Q&A Time! Mommy Issues!

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Greetings and Salutations! Welcome one and all to the BYOML Q&A! Starring Izuku Midoriya, his lovely boyfriend Katsuki Bakugou, Uraraka Ochako his nurse, and the mother-in-law (who tampered with the flash cards to change her title) Mitsuki Bakugou!

Lettuce do this!


Hey, Izuku! Real serious question. What do you really think about Katsuki?!

Kacchan is a ticking time bomb with a heart of gold. Before we started dating there were many times that I would wish to be more than just acquaintances/friends. I just always seemed to fall for all the small things. When people saw his anger, I saw passion. When others saw his stubbornness, I saw determination. When they saw harsh, I saw a sort of thoughtfulness. Kac-tsuki has always meant so much to me, and now more than ever I won't last without him by my side.

How many numbers are left on the bucket list?

12! Oh I just hope I can finish them before...you know.

What do you love about your Kacchan?

Woah, l-love's such a strong word don't you think? What I admire about Kacchan is just the fact that he always had this undying confidence that made just about anyone believe they could do anything...including me. He gave me the confidence to be able to say "I want to be with you." What more could I ask for from that Tsudere of a boyfriend?

Izuku, what is your favorite thing that Bakugou does?

He tries his hardest not to swear anymore and it's so adorable seeing him struggle not to. He gets all red and then swears at me for laughing before trying his best to get out of the endless loop of swear words, corrections, and apologizes. The fact that he tries so hard to better himself makes my heart flutter.

How are you planning on making that nun swear?

I honestly don't know. I was a kid when I wrote this list...I'll do it. Somehow. Besides I got Kacchan. His swearing is very contagious.

How emo do you consider yourself?


Opinions on Kacchan's abs and arms.

Mitsuki: Can't wait to hear this one.

Well um...th-there actuallyprettynicea-and...you know?

You're doing great sweetie.

Thank you?

What's your favorite thing thing to do with Bakugou?

Watch movies. Any type.


Are you gonna bring Izuku on a date again?

I-I don't know?!

Mitsuki: Soon my children...

Ma I swear wait your turn!

Mitsuki: Just answer the darn question!

When do you fall in love with your Deku?

Who says I haven't already?

Will you and Izuku ever do "it" before the time comes for Izuku?

Do what?

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