Chapter 13

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Skylar pov

I must of fallen asleep again because I woke up to find the sight from earlier. Chris was awake. He smiled and said 'good morning again. I'm guessing someone didn't get much sleep' I shook my head as Anabelle had kept me awake. He said 'come on we need to get up to get to the park for a decent time' I nodded getting up and I went to tell bathroom with some clothes whilst Chris made trips  with the kids. Once I was done I got the kids dressed. I walked down the stairs to find Chris putting the stroller in his car. I gave Thomas a bottle then I gave Anabelle some fruit and I had a breakfast bar. When he was done we went out and put the kids in the car seats. I got in the passenger seat whilst Chris got in the drivers side. 'I thought I would drive as you drove yesterday and I can fit the stroller easier in here with spare room. Also I thought we could go for a walk as I'm guessing you have never been at this side of town much' I shook my head. I looked out of the window as we headed to a park. When we got there I got out and set up the stroller I put Thomas in whilst Chris put Anabelle in. I began to walk and push the stroller but Chris said' I think you have done enough let me do it' so I walked beside him as we walked around a amazing park that had trees everywhere with all of the leaves coloured as it was autumn. It was a truly stunning walk. We only got some part around it when Anabelle said she was bored and cold so we headed back. I put the sleepy Thomas in the car whilst Chris tackled the stroller and Anabelle. I found it kinda amazing how he could manage it all and with his partner being away I couldn't do that really and I would get worried as they would be working away and that they wouldn't see me much that they would move on.

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