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"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in your hospital room. Why aren't you there?  What if you get hurt?"

Izuku cowered beneath the somewhat angry Kastuki. "I'm sorry," Izuku apologized, reverting his gaze from the blonde.

It was at times like this that he wondered why Katsuki was his friend. In Izuku's eyes, he was a coward, he was a sore thumb. He was pathetic; useless.

For a moment, Katsuki's expression softened. He immediately looked away. His face was now dusted with pink.

Stupid Deku. Why do you do this to me? Make me worry.

"I just wanted to hang out... You haven't been visiting lately..." Izuku mumbled while looking down to Katsuki's feet.

He clenched the bed sheets beneath him with frustration. In his mind, he was just a burden that somehow made his way onto Katsuki's shoulders. He was just a lost cause after all. In a year he'd be gone and soon be long forgotten by Katsuki after a visit or two to his grave.

Why'd he even bother to visit Katsuki in the first place?

Why'd I even sneak out of the hospital anyway? Just to be scolded at by Kacchan? I don't need to be scolded twice.

"I have my reasons for not visiting..." Kastuki simply replied with crossed arms.

The small boy soon stood up. Concern, anger, curiosity, and complete distrust were all mixed up into this one boy's expression. "And what would those reasons be?" His eyes narrowed to daggers.

Izuku was now completely out of character. Katsuki took a step back in shock. His once aggressive demeanor was replaced with uneasiness.
The once caring, happy, optimistic, ball of sunshine seemed to be fading.

"Do you even care? Do you know how hard it was to sneak out? Do you know how many privileges I'm probably gonna lose when I go back? Do you know how much I miss you?"

"I really don't know or care and at the moment."
It was times like this that Katsuki wished his mouth didn't have a mind of it's own.

His uneasiness then became full on fear and regret.
Katsuki had just pulled the last straw.

He pulled out a folded crumpled paper from his back pocket. Katsuki already knew what it was without even looking at the contents of the paper. Izuku's eyes watered.

"You promised me..."
He crumpled the paper in a ball and threw it at him.
Katsuki showed no intentions of dodging it, nor did he want to. He felt that he deserved everything that was about to come his way.

"It's been two weeks since I last saw you! I miss you Katsuki! I sneak out just to see you and what do I get in return? You telling me to go back? News flash, but I don't really want to spend an entire year stuck in a stupid boring room till I die a pathetic and pitiful death!" Bye now tears were welling out of his eyes.

"Is it wrong that I wanna hang out with you? Do you not want me around anymore? Did it finally dawn on you that I'm the most pathetic person alive on Earth? Or did you just pity me and hang out with me so that when I died you'd be guilt free?" He clenched his fists as he vented out his frustrations.

"I-" Kastuki couldn't answer. He truly cared for Izuku very deeply, but he couldn't say the reason why he wasn't visiting his poor Izuku in the hospital.
If he did, he'd spoil it.

The Best Year of my Life {Kastudeku}Where stories live. Discover now