Life {Kastudeku}Where stories live. Discover now