Swoopily Dooplely Agg Look who got tagged

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I swear you guys always tag in pairs. Not that I'm complaining or anything.

GRAMMAR WARNING: there's none of it

I have gotten tagged not once, NOT THRICE, but two times! (Whoever gets this I love you, even if you don't)

Ok so first off I got tagged by sinnamonsenpai so I list five facts about myself

1. I kinda sorta got ocd when it comes to food. If I don't eat things a certain way or in a certain order it doesn't taste right. Basically (for the most part) I take things apart and eat them separately base on a certain order. I usually won't eat in front of strangers. I also refuse to eat yellow cheeses, mustard, and papayas. Don't know exactly what this is but oh well. Also I don't like using silverware and prefer plastic-wear. 

2. I love pickles.

3. I am a Pisces.

4. I laughed at almost every death in infinity war. (The memes were just too much)

5. I've been a choir nerd since sixth grade.

[now for the second one]

I was tagged by the lovely daywut

I was tagged by the lovely daywut

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1. I eat bell peppers and tomatoes like apples.

2. Current favorite song is Caught in the Middle by Paramore.

3. I'm double jointed on my fingers (I can bend them back past 90 degrees, which puts my at a bittersweet disadvantage when I'm blocking for volleyball)

4. I really love pickles.

5. https://youtu.be/xQWSzUH3O4s video I can watch for days.

6. https://youtu.be/9VH8lvZ-Z1g knows every word in this video.

7. Middle child. Nuff said.

8. Things I'm always thinking about. The number 7, pizza, applesauce, wondering whether or not people also narrate themselves and all the things going on around them, mr. blue sky, and bohemian rhapsody (those songs are forever stuck in my head).

9. I can't say variety or prokaryotic correctly on the first try for the life of me.

10. I don't like being told what to do multiple times in a short amount of time. I see it as an insult and that you are looking down on me.

Joke time hehe

What does a house wear?


Now the spoiler...


There's a fork in the story.


That's a good spoiler.

Totally not some type of elaborate complicated date planing in the next chapter where they do regular things and eat with forks.

Totally not a loophole.

Yeah sorry I just really don't like giving spoilers but oh well.

It says tag 15 people for the first one but nah that's too much. BONUS: I'm lazy and a procrastinator. Do either or both


P.S. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 100k reads!!! This next chapters gonna be a special one and I didn't update last month due to how long it is. (It's currently 4x my usual average and I'm still not quite done so I'm just gonna finish editing split it into two parts and then have it up and ready hopefully by tomorrow)

Thank you so much each and every one of you (even the ghost readers)! You guys are the absolute best and I wouldn't trade my readers for the world. I love you all. Once again I can't thank you enough for this. I bid you farewell and goodnight!

- Jinx

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