Chapter 4

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Skylar pov

When Mr Redford was all packed up. We walked to his and my car he told me that he would follow me to my apartment. It was only a short drive as I never wanted to be far away from school. I parked up and got out. He followed. I walked up to my and Marie's apartment. I unlocked it to find a pile of cardboard boxes and a note.

Goodluck speak to you soon
Marie xxx

I smiled and forgot Mr Redford was here he was just stood looking at the apartment. I then looked up and picked the boxes. I walked to my bedroom then I opened up a box. 'Would you like some help?' 'Please that would be appreciated' he nodded and picked up a box ' Just start putting everything in boxes it doesn't matter as I will undo everything tonight'. He nodded and started doing good my clothes as I did my books and everything else. It didn't take us long to finish everything. We had 12 boxes. I couldn't believe what I had. We began to carry the boxes down the stairs and to our cars. I took what I could in my car then Mr Redford to the rest in his. Once we were done he told me to follow him. As we were driving I looked around and noticed it was the posh end of town. We pulled up to some big gates. Once we got through we pulled up to a big house probably x5 of my old apartment. It was two stories but still big. In front of the house parked a Fiat like mine but bigger. We pulled up and Mr Redford got out. I got out to then he said 'unpack your things first then move everything in your car into this' he said pointing to the new car 'this is your new car there are a set of car seats in the back and it just needs your stuff transferring'I nodded then we both grabbed some boxes and walked into the house. 'You have half an hour to unpack until you need to pick up the kids first let's go drop these boxes off then I will give you a tour'.

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