Will you...

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Get ready

And put something
nice on


Ok fine then be
like that

I'm sorry Kacchan

Just open the door


After receiving the text, knocking was heard. I jumped at the sudden noise, falling out of bed as a result. I groaned in pain, muttering a small "Ow."


The door burst open, a blonde running to my side, looking extremely scared. "Y-You ok? I-I didn't mean to scare you." Kacchan looked down on me with gentle ruby eyes, beginning to already semi cradle me in his arms. I giggled at the rare sight. The way Katsuki stuttered and acted so...so gentle made my heart flutter. It wasn't much, but coming from Kacchan, it meant the world to me. Only I could make him like this, it felt... nice. "You're so weird Kacchan." He sighed before picking me up in bridal style, setting me carefully on my bed.

He straightened his posture before quickly making his way to retrieve something by the entrance of the wide open door. He was now turned away from me, holding something close to his chest.

"L-Let's do this again, shall we?" He said rather softly. My eyes seemed to widen.

Where did the Kacchan I knew go?

Was he...nervous?

It seemed to have took me a while to answer. The way he was acting was mind boggling. I've never seen so much care and fear in those ruby eyes. Those, beautiful, ruby, eyes.

"...Y-Yeah." I finally managed to say. Scolding myself for being so quiet and stuttering. With that, he grabbed the doorknob and left. After a couple of seconds, three soft continuous knocks were heard. "Coming." I said rather softly. Opening the door I was greeted to nothing. As if to help me because of my lack of observation, Kacchan cleared his throat.

"Down here."

My gaze fell downward, a gasp escaping me soon after. "Kacchan..."

"Will...Will you go out with me?"


I was currently getting dressed, or attempting to, that is. Nothing seemed good enough. I once again scolded myself for making Kacchan wait for the last 20 minutes because of my indecisiveness.

Why must I be such an inconvenience?

A burden.

I looked at the pile of clothes I created and frowned.

Why did I buy this clothing if I didn't even look good in it?

I grunted and kicked the pile which scattered it everywhere. I pouted before collapsing on the bed.

I had a date with Kacchan and I have nothing to wear. Dammit.

My phone then rang, when I noticed it was Kacchan, I immediately answered. "Hello?"

The Best Year of my Life {Kastudeku}Where stories live. Discover now