Oh where did I go wrong?
It's been less than 24 hours yet i somehow managed to fuck things up.
And here I thought I could finally be happy.
With him..
Izuku fidgeted nervously in the passenger seat and whenever I would so much as glance over to Deku he would simply urge me to drive faster. The sclera of his eyes were beginning to redden from just how much he tried to hold tears his back.
Something was terribly wrong. Did it have to do with what he said in English earlier? What was it again?
I love you Kacchan?
I loathe you Kacchan?Loan?
Lope?Sometimes I really wished I didn't fail English class and chose to never take it as a first year.
My gaze never met his. I thought I'd only make him angrier. He'd really hate me then. I began to zone out, my eyes focused on the white and yellow lines, thinking about what I could've possibly done. I was so lost in thought I nearly hit a puppy and would've if it wasn't for the frightened yells of the precious boy in the passenger seat. I slammed the breaks as Deku jerked forward, seatbelt digging into his skin. I earned a screech from the car and a small helpless yelp from my boyf--I mean...soon to be ex. I couldn't help but notice the red mark beginning to form at the tender part of his neck. His hands instinctively tugged at the seatbelt in both fear and slight pain. "Deku are you alr-"
I watched as tugged at the seat belt in discomfort, a red mark appearing on the tender part of his neck. He shifted in his seat, grinding his teeth before letting out a cold hard, "Who cares? Keep going."
Oh, now I've gone and done it.
He definetly hates me now.
I did as I was told. I didn't give a snarky remark as usual. I couldn't. Not to De--Izuku. My grip on the wheel tightened as I pressed the gas lightly.
The moment I parked the car Izuku got out immediatly. I merely trailed behind him as he raced into the hospital, zooming past the receptionist and straight to the stairs.
I follwed him up the two flight of stairs before his hands collapsed to his knees at the top. Once finally catching up with the now tired Izuku I reached out my hand for him, my hand grazing his shoulder. "Izuku are you --"
Just as I was about to hold his hand he pulled back.
He ran away from me and towards his room.
Why must it hurt so much?
I punched the wall in fustration, the pain in my chest still rather prominent. I wiped away my tears away before continuing to trail behind. When I finally caught up with him and he was in my line of vision I saw him stop just before our room. That wasn't right.
"Izuku that's not your--"
His gaze finally met mine. A broken smile plastered across his tear stained face. "I know. Th-There's someone I'd like you to meet, Kacchan."
"Midoriya my...boy!" He called out weakly between coughs. Deku kneeled beside the man, grabbing his cold shaking hand with his own.
"Hello Yagi-san." The smaller boy replied back gently. I simply stared at my shoes until I heard his weak voice directed to me. He smiled weakly. "Ah! So you're the famous 'Kacchan' I've heard oh so much about. Those ruby eyes, that ash blonde hair, no doubt about it. That's you." I nodded softly. Why did I feel so nervous all of sudden...so dizzy?
"It's Katsuki Bakugou, sir."
"Well it's nice to finally meet you." He answered weakly with another weak smile to match. I noticed the blush forming on Izuku's cheeks and the two of us began to chuckle lightly. Izuku of course blushed only more and punched the side of my thigh lightly.
"Kacchan~" he whined lightly.
I kissed the top of his head lightly before kneeling bedside him.
"Midoriya, you made my last few weeks here amazing and I hope Kacchan will be able to do the same. This isn't your fault. You were the son I never had. Now say goodbye to me before I leave and you regret things." Izuku wiped away his tears, he was too sad...to scared to even speak. I moved closer to him, wrapping my arm around his quivering frame. "You can do this." I encouraged softly.
Talk about out of character.
His head slowly collapsed onto the frail hand he held oh so dearly onto, his elbows holding himself up on the hospital bed. "Don't leave Toshinori. Please... You're...like...my father, Yagi-san...I love you." He hiccuped after just about every word before breaking into a sob. "You can't leave..." he whimpered out. I couldn't help but bury my face into his shoulder, tears welled in my eyes after seeing how hurt my newfound boyfriend was.
"Just...don't mourn me too much. Live the rest of your life while you can. Don't forget about the people who are still here." His blue eyes glanced over at me. I could practically feel the naturally harsh looking blue eyes that pierced into my very soul. Even when dying he looked terrifying. I merely adverted his gaze, a blush creeping up my cheeks.
"I'm ruining the moment aren't I?" My eyebrows knotted in frustration. I never seemed to do a thing right. Why must I always fuck up? "Kacchan you haven't done anything wrong to me. I still like you very much and nothing will ever change that." His free hand held mine tightly before his head rested on my shoulder.
"May I speak to Katsuki for a moment, alone?"
Izuku's eyes widened slightly before he got up and nodded.
"Yeah I'll be in my room...if you need me." Before getting up he gave a small peck. He ran towards the door with a cute blush on his cheeks.
"As you can tell, I'm not gonna be here much longer. Aside from his mother and that nurse, you're all he's got. Promise me you'll be there for Izuku no matter what. I don't want him to mourn me too much. And I swear if you break his heart I will forever haunt you beyond the grave. Take care of h-" He began to cough uncontrollably, the blood staining his covers and clothes along with my now stained hands. I only seemed to watch, frozen in place, unable to click the button, to call for help.
"Goodbye...Katsuki...It was a pleasure to meet you."
Thank you.

The Best Year of my Life {Kastudeku}
FanficHe clenched his fists. Red eyes becoming glazed. "Why'd it have to be you of all people." He growled. "Not you, Deku." His voice cracked slightly. I quickly looked down. I didn't want to see his expression. It'd probably hurt me too much. "Ple...