Originally I had been tagged twice for two different things by both Yahababi and Animayluver . I totally forgot about this chapter and saw it just as I was making another I got tagged (yes I got tagged again and this time by SophiaRodriguez324 ) again.Favorite Song
I love too many to list. My current favorites are Last of the Real Ones (Fall Out Boy), Jet Pack Blues (Fall Out Boy), Ease My Mind (Skrillex) and I Wanna Hold Your Hand (The Beatles).Favorite Sport
Soccer!! My childhood sport! I absolutely love soccer. Tryouts are in November so let's see how I do! (My position is forward/striker) Edit: I made it to JV Dark and will be moving up to varsity once our district games start!Favorite Band
Fall Out Boy! Or maybe Twenty One Pilots...dammit.Favorite Show
Well that's kinda hard since I live under a rock with Patrick. I prefer movies in all honesty but I really like Teen Titans (THE ORIGINAL!!).
Favorite Movie
Probably between Who Framed Rodger Rabbit, Chicken Little, Tarzan, and just about any movie that has ever made me cry. (Which is almost all of them)
Favorite Color
Favorite Food
I absolutely love PB&J but I also really like French toast and fries!
Favorite Drink
I don't care what people say! ROOT BEER IS THE GREATEST THING EVER!!
Favorite Video Game
Any Five Night's at Freddy's game. (Especially FNAF 2)
[Ok now for the second one...]
Type of phone
iphone 7 plus (I want my jack back)Crush
Nobody. I'm a lonely little circle who third wheels and laughs at her own jokes.
March 10.
Best friend
CorvusInk She is the greatest and I would be a very boring innocent person if not for her. She gets me through hard times and I would never trade her for the world. I know she'll be reading this and all I have to say is "FrOOt loOpS¡"
Favorite Song
Stated above⬆️Biggest Fear
Being alone in the dark. Absolute silence.
Dark brown hair that looks black.
Favorite Sport
Stated above⬆️
[now for the third]
The Best Year of my Life {Kastudeku}
FanfictionHe clenched his fists. Red eyes becoming glazed. "Why'd it have to be you of all people." He growled. "Not you, Deku." His voice cracked slightly. I quickly looked down. I didn't want to see his expression. It'd probably hurt me too much. "Ple...