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"He's taken you know. Nothing comes good out of unrequited love. I know you've seen how they looked at one another." Aizawa mumbled slowly as his mouth peeped out of the opening of his sleeping bag.

"I know I know." He retorted sharply. Realizing what he'd had done, the servant ran his fingers through his hair and blushed. Doesn't change the simple fact that I've got a crush and kinda wish that they weren't such a perfect couple. The raven sighed at the rather snarky remark. "Sorry Aizawa-san, I'm just very troubled, but never mind that...Have you told him about Toshinori?"

"I don't think it's my right to say so. How 'bout you tell them."

Todoroki rolled his eyes. "You just don't wanna get up go to the and answer just about every question that flies at you." By then, Aizawa was lost in his big ol' twinkie cocoon once agin. Todoroki smiled. "Thanks for the talk Aizawa-san. I really needed that."

"Don't mention it kid. Good night."

"It's noon."

"Shut up."


"Teeenyaa." Uraraka smiled sweetly with a grin. He didn't need to be there to know that she had that adorable cheeky grin on her face.

What could she possibly want this time?

"Yes, love?"

"Who's my favorite husband?"

"You mean your only husband." The doctor's postured slumped into the office chair and his muscles seemed to finally relax upon hearing her cheery voice. "Correct, my only husband." She laughed, sending Tenya to complete and utter peace. His mind seemed forget its worries; to forget that she wanted something..

"I heard you have two new patients."

"Yeah how'd you-"

"I wanna work with you."

And there it was...

The phrase made  her husband's eyes widen, almost to the point where they bulged out. He looked just as bad as the time when she told the poor man they were having twins. It took him a few seconds to compose himself. He cleared his throat.

"You know I'm a private doctor. My patient won't know you-"

"But what if I do know him?"

"Ochako, you know I don't like us working together. It goes against and could possibly cloud my my ethics. You understand righ-"

"Izuku Midoriya, the first boy to be diagnosed with a terminally ill disease such as this one. He's currently taking experimental medicine. I'm also technically the first person to give said medicine. I know who he is...he was my patient before yours and I'm not letting him go without a fight. So I say it again...I'm going to work with you." Her voice came to a soft whisper yet it never wavered. He knew his wife so well. This voice was to be feared. He could already picture her.

Her stone cold face, pursed lips...the only thing that revealed how she was truly feeling was her eyes. Those wide soft chestnut eyes...glazed over with tears and decorated with knotted eyebrows.

He hadn't even seen her yet but the floor that once supported the foot he had put down cracked under the pressure of loving somebody.

He sighed.

"When will you start?"

"Next week. I need some form of writing that says you have requested my assistance as your personal nurse. See you at the dinner table, love. Today's family night...the boys would be really happy if you actually got a chance to finish a game. You should come. I'm making your favorite~" she chimed sweetly.

"I will, I will. I just need to finish this paperwor-"

"If you say paperwork I'm gonna barf."

"Come on 30 more minuets."

"You better be here in 30 minuets. Our kids miss you... don't even get me started on little Yuki, that little girl is obsessed with you. come. I miss you too, you know." And with that she hung up. Her voice full of love, sorrow, and desperateness rung through his ears till it echoed throughout his mind. He really was a terrible husband wasn't he?

He gathered his things and headed to his new patients' room in a hurry.

Never had he given such a fast check up in his life. He proceeded to tell them to wait for the chef's snack and then they could do as they pleased. The coupled was left dumbfounded as he quickly made his leave.

He wasn't going to let his family down.



Katsuki blushed at just how adorable this boy was.

"Stop eating my strawberries dammit."

"Never." Izuku soon reached for a grape. "You're supposed to share with me, Kacchan~" Izuku was extra clingy. It seemed that he was scared Katsuki would  fall off the bed and hurt himself even more. He stared at the bandages wrapped around his head, he could still see a bit of blood seeping through.

"Don't you want to finish the tour?" Katsuki asked in an attempt to distract the other male. He let Izuku eat the rest of his food.

"Uaye dontf fink wii shoulg goo gat... quat eef goo det girt?"

"I won't. Besides...we both know you wanna see that half and half boy." Izuku hummed. "Not as much as I wanna see you smile. And don't call him that." Katsuki blushed.

"Shut up, nerd." He looked down to his thumping heart in an attempt to hide a smile. Why couldn't he be cool in front of this absolutely beautiful boy?


I'm surprised I managed to write this out at all. I know  it's rather short compared to what I usually write but I've been busy with school and what not. I promise all the good stuff will be coming out soon. Possibly next next chapter or so. Until then I hope you guys have a swell life.

P.S. throughout this entire chapter i've been humming that tony chestnut song. does anyone happen to know it? i honestly don't know how famous it is or was. that song was my childhood.


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