Katsuki hung up the phone aggressively with both anger and anxiety. His mother watched with anger and concern as he pounded his fist on the counter top. Shaking all the contents that the countertop held up.
"I swear, Inko better not be refusing to let you see him. Friend or not, I will make her-"
"He's gone." Katsuki interrupted his mother who was beginning to rant and threaten. The anger deflated out of her like a balloon. Her eyes widened in shock, just like her son had done only moments ago.
"He left about two hours ago... He should be there already." Katsuki looked on the verge of crying once again.
It was as if Izuku knew exactly how to make him cry.
Stupid Izuku. Why'd I ever have to meet you?
Without a second thought— or his mother's consent– he ran out the door.
"KATS-" she was cut off by the front door slamming harshly.
"No running..." she mumbled harshly.Upon the door slamming, a shelf shook roughly. A picture frame that happened to be close to the edge fell, a slight crack breaking the silence.
She quickly picked up the frame. It held a picture of both her son and Izuku.
Katsuki smiled widely standing next to Izuku, hands interlocking. Unlike Katsuki's, Izuku's smile was weary and he gave off a timid demeanor. He held on tightly to Katsuki's hand.That was the day Izuku got lost in the forest by the park. If it wasn't for Katsuki, he'd probably still be there today. They were playing hide a seek. Izuku was missing for two hours. She remembered Katsuki was crying for the first hour and searching the next. Katsuki had lead the search. They found him under an old tree, unharmed as he slept with no worries at all.
It was after that day that she noticed the relationship between the two... shifted. Katsuki was more aggressive, Izuku, more timid.
"I really hope he's ok."
If you looked close enough, you could see a crack that had formed over the the glass that had protected the precious photograph. The crack ran through the entire frame, making both Izuku and Katsuki's faces look deformed from certain angles.
She frowned, red eyes staring at the crack with both annoyance and hate.
"I guess I have to buy a new frame." She huffed disappointingly before setting the frame back in its rightful place on the dusty shelf. She looked at the shelf in disgust as specs of dust flew up from the shelf. "And apparently I have to dust more often."*•*•*•*•
Sorry for the short chapter... I'll update as soon as possible. I hope you like the story so far.

The Best Year of my Life {Kastudeku}
FanficHe clenched his fists. Red eyes becoming glazed. "Why'd it have to be you of all people." He growled. "Not you, Deku." His voice cracked slightly. I quickly looked down. I didn't want to see his expression. It'd probably hurt me too much. "Ple...