Where There's A Will There's A Way ~ part I

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"Kacchan, there's a scary man in a suit here and he's in my room and I don't wanna go in I'm scared Kacchan...I can't find Uraraka and-"

"Hey, calm down Izuku. I'm already on my way give me a few ok? I'll stay on the phone with you too." He spoke in a slow yet assertive manner that always seemed to soothe Izuku. He nodded slowly before responding shakily.

"O-ok Kacchan."

The smaller male peeked through a crack in the door, watching a man with raven locks and a suitcase who sat rather impatiently. The visible rings under his eyes made him look like a madman. His black holes for eyes definitely scared him the most. He wanted nothing more than to run into the arms of either blonde. Out of instinct he reached for the neighboring door, only to realize it was locked.

The room was vacant.

He looked away

blinking back the tears.

What he'd give just to see the blonde once again.

He stood there for nearly ten minutes in silence, not a single person came to his aid.

He didn't respond to the on the other side of the line.

Senses dulled as all his attention was all on the aluminum doorknob.

"Izuku..." Katsuki called out breathlessly. It was obvious that he had ran all the way from school to Izuku, for it had just ended ten minutes ago. His collar stuck closely to his neck. He slowed his breathing as he let his orange backpack fall to the ground, hands collapsing to his tired knees.

"You're alright, right? You weren't responding on the pho-" As he rambled and worried, (a total Deku move) his eyes landed on the hand clutching tightly to a door handle of a room that wasn't his.

Izuku let go of the handle. Instead, running into the blonde's arms. Tears brimmed his emerald eyes as he nuzzled closer to his chest. The blonde sighed before ending the nearly twelve minute call and running his hands through fluffy viridecent locks. "I doubt these idiots would let anyone dangerous into your hospital room, Nerd." Izuku merely brought himself closer.

"I know...but do we have to? I could just get another room or I can go for a walk like last time..."

"Like last time?" The blonde raised an eyebrow. Izuku couldn't help but gawk in awe at his beautiful face from below, even if only for a moment. "Are you telling me this has happened before?" Izuku's eyes widened ever slightly, his hand making its way to the back of his neck.

"Once or twice?"


"Ok ok... seven times! He comes by every day!" He bit his lip apologetically, eyes now glued to his red shoes. "This has been happening for a week?" Izuku nodded meekly.

"You were busy...I didn't wanna bother you." He said in what seemed like a whisperer to the blonde. Although it was true that Katsuki had been busy with part time jobs and midterms, he couldn't help but sigh. His boyfriend still chose to not confide in him. He didn't tell him until he was at his absolute breaking point. He hated it. "It bothers me when you don't tell me. Now come on let's end this once and for all."

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