Chapter 29

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Skylar pov

Once we got back me and Chris carried Anabelle and Thomas to their rooms. I placed Thomas in his crib. I just stood there looking at him. He was so peaceful and so unaware of what had all just gone off. Before we took the kids they were checked over by some doctors at the scene as given the all clear thankfully. I was brought out of my thoughts by Chris coming behind me and wrapping his arms around me. I turned around and put my hands on his chest. He smiled and nodded out of the door. He took my hand and lead me down the stairs. We sat on the sofa. Well I did he came beside me and pushed me down. He brought himself so he was on top of me but he didn't squish me. He began to kiss my neck and up to my face. He had his hands on my sides as I had mine around his neck. I pulled him so I could kiss his lips. We kissed for a few moments then we broke apart breathing heavily. I looked up into his eyes and smiled. 'Remember what I said?' He nodded and replied 'but you never said about me kissing you' I smiled and he fell beside me. He wrapped his arms around me and I leant to his chest. I felt truly safe like nothing could affect us but I knew there was always going to be a me and him then her and the kids somewhere Inbetween. He drew circles on my back as we both laid there. We where both really relaxed until there was a knock at the door. I looked at Chris and he got up to get it. It was his brother. He came in and sat down. 'I'm out of hospital now and I didn't mean to come around so late but I wanted to see if the kids were up and congrats at getting them back' Chris nodded and I smiled. It was always good having Daniel around. Chris sat beside me and I leaned to him as he had his arms around me. All I remember was him and Daniel talking about stuff but I slowly drifted off to sleep as of the busy day. I woke up slightly again being carried I didn't open my eyes but I fell aleeep again as I felt my body being laid on the bed of my and Chris' room.

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