Chapter 36

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Skylar pov
I got up and walked over to Thomas. I lifted him up and carried him up the stairs then too his room. I went and laid down in my and Chris' room after. I laid on the bed on my phone. 'Sky ?' 'Yeah?' 'Oh you didn't come back down so I thought I would try and find you' 'Well I'm here' I said. He smiled and joined me. I laid there resting my head on his chest whilst I looked at baby furniture on my phone. 'That eager are we ' 'it's something that I have always wanted but I never thought that my life would be like this with you and the kids and being pregnant ' 'I never thought about my life being like this too but I wouldn't change it for the world ' he said kissing the top of my head. 'How about we watch a movie ?' 'Sure like what ?' 'Whatever you want?' 'How about the new Beauty and the Beast I would like to see that?' 'Sure' then Chris got up and turned the TV on. Once the movie was playing we both laid down and watched it laid beside each other with or arms intertwined. About 15 minutes into the movie Anabelle came in. 'Hey sleepy head' I said moving to the side of the bed to pick her up. She came over and sat beside me as we all watched the movie. Then when the next song came on she got up and began jumping around singing to it. Chris and I couldn't stop laughing but I joined in with her. Chris applauded us both as she sat down as the song finished. Then Thomas began to cry so Chris got up and fetched him. Chris carried Thomas like a superhero which Thomas couldn't stop smiling at as Chris then threw him onto the bed giggling. Thomas then laid on me as he turned to watch the film too as Chris went to make dinner. Anabelle calmed down and laid there the whole film. Thomas was awake but laid there and I couldn't move so I was stuck there. Then when the film was finished I got up with Thomas on my hip and I held Anabelle's hand as we walked down the stairs to enjoy a lovely meal that Chris prepared for us all. The kids had chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese whilst we had sausage and mash which was lovely. Then we all headed to bed.

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