Chapter 28

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Skylar pov

After Chris had got up he dished out our food then placed it on the table. I walked over to it and sat across from him. 'Can I take you on a date? Well once we have the kids back me and you ? ' I nodded and said 'I would love too but only once the kids are back. I love you ' 'I love you too. Can you ice skate?' I looked up from my food at him. ' I have never been actually' he just smiled. 'How about we do something with the kids when they get back then we can go on dates?' I suggested as it wasn't fair the kids being taken away and then when they get back we just go off again. He nodded then said ' I like the sound of that'. Just as he finished there was a knock at the door. I got up after placing my fork down and Chris followed. I opened the door. It was a police officer. 'Hello we have found them but the lady isn't giving them back up maybe one of you too can be of some help?' I nodded then I got my shoes and car keys whilst Chris grabbed his. I jumped in my car with Chris and we followed the police car. We got to some woods and police were everywhere. We stopped and got out to see her holding Thomas and Anabelle. They looked scared for their lives. 'Hey its all ok' Chris said walking to them and he took Anabelle which he pushed towards me. She came crying into my arms. 'I missed you' she said ' I missed you too babe'I said engulfing her in a hug. 'I want you to be my mommy not her' 'Hey I can never replace her but if you want me too then so be it okay? Me and daddy love each other very much and I'm sure he was the same once with mommy but if you want me to be mommy I don't mind' I looked at her and she smiled. I lead her to my car and put her in the car seat. She fell asleep so I headed back to get Thomas. Chris was trying to talk to her to get him off of her but she was crying and holding onto him making him cry. It broke my heart. It really did. Chris had finally got her to let him go and again he sent him too me. Thomas was different he was smiling and came walking to me saying mommy with his arms open. I began crying. I picked him up and planted a kiss on his cheek. I looked back up to Chris to see he had her arms around him crying. I put Thomas in the car with Anabelle and they fell asleep. I waked over to Chris who had now got her to let go and had her with the cops. 'Babe' he said as I walked closer. He hugged me and I said 'Anabelle asked me to be her mommy and Thomas called me mommy'  I said as he laid his arms around me and I laid my head on his chest. 'That reminds me would you like to be my children's step mother ?' 'I don't like the step mother but I will If you wouldn't mind and them' 'good. Have you ever thought about marriage ?' 'Why?' 'Just asking' 'Well to you yes' he nodded and pulled me to him tighter. 'Come on let's get back'.

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