Q and A # 2 Kacchan the Salty!

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For Izuku; i love you so much baby!!! but, are you sad that you're year is gonna end? do you think there's a cure? do you wanna stay with katsuki- wait of course you do, and I don't know if there's a cure but, hey, maybe. (sorry kinda lost their😅)

Aww thank you! Yes I am sad, but hey, it's gonna happen sooner or later am I right. I just hope leaving Kacchan isn't too much. This disease, it's centered at two things, my heart and my stomach. At one point they thought it was my immune system. Since that's been cleared up I can finally go out more with Kacchan. They still do say to be careful though. They don't how my body would react to me constricting an illness. I know we don't talk about my condition much but I wanna be happy for as long as I can...don't tell Kacchan but...I feel like something wonderful is going to happen. Also of course I wanna be with Kacchan!! Just him being in the same room is so...he makes me really happy.

What do you think about thousands of girls doing fanart about you and Bakugou?

Deku: Wait. WE HAVE FANART? First a story now this!? Kacchan Kacchan we have fanart! Aw kacchan the lines and color look just like you! They capture your uh...ESSENCE perfectly! Kacchan we have kids! Look at our babies!! Look at them!

Kacchan: Thank guys, my non self aware boyfriend has melted from overexposure to the damn fandom...The kids thing sounds nice though.

Would U have kids? Also U are the most precious child and U deserve best I luv U senpai-

Kacchan: Since you guys basically broke my boyfriend I will answer this...I want a child and it's obvious now due to the internet that he really wants one too. Yes, he is precious child, now back off he's mine.

Hi Izuku!!!!!
Ok so if you were to have kids with Bakuboi what would their names be?

Kacchan: yeah no, you guys broke my fucking boyfriend again you happy ya little fuckers??!

Boys...Yuuto...Itsuki...girls...take it away Kacchan...

Kacchan: Girls, Hana and Kana.

Heh...Kacchan rhymed...you're such a good namer person. Muah! *kiss on the cheek because he completely missed the lips*

Kacchan: SEE WHAT IM TALIKG ABOUT!! But this one's on you guys, ya fuckers!

What is your favorite thing about Katsuki? And what's you favorite way of teasing him?

That he so bold. He never gives up. It's rather admirable and the main reason my crush had formed. Even if he was the best. Now teasing...he really freaks out when I take initiative. Especially his hands, when I hold them without a reason, rubbing the back of his hand ten times before kissing them, he is a perfectionist. Also when I kiss near his face just before his ear, I think he like that, especially when I hold his hand."

you're so smolllll I luv you! Also why do you love katsuki?

Aww why thank you! I think? Kacchan what does small with an o and five l's mean? Now the love thing. I love Kastuki with all my soul, heart, mind, and being. Someone once told me that when you love somebody...you can't explain it, you just...love! I love Kacchan because he is Kacchan. I could never love anyone else in the way that I love him.

What's the most annoying habit of Katsuki?

He's always putting himself down! Lighten up, dude! All is forgiven and I love you bucket loads!! Oh- did he hear that? The L-O-V-E stuff? ...Oh thank goodness! He can't find out, not like this!

Can u put into words ur feelings for Katsuki

I really really can't...but don't worry, I'll try my best. I obviously love him. He's just so wonderful, a critical hit to the heart for sure. He makes me feel beyond happy what's the word...hmm...wow I really can't put this into words. Um...Kacchan makes me feel like I'm the most important thing in the world. He makes me feel so many things at once, even sadness because soon enough I won't be their to comfort him when I... yeah...I really do love him so.

The Best Year of my Life {Kastudeku}Where stories live. Discover now