Opposites Attract

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I bursted into laughter, confusing the crying boy before me. "Idiot." I said hugging him tight and pushing him away slightly soon after. I pulled his treasured paper out of my right pocket. "You threw it at me during your tantrum, remember?" Deku wiped his tears with his sleeve and sniffed. He then nodded meekly, a blush creeping up his cheeks all the way to his ears. "Oops." He mumbled. "Sorry for worrying you, Kacchan." Again with the apologies.

"Stop apologizing, Deku. You can't blame yourself for everything, then people'll walk all over you. Like I did." He looked down to his feet. "Sorry, Kacchan. Wait! I mean sorry...I-I uh... Sorry?" I gave him a warm smile. Dammit Deku, why must you be like this.


"Idiot, I swear."

He then pulled me into a surprise hug. His tears now wetting my shoulder. "Thank you, Kacchan. Thank you for everything." He said in between sobs.

Why does it hurt so much to see him cry?

"For what?" I asked. He pulled back wiping away his tears before blinding me with a true, breathtaking smile. "Thank you for staying. Thank you being here, with me. Thanks for being the 'bestest' friend ever." He scratched off number three and pulled me into another one of his hugs. I hated being near people, but it seemed Deku was always my exception. I was getting used to all his hugs. In all honesty, I liked hugging him, but I'd never admit it. Not to Deku, that is.

Soon enough, we sat back down on the couch, my knees tucked to my chest and Kacchan's arm around my smaller frame. He began channel surfing as I began to inch closer and closer to him with every press of the button. Luckily, Kacchan was so engrossed in the tv that he didn't seem to notice. That was until a trailer for the new All Might movie came out and he changed it without a second thought. "Aww~" I whined, receiving a nicer version of Kacchan's glare. "What?" He questioned, a blush creeping throughout his entire face. I ignored this and grabbed the remote from his larger hand. I flipped back the channel to where the trailer was playing. I intended to watch every single second. "Nerd." He mumbled. I giggled as response. "I believe the term is geek." I corrected before becoming engrossed in the trailer once again. I got out of my fetal-like position and began to lean closer to the tv, resting my hands by my sides.

Upon habit, I named the villains and heroes that fought against or alongside my all time favorite superhero. This was to be the final movie of the ongoing movie series where All Might would finally pass on his power to his protégé. This series has been out since I was about 10 and I've watched every movie a minimum of 80 times, with the exception of the previous movie. My favorite character, aside from All Might, had died in the previous movie. His superhero name was Grenade, his quirk was the ability to make explosions from the sweat that would form on his hands. He died protecting All Might's protégé, who happened to also be his childhood friend. Before he died, All Might's protégé, Izō, held him in his arms, comforting him until the very end. Kazuto, Grenade's real name, died peacefully in Izō's arms, making a joke about how useless Izō used to be. He also made Izō promise to become the best hero ever and defeat All for One, the main villain. Izō promised and Kazuto died smiling, the hand that was holding Izō's let go and dropped to the ground, leaving a crying Izō and a blacking screen to show the credits. Kazuto was stubborn, blunt, and aggressive, but despite these flaws, somehow, he made a special place in my heart. He also seemed to have an extremely similar appearance to Kacchan, so whenever I saw his death scene, I'd burst into tears.

I was so excited I had been waiting for this my entire life. The thirty seconds soon ended, leaving me with both disappointment and excitement. It was coming out the day after tomorrow. I sat there for a good ten seconds, letting it all soak in.

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